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Easy chickens

By Skasi
Scans revealed chicken presence. Chase them away!

Players: 1
Map: Chicken_Farm_v02
Created:14 years ago
Played: 24758 times
Rated: 132 times
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14 years ago
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14 years ago
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14 years ago
5 errors deep in luaui ..
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14 years ago
The time between waves could be made greater.
+0 / -0
these chicken missions are really helpful for learning strategies
+0 / -0
14 years ago
i'm used to waves being announced..
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Hola soy nuevo tenganme paciensia
saludos a todo
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Kind of annoying they spawn out of nowhere..
+1 / -0
13 years ago
Chicken roosts spawn in places where you dont have los (line of sight). When next wave comes chickens spawn around the roost. The more roosts there are the more chickens will spawn. So they dont spawn somewhere with no reason.

By killing the roosts you not only get some metal from the eggs but you also make the chickens tech slower and they spawn less chickens. This means porcing (defence spam) is not a optimal tactic.

A good starting tactic is making shield bot lab and spam bandits. The bandits got good range for a raider and can easily kite the chickens. If you kill enough roosts they wont tech.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I made it 65% with just defense.....that ridge is killer, the long range chickens hide out of sight....gonna try shield bot spam!
+0 / -0
13 years ago
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13 years ago
You can prolly do this with just bandit spam :)
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13 years ago
crazy game
+0 / -0
nice game!
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I have tried something like 30 times now and have not won even once. I don't know how you guys do it, for me this is most definitely NOT an "easy" mission.
+1 / -0
13 years ago
-Make shieldbot factory
-Spam bandits
-Kill roosts
-Keep capping all mexes and connect them to the E grid. If you dont need more army keep making more energy.
-Dont forget reclaim
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Thanks for the advice, I am sure it's useful, except that I don't understand much of it. What are "spam bandits", "roosts", "capping all mexes", "connect them to the E grid", and I cannot forget to "reclaim" because I don't know how. And now that I am asking, I see only 8 missions in the Singleplayer screen. Is that all? Are there more missions hiding somwehere?
+1 / -0
13 years ago
Bandits are a unit in the shieldbot factory. Its a cheap raider with good range and it can kite the first chickens easily with almost zero losses.

The reason you have to kill roost is the following:
-The more roost you kill the slower chickens tech (tech = how fast new species of chickens appear)
-Roost drop metal eggs when killed which you can reclaim

Reclaiming can be done with any constructor (that includes caretakers, your com, athena and all constructors you can build in your factory). You can even tell it to reclaim in a area so you dont have to click 100 times for each egg. Just select a constructor and hover over a egg and notice your mouse changing.

Mexes = metal extractors. You build these on spots with much metal (when you try to build one notice how the map changes). You can overdrive them by connecting them to the energy grid. This way your excess energy will be used to overdrive your mexes pretty much turning energy to metal. Each energy structure has a energy grid (which you can see if you try to build them). Overlapping them will make them connect to each other. This is the reason you see more skilled players making so called wingen power lines to connect their mexes.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Thanks for your explanation, much is clear now. But no success yet... I have tried another dozen times and still no win. I can get to the flying queen now, but since I spend all my time building "bandits" and running around trying to kill "roosts" I have no time to build up defences. I am pooped out now, I am giving up and will not play Zero-K again. It is clear to me now that this game is still in development, it is very promising but needs many more levels, and perhaps a nice scenario. Perhaps I will come back and take another look in a year or so.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Well for queen you need aa :). Vandals (also in the shieldbot fac) will do if you spam them en masse (meaning in the hundreds). But better is to spam razor kisses. Space them out through or the queen will aoe them quickly. If you did your eco right it should be no problem at all.

I did suicide chickens and so did others. Easy is definately doable.
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