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An assistant AI for the ZK newbie

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i have been wondering this for a while, wouldn't it be more appropriate and beneficial to make a simple graphical assistant AI for noobs, instead of trying to force them to run the tutorials?
(basically an expert system)

considering the Sci-Fi feel of the game it does not even need to use words, generating ghosted structure outlines or highlighted paths with predicted win% between your and enemy groups of units would fit very well if it is not excessive, and made in an unobtrusive fasion.

when com/con selected : mark out optimal/sugested action like:

if(mex.IsUncaped && range(constructor, mex)) {
marker("build mex");}

else if(Energy.income < Metal.income) {
marker("build solar", sugested placment);}

else {
if(range(reclaimables, constructor)) {

if(GetToFront < 1000elmos) {

if a unit group is selected :

Weight = GetTotalWeight(UnitGroup);
MapEnemy = MapKnownEnemyWeight(2000elmos, 400elmo blocks, UnitGroup.GetLocation);
if(AttackSucsess(weight, MapEnemy)>50) {
DrawSugestedPath(weight, MapEnemy, MapTerain(UnitGroup.GetLocation));}
else {
marker("there is little chance of launching a sucsessful attack at this moment);}

it does not have to be optimal, but an ingame tutorial/assistant that can lead newbies to doing beneficial actions in "real" situations, rather then the contrived artificial environments of tutorials would be far more beneficial to them.

it would also give the game that little bit extra that is gameplay integrated tutorial systems

admittedly you would need to write a few simple functions to get the information for this assistant AI, but even giving a newbie the most rudimentary sugested actions
+1 / -0

Maybe we should make somethnig like this? It would be useful especially w/ different languages (coz true nabs dant spik inglish)
+4 / -0
for a large part i think you can use images much better then languages

a ghosted solar where it needs to go : self explanatory
red line from your selected unit group with direction arrow : self explanatory
flashing colour coded % sign with a box around an enemy unit group : self explanatory

there are a few things you will need to use words for, but by a large most people dont have time to read in an RTS game

its really hard to find a single example of this actualy being implemented anywhere...
+0 / -0
Yep, but it is much more difficult to implement. You must be sure that newb uses his units, but don't suicide them. And advices from clippy-buddy are more trustful that from some1 called like SfireBanMeDeadly1111
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Maybe we should make somethnig like this? It would be useful especially w/ different languages (coz true nabs dant spik inglish)

Clippy exists. It could survive an upgrade or a localization campaign, though.

Any worthwhile localization requires engine upgrade. Hopefully it's not long to wait.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
clippy uses words, and unfortunately ZK is not wordy ^.^

pictures translate much better then words, can't we have a widget that draws on the map for the desired effect?
+0 / -0
Actually most of stuff that Clippy notifies about should be redone in voice.

You must construct additional pylons.

Bonus points: kmar made some of those sounds and they are currently in ZK repo.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Actually, only a very basic set of sounds is present at the moment (or I need to visit options more often). Economy notifications are present, but they don't relly distinguish why your eco is bad (you might not have enough builders or not enough E to spend M, the message will still say you need more cons, thus confusing new players).
What is proposed here seems to be much more advanced though. If this is doable, then an even more advanced versions will not be far - autobot. Instead of proposing fixes for your terrible macro, it will fix it for you. The idea stays the same, but the trick is to make sure the suggestions won't kill you in the end.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Kill it with fire before it hatches.
+1 / -0
I have even better idea, make room big games. Where there is always at least 16 players, if there is less CAI are automagically added with human names so you never will feel lonely!

Also some BOT ai discusion could go on. I mean there is chating bots or something like that.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Nubtron tells you stuff and draws circles around units. Like when it says select your factory, it draws circles around it. But Nubtron is long out of date. See if it even works.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Cool idea overall. Fully support this as a replacement for tutorials once its implemented, though I think it will take much more work to get to that point.

I think assistance should focus on balance-breaking basic stuff and not try to teach being an above average player. There's something very satisfying about learning without having it handed to you on a platter.

I like the idea very subtle "nags" for assistance. For example excessing metal could flash/glow, show "excessing metal" small text nearby, and make some kind of liquid metal or soft creaking metal sound. Or just stuff like what you suggest Kyubey.

Subtle glowing/flashing is a great way to draw attention to stuff without being too annoying.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
When will this be released, GBrankKyubey? I want it!
+0 / -0
10 years ago
lol @sfiregrenka dat tank. I want it ingame :D
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I think that is warhammer 40k
+0 / -0
no idea... i have not looked very hard at the way LUA code interacts with spring engine, also i only really use java

if anyone else wants to take a crack at it feel free, it will take me about a week or two to figure out how to properly impement it myself
+0 / -0

10 years ago
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I think it a good idea. For example if there are idle non builder units near the newbies factory. The thing can tell him to use them and not have units iding.

Something like "send these idle units to the frontlines to support your brother in arms"
+0 / -0