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Hello folks. As I have been playing a bit I've noticed a few things that could be changed to increase the usability or capability to function of a few different zerok systems.

#1: Only admins can become "boss". People like a certain fireman and other nabs who just dont understand what it means can ruin the fun for everyone else by changing engines and removing the ability to vote for maps and other things. If someone makes themselves the boss of the 1v1 room and leaves, then people who come after can't do anything.

#2: When searching for replays, it doesnt give false positives for spectators. It really doesn't matter who watched a game. It makes it quite hard to sift through games you have played(or spectated) to find the replay. EDIT: Should be made an option instead of removed(@Shadowfury333 brought up a good point).

And because I dont know what other thread to fit this into-
Is there a way to change how line move sorts your units?
This usually doesnt matter too much, but when playing shield balls, you draw a line and all your felons are on one side and all your aspis on the other with a bunch of racketeers breaking the connection.
+3 / -2

10 years ago
I agree with #2, though having a search include spectators as a default-off option would be useful if you've just spectated a dozen or so games in a row and want to find them quickly.

As for line move, I think that generally tries to ensure every unit moves as little as possible to reach the line, but with a shieldball it would be close enough between them to cause the sorting issue you mention.
+3 / -0
>> People like a certain fireman and other nabs
All I did was
!boss [TROLL]sfireman
!setengine 91.0
!map tit du

97 is unplayable like for the half of the players.
And I completely disagree with AUrankAdminGoogleFrog's actions, he was coming many times during past weeks doing !setengine 97* abuse, testing what he wanted to see and leaving us with unworking engine and ruined room.
+0 / -0
Also, yesterday some *coward*(no balls huh?) set my rights to 0
I guess, because I made !votekick ice in a 2v1 game we started
he was spamming solars, morphing his com and doing nothing else
he completely ignored labels I put to make factory and help me.
Please note, my rights were the usual(1), so this just was a usual democracy vote. Yes I commit, I put my hand in kicking him but I sure this was necessary.

When someone put punishments the least he should do:
- clear description of punishment on user's home page with precise reasons
- expiration date
- the name of the punishing person

If someone plays and acts like a brick, team(yours/enemy/specs, who see the situation) should have an ability to do !votekick. Nothing punishable here, this is not an abuse, this is vote.
Single vote can be considered an abuse, especially when initiated by a player from the same team.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Now fireman, you can play robots with jimmy, but you have to play nice ok? next time why dont you help him build more solars?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
So this will be another thread which will turn into a discussion about sfireman's penalties?

Tho I agree that setting vote rights to 0 is a very crappy penalty currently, because it doesn't work like the other penalties. It leaves no log mark anywhere, has no duration, and is generally totally invisible.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
So this will be another thread which will turn into a discussion about sfireman's penalties?


And I completely disagree with GoogleFrog's actions, he was coming many times during past weeks doing !setengine 97* abuse, testing what he wanted to see and leaving us with unworking engine and ruined room.

It is inconvenient but it has to be done. Resetting the engine to 91 once the necessary tests have been done would be good.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
>he was coming many times during past weeks doing !setengine 97* abuse

seriously tho 97 is laggy as fu
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Actually the only thing that should be done about the !boss command is the ability to run !boss by any player and remove current boss of the room via vote.
That's all.
+1 / -0
People like a certain fireman and other nabs [TROLL]s
+2 / -0
I'd like to add that a way to specify specific date range on replays, for example so I can view the first games I played (lol whos that nab), would be great. Improved search on forum posts would be nice too (simple string search in thread title would be enough).
+0 / -0