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Invisible punishment?

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Yesterday someone(@Smaggy hi?) set my rights to 0.

I guess, because I made !votekick HKrankice2458 in a 2v1 game we were playing.
I had my reason to do this vote. This is was the single !votekick I initiated that game.
Replay: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/271312

He was spamming solars, morphing his com and doing nothing else, actually after he made 1 wind, 6 solars, 1 mex and morphed his com to lvl 1 he was completely idle. He did not make any factory. He completely ignored label I put next to him.

Please note, my rights were the usual(1), so this just was a usual democracy vote. Yes I commit, I put my hand in kicking him but I sure this was necessary.

If someone plays and acts like a brick, team(yours/enemy) should have an ability to do !votekick. Nothing punishable here, this is not an abuse, this is just a vote that has a reason.
Single vote can't be considered an abuse when initiated by a player from the same team.

So my rights are 0 now, I can do only !y and !n
No clear explanation why, no any expiration date. Good job whoever it was.

On the other hand, just to put a clear line on how admins behave, let's consider this replay: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/271337

ROrankDr0ppy was talking shit about DDOS, but it were actually jokes, so I put my part(my phrase with "cat"). Nothing really harmful here.

Then he started using f*ck/sh*t in each his phrase, behaving like a 5 year old kid. We were playing and he was a spectator.
Then he did !votekick [TROLL]sfireman && !y and vote passed(he did it as a spec).
I got kicked during the game I was playing by a spectator without any clear reason. So I went and did a report.
Guess what? He left unpunished and in the same day I got my rights set to 0.

The difference is clear
1. !votekick initiated by a player
yea !votekick was harsh in this particular case, but how else I could bring his attention to help us win?
2. !votekick initiated by a spectator with a clear abuse purpose

by the way HKrankice2458 still doesn't behave and listen his teammates: do not plop factory, making storages to steal team metal, morph com and do not use it.
consider this, for example:
Look at what he was busy all the game. Trolling?
He isn't newbie, he has played 300 games so far and is 30 lvl.

Looks kinda hilarious, isn't it?
+7 / -0
There are no reports on HKrankice2458's accounts.

You must have forgotten to report him.

On invisible punishments: yeah, that's bad.
+2 / -0
EErankAdminAnarchid I did not report HKrankice2458, unsure should I ever do this. He just wastes metal(on purpose?) and ignore everything :\
That was the reason I started this !votekick

But I did report ROrankDr0ppy and he escaped unpunished, so I assume he can continue, right?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Thank you for your submission towards account abuse. We will be taking a look into Smaggy reported actions. Please refrain from any unnecessary actions especially those taken to those with admin powers.

Thank you for understanding and we hope you enjoy your time here with us.
Princereaper, Community manager.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
How did Dr0ppy get off with verbal abuse and kicking a player as a spec for no reason? Consistency is important so people know where they stand.
+3 / -0
GBrankTheSponge he also was whining about how he escaped a punishment...
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Actually droppy was just bugging me the other minute to reset his vote rights because oh come on it was the community who did it, he wasn't at fault.

It seems he's got a 1 day of mute... which was also invisible.
+0 / -0
He had 1 day of mute earlier, week ago maybe, it was perfectly visible on his page.
And he got it because he was using a bad language.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I think the implementation of !votekick is stupid and I hate dealing with it. As such my response to it will be somewhat random.

By far the worst thing to do is leave it as is.

A much better alternative is to remove !votekick entirely. Someone might ruin a game but they'll get banned so it is not a permanent issue.

The best thing to do (slightly better than removal) would be to fix votekick. Make it so players who are actually playing the game are the only ones who can call and vote it. The threshold for passing should be #Players - 1.
+4 / -4
10 years ago
I thought the ability for specs to kick was removed months ago when specs were stopped from calling !exit. Did that get reverted?
+0 / -0
Removal of !votekick is a bad idea...
Though I support this:
>>The best thing to do (slightly better than removal) would be to fix votekick. Make it so players who are actually playing the game are the only ones who can call and vote it

>>The threshold for passing should be #Players - 1.
how then we will !votekick laggers in big team games?
It's almost impossible to get #Players - 1 vote !y
+4 / -0
I thought the ability for specs to kick was removed months ago when specs were stopped from calling !exit

Specs were never prevented from voting and calling !kick poll (or they were, for a very short time).
+1 / -0
Removing rights from spectators is plain stupid, but teaching them lesson for abusive behaviour why not.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I say nay.

A better idea is that only people playing the game can start a votekick.

Basically specs can't do !votekick but they can still vote ya or nay to the voting process.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
# players -1 is not a feasible solution for herding cats. # players on team -1 is better.

Thus entire team has to vote to remove you.

So many time someone is trolling and it's impossible to get enough votes for a kick, this then turns in to pause/unpause war. Complaints are filed. Teeth are gnashed.
+2 / -0
Having !votekick allows players to deal with minor problems that would otherwise require admins' limited time and take much longer to respond to. While adjusting it to make harder to abuse is fine (I am fine with how it is now), it would be a shame if it was removed. IMO its not perfect but it fixes waaaay more problems that it creates. The rarer problems like sfire's can be dealt with on a case by case basis because admins aren't wasting time on trivial stuff.
+2 / -0
Kinda OffTopic, but its related to kick too, so...

There is also some kind of a problem with smurfs. When ppl know that a player is a smurf and is going to troll/break balance/whatever they want to kick him from the host before a game starts. He gets votekicked and then he immediately rejoins. Room can be locked, but it prevents everyone except admins from joining. Chosing between disallowing or allowing everyone, including the smurf, to join is bad.

I think imprementing !kickban* which is well known from other hosts (I think Spadsium even has one) will fix it.

* - prevents a player from joining the room for 2 minutes.
+4 / -0

10 years ago
Maybe prevent player from rejoining until game finishes instead.

Specs should NOT be able to initiate or vote in a votekick unless they have admin rights imo
+2 / -0

10 years ago
Specs should have no voting rights at all considering they contribute nothing to the match in question
+4 / -0
Spec should have a say in kick vote [and only kick vote (and exit)] as they can see what the player in question do.

their power should be limited though like 1/2 of playing player.

vote count for 1/2?
+0 / -0
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