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Change experinced elo to 1500

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I believe that 1500 is a good start. 1600 filters to many players out. Words from niktu himself.
+3 / -5
Reasons why?

Th elo i see in games.
It around half and half.

2. Bye bye smurfs

3. The population will grow as more games are played without people raging at each other.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Some people might want to raise the elo requirement from 1600 to 1800. I've read complains about 1600 being too low.

Why do you think 1500 is a good limit? 1500 is an average player's elo.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
If it was 1500 elo it wouldn't be experienced only.
+5 / -0
1600 doesn't get used.

There not even that many players above 1800 who even have games in experienced. It doesn't get used.

I don't mind if they want to make "pro experienced 1800 elo" room. experienced doesn't mean that person is amazing at their role, they just experienced in what they do.

Don't even mind if the room is changed to "1500 elo above room"

There are some of us who would like to see a room where the average joe can play.
A 1500 room would at least get used everyday.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Isnt the all welcome room for average joe?
+4 / -0

10 years ago
Average experienced joe k
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Why don't we just make a room for princereaper only
+6 / -0

10 years ago
Look the point is this.

1500 elo room is a good number for a good size amount of people to be able to play comfortability without worrying about nubs,noobs,smurfs.

It be a nice average game with much less rage. I really don't see any negative reasons to not allow us the average joes a room where we can be at peace.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Note that 1600 elo is when you get a green veteran avatar. You know, the little green military-uniform-like icon. Currently that's the only way for me to see whether "Average experienced joe" can play in the room.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I really don't see any negative reasons to not allow us the average joes a room where we can be at peace

Because it is EXPERIENCED room? You are asking for an AVERAGE room, which already exists

Anyway if the playerbase was higher I would like to see the limit raised to 1800
+4 / -0

10 years ago
Dude are you ok in the head?

We asking for a room with a 1500 elo min requirement.
+0 / -5
10 years ago
princereaper why do you worry so much. Life is too short. Enjoy it.
+5 / -1
10 years ago
To be honest I doubt that 1500 is average players ELO at all. There is many newbs who play few games (lose) and stops playing then elo inflates.

For example look at me I cant micro, I suck at 1v1 I only know game mechanics, mostly do some nonsenses and com morphs and my elo is ~1900 most of the time and I think I shouldnt be able to play in experienced room coz I dont have skill.

Maybe zk has long learning curve thats why most of players play horribly, but compared to something like dota, where is exception upon exception on game rules... I dont know what to think.
+0 / -0
I feel you there bro. I troll and shit in big team games because I don't lose that much elo if i was playing a small teams game. I keep myself in the 1600's cause higher = nubstack. Play and win a few small games to manage your elo

Still it be nice to have a room where you can enjoy a decent game...
+0 / -0
For example look at me I cant micro, I suck at 1v1 I only know game mechanics, mostly do some nonsenses and com morphs and my elo is ~1900 most of the time and I think I shouldnt be able to play in experienced room coz I dont have skill.

Elo is not a measure of skill. You can't measure that. It's a measure of winning.

To be honest I doubt that 1500 is average players ELO at all. There is many newbs who play few games (lose) and stops playing then elo inflates.

This is correct, but it could go both ways. There are going to be players who may have above 1500 elo, quit the game and never play again, causing it to deflate.

It's possible there are more quitters of the below than of the above, but not enough to decide that the elo average is severely affected, unless we run some sort of analysis.

Edit: We could recalculate elo to only games from the past one or two years, to cut out early quitters. We could compare it to current elo to see if there is any large inflation or not.
+2 / -0

10 years ago
GBrankprincereaper I don't know how good you are in 1v1 but in team games you are better than me. (In most games) And I am 1700 if I play at my normal level. I allready see myselv as average gamer and I am able to join exp. players room.
So I don't really see your problem here. I mean you are >1600 too.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
It about that. The main reasons I listed a room where we can have the option to have a room where we don't need to worry about nubs/noobs/smurfs. Right now the teams room. Everyone is welcome.

The average experienced player should be able to play a decent game with people who at least have some knowledge of the game.

I see so many new people. I seen a lot of 1400 elo nubs. I also see a good amount of 1500+ nubs aswell. I don't see many 1600 people playing, the higher you go, the less you see.

1600 filters 2 many people out and just like someone said, we can't truly measure someones skill from ELO.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Semi-related request, can we have the experienced room also consider 1v1 ELO when determining whether a player can or cannot play in that room?
+6 / -1
1-Right now smurfs aren't an issue
2-If the limit is lowered some pros won't even bother playing in that room
3-let exist play in platinum ffs
+4 / -0
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