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From now on then, mute every1 who calls me failer, it offends me.

And now srsly, explainations plox. Why an I muted for 2 days?
+2 / -10

10 years ago
Is it nice to call people noobs while ordering them around? You have also taken to calling people turds. You have a significant history of being offensive at people so get little leeway.
+10 / -3
10 years ago
One of the first things that I learned during an ethics course is: "Ethics is not about majorities."
Saying "noob" would offend/harm 34% of the players, that is still too much.
+7 / -0

10 years ago
+0 / -0
You have also taken to calling people turds.

Screenshots or replays plox. I have NEVER called ANYONE a turd (except sfire, that doesnt count tho) It might be other [TROLL]s but it wasnt me.

Saying "noob" would offend/harm 34% of the players, that is still too much.

No1 has ever told me that he fell offended b/c I called him a ''nub''. Well, INrankHisaoNakai did, but Im not sure if I have played against him at all.

Still the majority decided than ''noob'' isnt offensive, and its the majority who chose, not the minority. If u want minority to chose, mute every1 who has ever called me a failer, I find it offensive. It works the same way BErankFlipstip . I am a minority who finds word ''failer'' offensive and thats it? Mute every1?

Also, what is the most relevant argument, none of the admins have ever said that calling any1 a noob is goign to be punishable. You jsut ninja changed the rules AUrankAdminGoogleFrog and thats bad. Every1 knows taht ''retard'' is an offence, but not every1 finds ''noob'' an insult. This case should be put straight, and players should be warned before any other actions are taken against them.
+0 / -3
It's not ninja changing the rules, it's your own efforts at changing the culture, which now have reached a critical point - and brought down the hammer.

That is explanation.

Continue, and more will follow.

That is a threat.
+5 / -0

10 years ago
players should be warned before any other actions are taken against them

my momma told me to be a decent person when I was 5
+3 / -0
It's not ninja changing the rules, it's your own efforts at changing the culture, which now have reached a critical point - and brought down the hammer

AH I love this unwritten law-shit-thingy <3 So encouraging to play more. You are perfectly adviced what you can and should do, and what is prohibited. More of those plox.

my momma told me to be a decent person when I was 5

Some people find noob offensive, but most doesnt. Am I supposed to not use written language at all, becasoe some1 may find anythign I type offensive?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I stand for free speech. There should be a command that makes you ignore a selected player, at least in the lobby, preferably both in the lobby and in the game. Nothing else should be done in terms of limiting one's ability to speak.

If you find something offensive, it is your problem. You oversensitive pussy, go cry in a corner.
+3 / -6
I stand for free speech. There should be a command that makes you ignore a selected player, at least in the lobby, preferably both in the lobby and in the game. Nothing else should be done in terms of limiting one's ability to speak.

If you find something offensive, it is your problem. You oversensitive pussy, go cry in a corner.

You do not have rights here. Doing something you could reasonably know to lower the enjoyability of the game will get you muted/banned.
+3 / -2
You do not have rights here.

Nice, i like that you have immediately established the hierarchy, the next step to the complete honesty is admitting that the bans are applied based on your personal subjective judgement, with rules being bent and ignored if needed.
Come on, there is nothing wrong with being authoritarian if you are honest about it and dont try to hide behind double standards.

Doing something you could reasonable know to lower the enjoyability of the game will get you muted/banned.

I am not enjoying losing. Ban everyone who wins against me.

Also ban kyubey and sfireman whenever they rush singu or go trollcom. They know very well that their stupid shenanigans ruin the game for the rest of the team. it is in fact so unenjoyable that i quit teamgames altogether because of them.
+0 / -0
admitting that the bans are applied based on your personal subjective judgement

They are not. If someone has not broken the CoC they do not get banned.
+0 / -0
If someone has not broken the CoC they do not get banned.

Okay, but that's not enough. Is the opposite true? Is breaking the CoC always and imminently punishable? Because if its not, i can easily see privileged players appearing, who are conveniently ignored by the law enforcement.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Lol every judgement is subjective of course. No one is absolutely objective, that's why guys like hower should beware.

"You oversensitive pussy, go cry in a corner"

Yeah that's right. That is what your neighbour will tell you when you will be ringing at his door at 5AM because he's running the music too loud.
+3 / -0
10 years ago
"You oversensitive pussy, go cry in a corner"

Yeah that's right. That is what your neighbour will tell you when you will be ringing at his door at 5AM because he's running the music too loud.

The laugher of the day
+0 / -0
10 years ago
That is what your neighbour will tell you when you will be ringing at his door at 5AM because he's running the music too loud.

Inappropriate analogy. As i have said, there should be an option to mute a player, which kinda ruins your analogy.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I find that using the word "noob" directed angrily at players with lower performance,if not offensive would be at least a bit off-putting to potential players. it gives the appearance that people who just started to play, or play for no reward are not welcome.
+7 / -0
10 years ago

+4 / -1
10 years ago
As quite a recent newcommer, I must say that being called nub, nab, naab, noob, nooob, nooooooooob, turd, retard, failiure, fail hard was a little bit offputting in my first game with you guys. But once I realised that it wasnt directed just at me, but at ALL the new players, I didnt feel so bad. In fact I then put the razor blades back in the draw and remembered that there are some redeeming features about myself. I helped an old lady cross the road once, and in my mind I have delivered many babies in the back of taxis.
+10 / -0
"As i have said, there should be an option to mute a player, which kinda ruins your analogy"

Well, you can always put earplugs...

Do I have to put up with the nuisance and adapt, or... should the nuisance simply go?
+0 / -0
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