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Dominator Unuseful

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13 years ago
I was the one who initially suggested that shield bot lab needed artillery as it was the only lab without a unit that outranged HLT. Google and I discussed using the Dom as an EMP unit, and it sounded good.

Since then it's been implemented. However, the Dom in its current form is completely under powered.

It cannot hit moving targets. Other arty (excluding Merl, but light vehicle lab gets 2 forms of arty anyways) can hit moving targets. They aren't entirely accurate, but not completely useless against moving targets, either.

It costs four hundred metal. Wow.

Even when it can finally hit targets, it can't even kill them. You need a second unit that can go in and kill it anyways.

It's extremely micro intensive. All other arty I can just aim at a blob of porc and give fight command until the units die. If you try this with doms they all target the same unit (closest to the dom) and it still doesn't die. It order to kill porc blob you have to manually select each and every target you want stunned. This requires 1 dom per target and is far from cost effective.

What's worse is that Doms continue to auto-skirm even with fire command on. So if I target a HLT, and some enemies get ANYWHERE inside the Dom's range, it moves out of range.

So what do we have? Essentially it's a 400 metal unit designed to take out HLTs, which are 450 metal units. Ut;s the ONLY thing they're good for. Bad counter.

How to fix:
1)Make cheaper (I have yet to see it make cost).
2)Make more accurate. Add some limited tracking into misiles.
3)Make it deal damage, similar to panther or zeus. Even a small amount of damage might work.

I don't think all three suggestions should be implemented, but one would surely help.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I hope it have AoE,

Its not accurate just for its sight not long enough. Once you spot the target its extremely accurate, radar detecttion don't make accurate shot. 400 cost it do block some units. And its the only long-range EMP weapon without extra cost.

To improve it: make it have small scale of AoE
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I hope it have AoE,

Its not accurate just for its sight not long enough. Once you spot the target its extremely accurate, radar detecttion don't make accurate shot. 400 cost it do block some units. And its the only long-range EMP weapon without extra cost.

To improve it: make it have small scale of AoE
+0 / -0

13 years ago
First, it does not have AOE.

Secondly, I'm not talking about accuracy on stationary targets. I'm talking about accuracy on moving targets. While almost all artillery is weak against moving targets, they still manage to hit a percentage of the time, and their AOE will often hit multiple targets.

Meanwhile, the Dominator almost never hits moving targets, except by extreme random chance. It's overpriced and underpowered.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
If add to them aoe and some damage will be fine. With aoe you have a chance to hit moving targets. When you can paralyze few units in the area and then slowly kill it by continuing fire, this unit will be worth 400m.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Imo dont add AOE but slight tracking or at least prediction. This will also make it good vs mobiles and different from other artileries.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Before it was implimented I originally proposed that it should perhaps track, since it is only EMP and only single target, this wouldnt be so bad. Hell, we could even let it hit air since the factory has poor flex-aa and EMP planes is awesome.

If the unit is still underpowered this might be worthwhile. What i worry about is that this will underplay its role as the HLT counter. Thats really the whole point of the unit. But then, there are only so many HLT's built in a game, and this at least ensures it stays useful after that HLT is down, or if he pushes you back into a position you cant bombard it anyway. With things like the firewalker, pene, and lugar, the Racketeer hitting mobiles isnt unreasonable.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
These are great in hordes with EMP, but beyond that, they're terrible.

Give them a Slow beam with their capture beam. Everything outruns these and 90% of the time they get killed before their capture.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
They're talking about the racketeer, no the dominatrix.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
what i find funny is the Racketeer designed to be a unit for newbies to counter porc turns out to be really complex to use.

Also Dominatrix is a differnt unit.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Who said it was specifically for newbies?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I think he means it's for newbies because it's in one of the labs available from the start.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think the shield Bot Arti should get a slow AOE up to 50%.

And a lower amount of paralizing damage, but a greater paralizing time.

It should be able to target 2 or 3 units and switch after each shot to the next target.

The paralizing time should be enough to hanlde 2 targets.

I also think that the tracking is a good idea.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I think its pretty good unit
+0 / -0