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Ingame Fails/Funny Pics

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Page of 78 (1557 records)

11 years ago
Yeah leviathans in a deep pool seemed EMP-proof.

Btw I successfully fired Leviathan tacnuke missiles in the very same battle. But the target was in water, maybe this is why they worked.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
LOS/LOF issues?

its probably thinking its a sniper imo

^.^ engine bug wooo wooo
+0 / -0

11 years ago
+0 / -0
It's not an ingame pic but...

The trololo life is a hard life
gotta get that boobs to P2F ratio just perfect
+2 / -0
11 years ago
+0 / -0
you dont simply skuttle godde:

in his defence, the com was given to him of a leaving member a minute ago and i was going straight for skuttle, while he was very busy holding center of map

[23:42] mojjj godde your ecape bunny com just jumped right up at same spot, waiting skuttle on him lol
[23:42] [RD]Godde well i was kind of stressed

sry @[RD]Godde , but you are a celebrety. this HAD to be done!

+9 / -0

11 years ago
Actually pretty amazing that the gif with 1/9 the area has 5x the file size.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Someone need to post pics from this game...

+0 / -0

11 years ago
will do, fortaleza. if you tell me what to look for. i havent got all day to look for strnage things.
+0 / -0
For some reason the point spam made me giggle.

+2 / -1
@KingRaptor enemy had Racketeers and (6?) Sniper, sumo was useless..., puppys could at least find the snipers, a lone sumo was just feeding the enemy...

Sumo even trap it self in water when it jump...

And yeah it was 3vs1, i was the only one on that side of map, guess the noob did think it was that version of map with a "big" river in mid that do not let units pass.
Guess when you are the higher elo in team that happen, [color=Periwinkle]just looking at the rest of my team not sure why i did even try to play serious that game...[/color]

DErankAdminmojjj just see the game in speed up, one team had all map, another had a small ball in mid, and game did still last more that 30min in that way...
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Oh I know, I just thought the all caps and misspelled words were funny >_>
+4 / -0

11 years ago
@Kingraptor , they are! especially the puppoys!
+0 / -0
Yeah, when you are dying and want help, you just want to pass the message, not time to care for misspelled words. Not that i care about them normally, it's a online game after all, not a job interview or something...
+0 / -0

11 years ago
yea, but imagine a job interviwer googling you and all that he can find are puppoys...
+1 / -0
Sure my real name is [DOOP]fortaleza, also no facebook and another shit like that, i see too much down side in that thing...
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Sure my real name is [DOOP]fortaleza

i knew it. i knew it all the time.
+1 / -0

@ http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/198426
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Now CAI build BB, Antinuke and Screamer ;P
+0 / -0
11 years ago
that base is epic!
+1 / -0
Page of 78 (1557 records)