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Please remove Chesti admin ... once again

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I would like to stop my previous support for Chesti as administrator after my today's experience.

I understand when regular player jokes ("trolls") and makes fun. But when Chesti - administrator - starts chat trolling, one can never be certain, if it's a joke, or there is a kick to be awaited.

I lost it today completely, I'm not proud of it. Calling him idiot, and asking if his mother was stupid too, etc. Please mute me if appropriate, ban or anything, but also please remove Chesti administrator rights.

Ignoring constant "soft abuse" of Chesti is a terrible choice, in my opinion.

This is Chesti making fun - I accept that, I often joke too:
[13:35] Springiee [Chesti]Svatopluk I suggest watching Helwor a bit
[13:35] Springiee [Chesti]:P :P :P
[13:36] Springiee [DeinFreund]lol svatopluk first time air?
[13:37] Springiee [Chesti]air has no ddm, thats why

Later I resign after I saw enemy bantha, right after which I wrote my reason for resign:
[13:38] Springiee [Svatopluk]they obviously outeco us
[13:38] Springiee [Svatopluk]about 2x
[13:39] Springiee [Svatopluk]he has 2x more air, they have 2x BB, and they have bantha while we have dante
I was actually wrong, they did not have 2x better eco (was about the same), had about 3x more air (i suicided all to kill lichos), and not sure if it was 1x BB or 2x. That didnt change the fact they had bantha and we got nothing. Our team resigned a minute or two after i resigned (3v3 game, there was no point).

Now comes the Chesti troll:
[13:39] Springiee [Chesti]no spec cheat Svatopluk
[13:40] Chesti it is spec cheat... only spectators can see all...
[13:41] Chesti Svatopluk do not give any information about units as spectator.. thats it
He is obviously trolling me - like he trolls Failer, DIVO, Firepluk and others. Problem is - he is admin, and he can punish me for his made up bullshit reasons.

"Chesti way":
1) provoke, make fun
2) occasionally kick
3) you loose it, call him idiot etc
4) you get punished

I have nothing against Chesti as a player, he is actually quite funny guy, but making him admin... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! It's like making a Firepluk administrator... or better, DIVO admin.

//EDIT: Chesti was not even playing, we had nice serious 3v3 game, he was just spectator
+8 / -2
8 years ago
I totally agree, you can often find DErankChesti trolling in a matter which is NOT appropriate for administrator
He often provokes others players to bad behavior

Recently he was trolling me as a spec while we played a chicken game.
It may be tolerable behavior for a regular zk player but not for an administrator,
administrators are kind of above regular players and should behave appropriate their status.
+5 / -0
8 years ago
report he
+1 / -0
Seeing I'm not the only victim of this polite trollmin I'm actually going to, need to find that replay
Edit: Thank you CZrankAdminLicho so much that you removed all recent(and not recent) replays
+0 / -0
iunno like

you said things about the gamestate as a spectator

that's spec cheating, just like chesti said

did he even modaction you? or was this just a friendly warning, like you seem to be saying it was?

the fact that there is bad blood between chesti and some players is unfortunate, but you have to ask yourself whose fault that was...
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Thank you CZrankAdminLicho so much that you removed all recent(and not recent) replays

Maybe you can upload it if you have it in your computer
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Really need a new subforum for Chesti threads...
+4 / -0

8 years ago
here it is
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Yet another reason to play 1v1 imo.
+2 / -0
8 years ago
@412488 ?
One player resigns and then types something into chat about game which by superstrictanal interpretation is 'spec cheat' but in practice is irrelevant because either game is already over or everyone could see it or it was already known to team or game was about to end anyway. Of course one player had already gone afk at start, would not be zk without that.

Maybe you can upload it if you have it in your computer
Does anyone actually watch manually uploaded replays?
With zKl there is no local replay system thing anymore, so in worst case scenario to watch one replay you have to download the replay and the map and the modversion and the engine-versions and plus maybe a dependency and then the replay plays very long and all you get out from it is very mildly amusing thing like:
[f=0019542] [_Shaman (replay)] Spectators: never noticed how large dead palm trees's colvol is
[f=0019893] [Chesti (replay)] Allies: noone cares

That tree's hitbubble was really big indeed.
+1 / -0
Honestly, it's more of a wrong action at wrong time scenario. You did however kind of screw your own team with

he has 2x more air, they have 2x BB, and they have bantha while we have dante

If you said this in ally chat just before you resigned, you wouldn't have been called out for it. I'll try to explain this part here:

Now comes the Chesti troll:
[13:39] Springiee [Chesti]no spec cheat Svatopluk
[13:40] Chesti it is spec cheat... only spectators can see all...
[13:41] Chesti Svatopluk do not give any information about units as spectator.. thats it

What you said (after resigning and becoming a spectator) could be seen as speccheating. Namely:
they obviously outeco us;about 2x
. DErankChesti could have seen the eco panel (at the time it reported 112 / 68 or something like that.. however your team was the one's with 112!) and thought "oh he's speccheating... gentle warning time" and you thought "but it's fine though!" and felt that DErankChesti was in the wrong. The result was you blowing up (likely from feeling internal/external frustration of some kind from the game with this perceived grievance being the trigger to set you off) and now we're in this situation.

Looking at the situation, DErankChesti's response could have been better by just adding "You might not think it's speccheating, but you should watch what you say after resigning please." (this is more of a response that signals the end of discussion and prevents escalation while asserting the original stance) or something along those lines, which might have just prevented the whole scenario. On the other hand, you should word your response differently. Instead of "I'm not speccheating!" (it comes off as defensive) you should say "I don't think I'm really speccheating." maybe even throw in "but I'll try to _____." Doing it this way will help prevent situations like this from occurring.

Lastly, you just have to remember what you say in all chat after you throw in the towel affects your teammates' will to continue on. That's all DErankChesti was trying to say.

Thank you for being mature and admitting your wrong doing. Really, that's cool that you're one of the few people who will admit fault. However, I don't think it's worth creating more drama about. So let's try to keep things civilized and turn this thread into a productive channel of communication. Instead of "lets deadmin Chesti! Behead he!" how about you focus on what specific issues you have with him and, going forward, what changes to his behavior would make you more likely to be receptive to his feedback? Like, for example:

DErankChesti, I feel that you _[something he does that you don't like]_ and it would be better if you __[some action he could take]__.

If anyone who has a problem with DErankChesti could do this, I think it would be more productive and lead to better communications between DErankChesti and the respondent. (In fact, you should do this to everyone who you have a problem with! It's a great method of feedback so long as you refrain from attacking words, insults (both real and perceivable), etc.)

Let's get off this silly notion that everyone here is here to watch the world burn. Very few, if any, are here to piss anyone off on purpose. Chesti's not here to piss you off SKrankSvatopluk.

the fact that there is bad blood between chesti and some players is unfortunate

Time for bloodletting then. Consider this an invitation for Chesti/People who have problems with chesti to get things off their chest in a non-hostile manner.
+1 / -1
8 years ago
@_Shaman you are completely ignoring fact I was completely wrong about eco, proving me right, and proving you wrong. I mentioned this fact in the forum topic.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
While it's technically spec cheat, he wasn't trying to advantage his team. Quite the opposite in fact. I do this too, when a game is obviously over, I tell my team that their eco is doubled (if it is) - because the game is genuinely over. Maybe the specifics on units is a little far, but games do go too long and some players are a lot more aware of what's going on than others. It's often the most capable players that resign first, because they're most able to read the game state. This means that as soon as they leave, any chance they did have is usually thrown out the window. Now sometimes mistakes are made. I've resigned from winnable games before - but it's less than 5% of my total resigns. Having to sit there while everyone else goes through the motions of completing an already decided match is rubbish.

I'll even tell a team where the last remaining troops are if they're being dickish about it. Burying coms etc.

Classing it as spec cheat is a generalisation born from difficulty policing spec cheat. But since this stuff is being done on a case by case basis, and presumably big teams isn't particularly competitive/serious, I don't see why we need to be iron-fist about it.
+7 / -0
8 years ago
on one hand,the only person that can control your temper...is you.
but on the other hand, new players might not know that the admin is just messing with people and think negative things about a given player. (such as in your example of being accused of cheating- if that is being said in public chat it could be misleading and also make it harder to tell when they're seriously calling out someone for an offense)
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Related http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/22388
Just got muted for one day, for
- saying "noob" not directed at anyone particular
- calling DErankChesti a bitch
- starting 2 kickvotes against DErankChesti
- what else did I miss?
please note DErankChesti was actively provoking me, distrupting from a game while he was a SPECTATOR
replay(chicken game):

P.S. when I asked DErankChesti why he acts like this he said something like
"you have done this many times, so you deserved this"

Is this an appropriate administrator behavior?
I think no and many would agree.
+1 / -2
"Merely calling someone a bitch"? You also forgot calling a player "nullAI". Both of these are massively more directly insulting than the things DErankChesti annoyed you with.

If you think that this is a valid excuse then i think we are going to have to start policing the teams room a bit harder.

DErankChesti 's behaviour here is not exemplary, but that is a different thing to decide on.
+1 / -1
8 years ago
Well at least we've got some attention to his "soft trolling" =)
+0 / -0
8 years ago
http://pastebin.com/PdpM6ma1 is funny.
Bots B411665 6 on Chicken_Roast_v1 = chicken. lol.
Trolls have condiontioned the admins well: only need to type as little as "nubs" and the admins jump.
Even if it is stupid chickengame.
Always trashtalk from both sides, the mapfeatureres are fishing for reactions just as bad as the trolls.

Why does adminchat read so similiar to chat from trolls:
"do you try to get some lobsters for your resignshit?"
You can not step up to the microphone with such whack lines.
Trolls do not even need to do anything anymore, the mapfeaturers are so proud to announce them like a Paris Hilton when they enter room and then it goes from there.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
You also forgot calling a player "nullAI".
Now that really goes too far!
+6 / -0
you are completely ignoring fact I was completely wrong about eco, proving me right, and proving you wrong. I mentioned this fact in the forum topic.

You're still caught up on rationalizing it based on this? You gave away intel (even if it is false) that players on either side don't have access to and caused your winning team to resign. This is what DErankChesti was talking about and in fact, if you want the reasoning behind it is because by allowing a fringe speccheat thing to go will lead to more fringe speccheats which will eventually lead to full blown speccheats.

You may be right on the information was wrong, but you still had an influence on the decision making of the team as a spectator (it is known that spectators have full access to the information -> assumed trust = resign time).
+4 / -0
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