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Some Bugs

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8 years ago
I returned to play after some time and encountered some cool features, but also some bugs:

1. My unit icons get thick blinking black shapes except when there are very few of them on the screen. (It's really ugly. I already had this some time ago, but could fix it somehow at that time.)
2. Weapon upgrades show cost of 50 on mouseover even though their cost is 75.
3. My units start to fire even though they are on hold fire.
4. My units walk into enemy defenses maybe to reclaim something even though they are ordered to walk to a point in another direction on red move state.
5. Game Over conditions have been met but the game didn't end.

Maybe you want replays for points 3 and 4, but I don't have them atm because of point 5.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Ad 2: first morph has a 25m base cost now.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
"3. My units start to fire even though they are on hold fire."

It may be that you have selected several units and some of them are on fire-at-will. In this case, I think that the toggle will still show "hold fire" for the whole selection.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
1. Can you give a screenshot or short video?

3 & 4. Replay? States are shown for the youngest unit which has the state, for a weird value of young.
+1 / -0
5. If you're having cheats enabled just do !cheats again to end the game. Otherwise you should be able to end the game with
/give iwin

You can also always just upload your local replays (Spring/demos)
+0 / -0
U call those bugs? This is a bug:

(I'm GMT +2)

Or this:

(The poll was started by me)
+1 / -0
8 years ago
nice desktop theme PLrankFailer
+0 / -0
8 years ago
#2 has been explained and #4, 5 are not that bad. I could consistently reproduce #3, though. Just set your com on hold fire and move it to the enemy. As soon as it stops walking, it will fire at enemies. Maybe I'll post a replay some time, but not sure if that's necessary.

For #1 here's a screenshot without the bug (because fewer unit icons are visible):
and here with the bug (where more unit icons are visible because zoomed out):
As you can see, unit icons with the bug have black borders at lower resolution. Some units like solars have borders in player color. Those borders itself wouldn't be so bad, but now imagine a fast blinking between both states. I also found the old thread where I had described the same problem in more detail and could fix it somehow.
+0 / -0
I myself noticed few new recent bugs (i think above v100.0, not sure which one, they got up fast):
(1) units turn on autofire when hold fire, if are selected with other units on autofire
(2) factory cancells order, if i click somewhere else, before it starts producing

for (1), never select together more units with different autofire status (e.g. hold fire catapult + autofire warrior). makes it very hard to micro :-(
for (2), i have to issue orders/queue, and wait until it starts producing, after it i can click elsewhere. slows me down during game :(

I wonder if anybody else noticed these.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Cannot reproduce (1) or (2).

Also, from the OP. Cannot reproduce 3. Issue 4 is probably just pathfinding in an orthogonal way or avoiding an unseen obstacle.
+0 / -0