Zero-K supports cheats in single player games, as well as multiplayer games if the host enables them. However, there isn't much documentation for these cheats on this site, so I wanted to document them here. Cheat | Description | !cheats | Enables cheats in multiplayer | /cheat | Enables cheats in single player | /atm | Instantly gain 1000 energy and metal | /godmode | Control all units | /give [quantity] [unit] [team] | Gives a quantity of units to a team | /nocost | Build things instantly for free | /globallos | Give vision of the whole map | /team [#] | Change team (acquire their vision and units) | /destroy | Destroy all selected units | Blue = Works only in multiplayerYellow = To use in a multiplayer game, preface with "!hostsay"For the /give command, the unit name is not the typical name in the game. Use the table below to determine what name to use for any unit. [Spoiler]Cloaky Bots [Spoiler] Conjurer | armrectr | Glaive | armpw | Scythe | spherepole | Rocko | armrock | Warrior | armwar | Zeus | armzeus | Hammer | armham | Spectre | armsnipe | Gremlin | armjeth | Tick | armtick | Eraser | spherecloaker |
Shield Bots [Spoiler] Convict | cornecro | Dirtbag | corclog | Bandit | corak | Rogue | corstorm | Thug | corthud | Outlaw | cormak | Felon | shieldfelon | Racketeer | shieldarty | Vandal | corcrash | Roach | corroach | Aspis | core_spectre |
Jump Bots [Spoiler] Freaker | corfast | Puppy | puppy | Pyro | corpyro | Placeholder | jumpblackhole | Moderator | slowmort | Jack | corcan | Sumo | corsumo | Firewalker | firewalker | Archangel | armaak | Skuttle | corsktl |
Spider Bots [Spoiler] Weaver | arm_spider | Flea | armflea | Hermit | spiderassault | Venom | arm_venom | Redback | spiderriot | Recluse | armsptk | Crabe | armcrabe | Tarantula | spideraa | Infiltrator | armspy |
Light Vehicles [Spoiler] Mason | corned | Dart | corfav | Scorcher | corgator | Slasher | cormist | Leveler | corlevlr | Ravager | corraid | Dominatrix | capturecar | Wolverine | corgarp | Impaler | armmerl | Crasher | vehaa |
Heavy Tanks [Spoiler] Welder | coracv | Kodachi | logkoda | Panther | panther | Banisher | tawf114 | Reaper | correap | Goliath | corgol | Pillager | cormart | Tremor | trem | Copperhead | corsent |
Hovercraft [Spoiler] Quill | corch | Dagger | corsh | Scalpel | nsaclash | Halberd | hoverassault | Claymore | hoverdepthcharge | Mace | hoverriot | Penetrator | armmanni | Flail | hoveraa |
Amphibious Bots [Spoiler] Conch | amphcon | Duck | amphraider3 | Archer | amphraider2 | Buoy | amphfloater | Scallop | amphriot | Grizzly | amphassault | Angler | amphaa | Djinn | amphtele |
Airplanes [Spoiler] Crane | armca | Swift | fighter | Hawk | corvamp | Raven | corshad | Phoenix | corhurc2 | Thunderbird | armstiletto_laser | Wyvern | armcybr | Vulture | corawac |
Gunships [Spoiler] Crane | armca | Blastwing | blastwing | Gnat | bladew | Banshee | armkam | Rapier | corape | Brawler | armbrawl | Black Dawn | blackdawn | Krow | corcrw | Trident | gunshipaa | Valkyrie | corvalk | Vindicator | corbtrans |
Ships [Spoiler] Mariner | shipcon | Skeeter | armpt | Snake | corsub | Typhoon | coresupp | Hunter | dclship | Enforcer | corroy | Crusader | armroy | Sepent | serpent | Shredder | corarch | Surfboard | armtboat |
Missiles [Spoiler] Eos | tacnuke | Quake | seismic | Shockley | empmissile | Inferno | napalmmissile |
Striders [Spoiler] Ultimatum | armcomdgun | Scorpion | scorpion | Dante | dante | Catapult | armraven | Funnelweb | funnelweb | Bantha | armbanth | Detriment | armorco | Leviathan | cornukesub | Reef | reef | Warlord | corbats |
Static Weapons & Defense [Spoiler] Aegis | corjamt | Defender | corrl | Lotus | corllt | Newton | corgrav | Faraday | armartic | Stardust | armdeva | Stinger | corhlt | Gauss | armpb | Annihilator | armanni | Doomsday Machine | cordoom | Urchin | cortl | Razor | corrazor | Hacksaw | missiletower | Chainsaw | armcir | Cobra | corflak | Screamer | screamer | Protector | armamd | Behemoth | corbhmth | Big Bertha | armbrtha | Silencer | corsilo | Starlight | mahlazer | Disco Rave Party | raveparty | Zenith | zenith |
Factories [Spoiler] Cloaky Bot Factory | factorycloak | Shield Bot Factory | factoryshield | Jump/Specialist Plant | factoryjump | Spider Factory | factoryspider | Light Vehicle Factory | factoryveh | Heavy Tank Factory | factorytank | Hovercraft Platform | factoryhover | Amphibious Bot Plant | factoryamph | Airplane Plant | factoryplane | Gunship Plant | factorygunship | Shipyard | factoryship | Athena | armcsa | Missile Silo | missilesilo | Strider Hub | striderhub |
Other Structures [Spoiler] Metal Extractor | cormex | Solar Collector | armsolar | Fusion Reactor | armfus | Singularity Reactor | cafus | Wind/Tidal Generator | armwin | Geothermal Generator | geo | Storage | armmstor | Energy Pylon | armestor | Caretaker | armnanotc | Air Repair/Rearm Pad | armasp | Radar Tower | corrad | Advanced Radar | armarad | Sonar Station | armsonar | Sneaky Pete | armjamt |
+11 / -0
also useful: /globallos /destroy the rest of Spring chat commands Documentation is great. Wikify? I suspect some of the ship names might have changed. Pretty sure Typhoon is now shipraider.
+1 / -0
You forgot the most important one for SP testing! /nocost Cba to look up unit names in some list.
+1 / -0
I tried to use /nocost as well as /globallos, but they did not work for me in a multiplayer. Looks like they do work in single player though. I will add them.
+0 / -0
also: /team [teamNumber] /spectator
+1 / -0
quote: I tried to use /nocost as well as /globallos, but they did not work for me in a multiplayer. Looks like they do work in single player though. I will add them. |
!hostsay is needed. Try !hostsay /nocost
+1 / -0
quote: Looks like they do work in single player though. I will add them. |
Multiplayer (or, to be exact, Springie) version of these is !hostsay [command]. !hostsay /nocost !hostsay /globallos Note that /destroy works directly and doesn't require !hostsay. This requires elevated privileges (in practice, being boss of your private room). Hostsay also allows to have all kinds of fun by putting commands and words into Springie's mouth: !hostsay /say lol i'm springie and i can talk !hostsay /kick someone you don't like
+1 / -0
I'm wondering, if I'm playing with a friend against the CAI and I use /team to change to his team, will we both be able to control the same units? EDIT: It looks like that is the case, which is amazing! In the game options, under Starting Conditions, there is a checkbox for Cooperation Mode, which is what I thought this was for, but I was sadly mistaken. It's nice to know how to to this. BTW, what is Cooperation Mode?
+2 / -0
Another fix: /destroy only destroys selected units; any selected units. So, selecting an enemy unit and incanting /destroy will blow that up, instantly. (you'll probably need /godmode to select them though)
+1 / -0
Two people playing as the same "player team" has been possible for years, just not been supported by evil Springiees and/or ZKL. Iirc some people have been complaining about this lack of integration. It's kinda sad that some newer players don't know about this old feature.
+1 / -0
quote: Cba to look up unit names in some list. |
I know how you feel. That's why I am working on developing a widget that will turn input such as /give 1 glaive 0 into /give 1 armpw 0 Then, we won't have to remember the codenames. However, I'm unfamiliar with lua, as well as the Spring framework. I got something halfway working, but my current issue is that I don't know how to tell if the player sent a message. I tried using the callin TextInput, but that is no good. In any case, if anyone is interested, the code is in the link below.
+1 / -0
You can replace your whole dic definition with:
+1 / -0
@[TL]Beamer This will be much easier to accomplish with chonsole.
+1 / -0
typing so long lists by hand is NEVER the right way. some 'cheats' and such: SPADS has full docu at springie too?
+1 / -0
Note that '/spectator' is not a cheat. You can type it ingame to resign and it is the technical implementation of the resign button. Cooperation mode might be a broken implementation of putting all players on the same team. The engine can force players to control different teams now so perhaps we should reimplement this mode. It can be done now because we would not need to rely on Springie functioning correctly.
+3 / -0
quote: I know how you feel. That's why I am working on developing a widget that will turn input such as | This will probably help you a lot. You could do: [quote] local units = {} for id,data in pairs(UnitDefs) do units[string.lower(data.humanname)] = end -- Reverse lookup function widget:GotChatMsg(msg, player) if string.find(string.lower(msg),"givee") ~= nil and player == Spring.GetMyPlayerID() then -- done on purpose so we don't trigger give. local command = string.gmatch(msg, "%S+") -- Split string into pieces. "/givee 1 glaive 1" results in {"/givee","1","glaive","1"} local unit = "" for i=1,#command do if string.find(command[i],"give") == nil and string.len(command[i]) > 3 then unit = command[i] break end end if units[unit] == nil then Spring.Echo("game_message:Invalid unit! Check spelling!") end local str --reform command-- for i=1,#command do if string.find(command[i],"givee") == nil then str = str .. command[i] else str = str .. "give" end Spring.SendCommands(str) str,command = nil end [/quote] Other useful links: Spring Callins ("events") and what they doSpring LUA functions
+3 / -0
How to make a hologram landscape? It works exactly like the real landscape except it's a hologram and can't be damaged but can be selected as if it is land.
+3 / -1
DrKran if you're rezzing a thread at least stay on topic. OT: there is now a cheat menu that appears on the global command bar when you enable cheats (using !cheats or /cheat) that allows you to do everything else listed here. The commands still work but the internal unit names listed here do not.
+0 / -0
These do not work, what changed?
+0 / -0
"How to make a hologram landscape" before launching the game find the mod option crater multiplyer and set it to 0 units will not damage the map but you can still modify it. not sure if thats what you wanted
+1 / -0