I'm not

GoogleFrog but I do have a few things to say.
quote: Personally I think that as many unit/factory diversity to choose from while still making game balanced and every feel unique/with a niche is awesome. |
IMO factory diversity is increased, not decreased, by giving factories a weakness (it gives both players something to play around). This is not unique to spiderfac (see below).
Spider-factory's weakness of not having a raider is slightly different in character in that it most affects the earlygame, which is the time you can least afford to swap; however I think this is compensated by Venoms near-total invalidation of any raiding attempts by your opponent.
quote: Everytime I was playing spiders I was missing something, and had to eventually switch fac. After a while it was clear that I was missing raider unit or something a bit faster than hermit. |
Every land factory is missing at least one unit.
Cloaky: good antiheavy, high-weight game finisher
Shield: artillery
Light vehicle: good antiheavy, high-weight game finisher
Hovercraft: a unit with both decent HP and DPS, a good anti-building raider
Heavy Tank: a light-weight unit
Amphibious: a fast unit, real artillery
Jumps: units which combo with Placeholder as well as Rogue does, artillery which is effective against heavier units/porc, a cheap raider which doesn't blow itself up... basically any single unit which isn't a gimmick
No matter what factory you plop at the start of the game, if you don't eventually switch to cover its weaknesses you're playing ZK wrong.
quote: My proposition was generic, because I don't have good idea for it yet, if u want to make it unique we can brainstorm. Rather I wanted a discussion whether spider fac could use a raider or not. |
As in the previous spider thread that got bumped, I am still pretty sure that a decent spider raider in combination with venom would be horribly overpowered.
quote: Also regarding venom, it would be quite difficult to use raiders with venom because of their splash and stunning both allies with short range and enemies. |
It's just about possible to use Fleas to kill Venomed units if you are a micro god (I think the target unit has to be reasonably large). Any unit with longer range would find the task pretty trivial.
quote: If you don't introduce new stuff/changes every project eventually dies off. |
I don't agree with this statement as a blanket rule - many old games which have been unchanged for a long time are still popular (see: Brood War). At the moment the new stuff/changes in ZK is mostly occuring lobby- and server- side.
Don't be too discouraged from posting ideas - for example, I think many people would be legitimately interested in design ideas about sea. This one just happens to be a conversation we've had before now.