so when a team game is 5v4, the team of 5 get 1 com each and get 1/5th of the base team metal income(and however overdrive and energy income is shared) and the team of 4 get 5 coms, 1 player gets 2 coms, and 1/4th of the base team metal income(overdrive and energy distributed however it is distributed). Base income is the inate +2, + com income, + the base income of every extractor.
Zenfur, would you like the team of 4 to be split such that 3 players get 1/5th team income, and player with 2 coms gets 2/5th the team's income? That's not too unreasonable.
In the case of players resigning early, their income gets distributed to the player on that team with the least income share, so in this 4v5 scenario in the team of 4 if one player with 1 com at start resigns the income is now split 1.5|1.5|2, or 30%, 30%, 40% up from a 20/20/20/40 pre-resigner.
On the topic of unequal sized teams, if a player is designated to have 2 coms can we visually represent that somehow? like instead of 1 com marker have some kind of Siamese marker showing this player will spawn 2 coms?