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Zero-k ultimate guide

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every game i play, the first thing i do when i want to git gud is look for "ultimate guide/tips", and zero-k doesnt have one

so id like to make a "ultimate guide to zero-k" style video which will hopefully cover all the basics of playing the game and some none playing related stuff too.

i ask you
what would be the best advice/tip you could give about playing zero-k
about any aspect of the game

this information is adressed to pros and nobs

edit. online notepad https://pad.antihype.space/p/guide-vid
please add at your heats content, the fuller this page the more detailed the video

have a good friday

+4 / -0

5 years ago
The wiki has both a newbie guide and an overall strategy guide.
+1 / -0
1. video: general stuff

- explain income - buildpower, many new players don´t understand it although it´s really simple
- explain the importance of expansion and map control
- explain unit-types and how they counter each other interct with each other

2. video: factories

- what is good on wich terrain and map size
- start with cloaky because they have all unit-types
- all other factories either lack some unit-type or have some odd stuff, that would be nice to explain.

(to be continued, give me a bit of time)
+0 / -0

5 years ago
CArankGalamesh yes, just some ppl are allergic to text, whyever....
+1 / -0
5 years ago
@Thomas1 give me until tomorrow and you will get a complete tierlist for every Zero-K unit (excluding buildings atm)
+2 / -0
thanks ill make sure to go trought wiki
+0 / -0
5 years ago
awesome manu :DD
+0 / -0

5 years ago
i don´t think we should be too specific with unit-matchups because those change with every balance-patch.

we once had a GORGEOUS "advanced unit-guide" but it got taken down because it was terribly obsolete and too much work to update constantly. (on the other hand, if you are willing to make one and keep it updated, go ahead :)
+0 / -0
5 years ago
i guess having updates in the description is fine even tho its not so elegant
+0 / -0
It's not just that balance will affect units moving forward. It's that who is this guide intended for?

I don't know what kind of guide (in the form of a single video?) can be useful for both noobs and pros. When we say noobs, are we even talking about people that are new to Zero-K but know other RTS games or people who have not played RTS games before? Because even that right there is a huge gap.

For one you'd have to explain things like how to select units and give simple orders like move, stop, patrol, attack, build, repair... while for the others you'd just need to mention that they exist and how they're different from other games (especially with the smart behaviors most units have by default when using attack move).

"Pros" who are good at other RTS and want to learn Zero-K don't need to be told much beyond resources work this way, build power works this way, here are the basic unit archetypes and here are the various factories and what kind of terrain they are expected to work well in. Now let's open that can of worms and start talking about matchups and openings. Queue endless content.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
I would like to help on the guide, in special if you want to make video experiments-proofs in gam. I was thinking of doing the same.

Some of my tips:


1) Low levels of overdrive (0%~30%) are cheap and worth to be made quite early, with solars, befora all mexes are made.
2) You can enjoy overdrive on front mexes with 2 solar panels on front. Excess energy distribution is only capped by the limit of the network, but is not effected by where that e is spent.
3) Wind gens are worse for overdrive than looks because of the energy fluctuation. Its good for cloak, repair and big shields
4) Because of energy is converted to metal, energy-only consuming stuff should be considerated as using metal, and you should add the price of the energy infra to the unit price. (Shield, cloak and tank (reapir) suffer from this a lot)


1) Metal damage of killed mexes is exponential to the number of mexes killed, and distance of builders
2) You are dealing big raid damage if you:
- Are damaging stuff (energy that can't become metal and delaying builders)
- Force the builder to go away (delays next mex)
- Kill energy or metal
- Killing the builder
- Forcing your enemy to porc!

3) Killing a fac caretaker is greater than a mex in 1x1 and small games, this will cause metal excess in most cases

Air units:

1) Learn how to use non-aa units on attacking air (I heard this is called flexing), it makes easier to counter air
2) AA units have 0 assault power, remember that
3) Raiders can get under nimbuses and shoot, use this to counter tham at minimum prices :D
4) Some stuff can be avoided by gs straffing!
5) Mobile anti-air works a lot beter if you pull-push like you do with riots vs raiders. But you need radar and micro for this
+3 / -0
Caretakers can defend themselves because they can surround themselves with walls and they can bury units. Terrain obstacles don't limit constructor operations such as terraforming and building in any way.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
I'll settle for names for basic unit type clusters.
+0 / -0
CArankGalamesh, the problem of different skill levels in viewers is solved by making it a series of 2 or more videos. Start with the basics, move on to advanced stuff. Make it clear that the basics video is for complete beginners and point experienced people towards advanced videos.

If I was watching a guide video instead of testing for myself or reading a guide, I'd want the video to be first and foremost entertaining. Informativity comes only second. At least I don't have the patience to watch a video guide if the subject/presentation is dry.
+0 / -0
Small tip I started using a lot lately that I wanted to share:

Not cancelling your order queue is a huge deal. The insert command to the front is such a time saviour (holding space).


Tip for porc pushing with say Funnelweb:


Tip for low micro constructor management:


Keeping your units alive tip:

+9 / -0

5 years ago
there are quite a few good guides on steam nowaday
+1 / -0
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
An unfunny attempt at meming was here at one point. Removed because I don't want to remember this childish crap. Instead have an actually helpful hint:

You can play my mod by going into Multiplayer -> custom game -> Host Game and under game type, select Future Wars! I hope you enjoy Zero-K as directed by Michael Bay.

Seriously, can we not have a delete button? :\
+1 / -7
5 years ago
Do you just want to make a general guilde on how Z-k works, or will you also include advices like: Spectate games and try to learn from what you see.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
How to win against your friends:

+1 / -5
5 years ago
LUrankAdminAnir spectating games still requires some level of skill. If you don't know what you're supposed to be looking at, it's easy to pick up the wrong things. There's a saying about how novices look at the flashy stuff while experts pay attention to detail that would fit here fairly well. Unfortunately I couldn't find the exact thing after a bit of digging.
+1 / -0
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