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skuttle needs decloak radius decreased
or more aoe
or faster jump
+6 / -0
5 years ago
Increasing the area of effect would make it a bit more similar to the Snitch. A faster jump? I'm not sure. Should it be fairly challenging to counter while it's jumping? The decloaking radius used to be smaller when it was overpowered, but I think one could still decrease it carefully.
+3 / -0
5 years ago
It was never overpowered in the first place, now most things can decloak and kill it mid-air, making it usable only against slow(or static) AND defenseless targets.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Buff skits 100%
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Crawling bombs in general feel like the're not worth the trouble. They require a lot of micro and the conditions need to be practically perfect, as they aren't cheap enough for experimentation. They also pose quite a hazard for your own forces as a stray raider or artillery shot can set them off, so even defensively they aren't that useful.
+0 / -0
skittle is niche
+0 / -0
in the meantime I made this:

skuttle 1.5x jump speed but 600 metal instead of 550:

skuttle 0.5x decloak radius:

skuttle 0.5x decloak radius but 800 metal instead of 550 (way more balanced, also my favorite):
+1 / -0
5 years ago
What problem would buffing Skuttle solve?
+2 / -0

5 years ago
Skuttle is a very awkward unit to play around with. I had games where through a combination of luck and good micro I managed to pop 2-3 commanders like pimples with skuttle and frankly it was too easy and it felt OP. On the other hand there have been other games where skuttle was totally useless and I wasted like 2k in metal trying to kill stuff. It's at that point where even a small buff might make it OP, yet it requires so much micro that its probably not worth it in most instances. Maybe what would help is an auto explode feature so that the moment its next to the target it blows up. its AOE is so small that you have to be spot on.
+3 / -0
Watching http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/19672 ,i just realized many dead links. Thanks dropbox.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
I think crawling bombs would become a lot more viable if they had the behavior of automatically moving away from other friendly units when idle. This way you could add them to your production cycle without worrying about basically putting bombs inside your unit balls fresh out of the factory. Another alternative would be giving factories a button for setting a separate destination for crawling bombs (maybe it could be extended for any unusual unit you might not want among your usual forces. One for builders would be nice as well, for example)
+0 / -0

5 years ago
It is possible to make a widget to set different destination for different units, by adding a command to set a new waypoint location.

Back to the topic:
I believe it would be fine, if scuttle jump speed and potentially range were improved and the cloak replaced with burrow. This design could also include bigger AoE to make it easier to make cost when targeting blobs of enemy units.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Watching http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/19672 ,i just realized many dead links. Thanks dropbox.

Watched dat thread too. So many old players who no more playing. Dat times was so funny.

Many already cried about buff including myself but no results. However master will use skittles even with no buff.
+0 / -0
What if the Skuttle lost the cloak, but gained 62.5% more jump range, 50%-100% more horizontal jump velocity and 500-750 further points of armor? According to the wiki, such a Skuttle would have a maximum jump distance of 650 elmos and 750-1000 hit points. Maybe it could use an increase in speed too for about 57 elmos per second.

It could even be able to jump only once as I think it would otherwise be used to escape things that are supposed to counter it. Raiders should still readily destroy an unsupported Skuttle. Jumping and exploding could be combined for a button that (optionally?) automatically leads.

The hit points are required because I suppose it needs to be able to withstand at least some of the Dante's high damage output. The Paladin's "Tachyon Accelerator" can deal 3000 damage at a range of 950 elmos, but I think it has to fire over a duration to wreak the stated amount of harm. The range of its lightning weapon is below 500 and the manually activated one has a long reload time.

If the Placeholder's black hole works on a Paladin, maybe the Skuttle player could advance and jump at 650 elmos before the Paladin has reloaded the beam weapon.

+0 / -0

5 years ago
While I agree with the sentiment that the Skuttle is rather lacklustre (the only cloaked unit where you actually need to use an area cloak to lower its detection radius to something manageable), the other bombs are sound (even Limpet works nicely underwater) and Snitches are actually glorious. Yes, they're micro intensive, but so is dealing with them and if you don't deal with them, they're the ultimate assymmetric weapon.

The only problem with them is they don't default to hold position so they're prone to tattle on your game plan. At least that fits the name though.

I think I'd give the Skuttle a bit more HP and armoured mode when jumping - basically make it easy to kill if you catch it on the way to the target but quite difficult to eliminate once the death leap commences. It's embarassing seeing the anti heavy bomb blown up by its target before it gets close enough for a killer blow.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Skuttle armored while jumping is an awesome idea!
+0 / -0
Given how this game avoids damage modifiers, giving the Skuttle hyper-armor while jumping would be weird.

If giving it a small decloak radius might make it OP, give it a dash that it can only use when attacking, aka, when about to explode. Or alternatively its jump could be modified as to be very fast and very shallow. It should be easy to detect prior to attacking, but if skuttles can be detected and destroyed by heavy units the're trying to attack, even when they have managed to sneak into attack range undetected, something is very wrong.

They could also have a shaped explosive, aka, they direct the explosion forwards instead of having a round explosion. That would make sense since most modern tank/bunker buster munitions have shaped warheads. If you're trying to crack something tough you don't want the explosion's energy getting dispersed in every direction.
+4 / -0
5 years ago
I think BRrankManored has the right approach for the current skuttle problem.
+1 / -0
I would like quick and low jumps too. If the the explosion was directed forward, wouldn't it resemble the Ultimatum attack?
+2 / -0