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Ripped crudely from GoogleFrog's post in Manu's team game thread:

Metal Extractor health 750 -> 700


  • Damage 115 -> 130
  • Turn rate improved by 75% (still 70% Glaive and Bandit turnrate).
  • Increased turret turn rate by 58%
  • Speed 2.8 -> 3
  • Shoots one projectile every 2s, instead of two every 4s.

  • Floats to fire.
  • Speed 1.5 -> 1.6
  • Depth charge range 230 -> 300 (matches shotgun)
  • Depth charge AoE 100 -> 128

  • Speed 1.4 -> 1.7
  • Cost 300 -> 280

  • Cost 320 -> 230


  • Cost 80 -> 75
  • Speed 4.8 -> 4.9
  • Damage 95 -> 100
  • Reload 3 -> 2.8
  • Range 210 -> 220

Added Bolas, a Pyro/Blitz-ish heavy disruptor raider hovercraft.
  • Cost 190
  • Health 760
  • Speed 3.15 (Bandit 3, Blitz 3.4)
  • Disruptor beam with 116 DPS and 4x slow damage (a Dart that shoots 3.33x faster)
  • Range 225

  • Health 1650 -> 1320
  • Speed 3.3 -> 2.5
  • Brake rate 0.43 -> 1.3
  • Range 270 -> 280
  • Damage 900 -> 600
  • Reload 8s -> 5.5s
  • AoE 298 -> 160
  • Fires normally, instead of holding and then releasing its depthcharge.
  • Removed self-damage (this is consistent with all low-moderate AoE weapons).
  • Land depthcharge now rolls along the ground towards targets at a range of 160.
  • Removed manual fire ability.

  • Speed 2.2 -> 2.1
  • Turn rate 560 -> 400 (note that the recent changes are 560 -> 896 -> 640 with the 1.6x multiplier)

Land Bots

  • Health 320 -> 340
  • Range 245 -> 250
  • DPS increased by 5%

  • Cost 180 -> 170

  • Speed 3.5 -> 3.4
  • Damage 410 -> 720
  • Range 170 -> 160

  • Health 620 -> 700
  • DPS increased by 8%

  • Health 2000 -> 2100 so it unambiguously survives Likho.

  • Turret turn rate buffed by 22%
  • Reload time 0.33 -> 0.3

  • Speed 2.7 -> 2.8
  • AoE 160 -> 128
  • Reload 1.73 -> 1.5
  • EMP 600 -> 450
  • Real damage 18 -> 40

Land Vehicles

  • Damage 280 -> 270
  • Reload 1.6 -> 1.7
  • Range 300 -> 285
  • Increased turret turn rate by 75%

  • No change, I'd just like to mention that a Kodachi 1-shot kills the 700 health Mex.

  • Cost 285 -> 280


  • Cost 55 -> 45 (it no longer 1-shots mexes, so perhaps it can be more generally useful).

  • Health 420 -> 370
  • Applied -0.8 target priority to shoot at Gnats. Locust is now prioritised after Gnat.

Bomber health buffs:
  • Thunderbird 1000 -> 1120
  • Phoenix 720 -> 900


Nerf artillery speeds:
  • Sling 1.62 -> 1.6
  • Phantom 1.45 -> 1.4
  • Racketeer 1.8 -> 1.7
  • Firewalker 1.45 -> 1.4
  • Badger 2.5 -> 2.25 (increased range 730 -> 750 since it's a bit bad)
  • Lance 2.2 -> 1.85
  • Impaler 2.25 -> 2.0
  • Emissary 2.4 -> 2.0
  • Tremor 1.7 -> 1.35
  • Merlin 1.6 -> 1.2
  • Shogun 2.2 -> 1.9
  • Envoy speed of 1.7 unchanged
  • Reef speed of 2.75 unchanged


Big balance fixes:
  • Dagger and Gauss projectiles now hit maximum range.
  • Lance collision volume is now smaller and should result in less friendly fire.

  • Fixed local gesture, teamcolour, and unit marker settings.
  • Fixed Mex team RoI.
  • Fixed move commands sometimes being issued underwater.
  • Fixed amph float jittering.
  • Fixed an overshoot gadget crash.
  • Fixed Siren failing to fire at very close units.
  • Made terraform commands more resilient.
  • Fixed Buoy (and other floating units) sometimes cancelling move orders while they sink.
+2 / -0

5 years ago

Removed manual fire ability

This is sad day for all Widgetkind. :(
+1 / -0
5 years ago
Claymore and scallop changes, praise the dev gods.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
I would like to take an opportunity to ask for one little change: remove damage to map features from Outlaw disruption pulse. This feature of Outlaw makes it literally a liablity when fighting in wreckage fields.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Ravagers and Scorchers probably turn too fast for their turret to keep up.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Ravagers and Scorchers probably turn too fast for their turret to keep up.
This could be the case. Ravager could also gain a little bit of its projectile velocity back.

Disruptor pulses don't damage allies so I suppose there is an argument for wrecks being unaffected. I'd be fine with this change if anyone wants to do it.
+3 / -0
5 years ago
"Damage 410 -> 720"

Is that puppy damage a typo?

If that is intended, then it is insane. That is instant metal to damage exchange at extreme efficiency. 14 points of health for 1 metal.

Discarding units that cost less than puppy, only a halberd on hold-fire would prevent a puppy from being cost efficient. Assuming puppy fires.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
Assaults, scorchers, skirmishers don't stand a chance against that puppy now. May aswell rename the fucker to Dog!
+0 / -0
Afaict the extreme damage is compensated by a much reduced chance to hit, implemented via lower range to give longer-ranged units some time to stop the puppy.

Prediction: this only works until Godde uses the rocket-jump to dodge shots and close distance faster, and until terve then makes that automatic.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
Ravagers and Scorchers probably turn too fast for their turret to keep up.

Same is true of Minotaurs and Cyclops.
+0 / -0
Afaict the extreme damage is compensated by a much reduced chance to hit, implemented via lower range to give longer-ranged units some time to stop the puppy.

Prediction: this only works until Godde uses the rocket-jump to dodge shots and close distance faster, and until terve then makes that automatic.

I hate to say this, but I have already had that automated for over 4 months.
+4 / -0

5 years ago
Omoiyari has also used puppy dodge launching widgets against me.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
No wonder since all my Widgets are now public. Check his thread,he has link to the Widgets.
+4 / -1

5 years ago
that is the final nail in the coffin for me i guess.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Kata can you highlight which part of this patch you have an issue with and why? I'm interested to hear what's up
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I would also like to know what is the problem.
Did you prefer my Widgets not being available for everyone?
+0 / -0
5 years ago
with that puppy buff u should rename the unit to pitbull,puppy sounds 2 cute for the damage it deals lol
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Swooping in with some commentary needlessly focused on JJ.

1: JJ experienced just as much if not more problems than other raiders thanks to being glass and requiring split second reactions. Decreasing its damage and increasing its health seems very inline with other changes, given the goals. Increasing both its health and DPS is concerning.

2: Other factions have improved in their ability to fight defenses (the changes generally make raiders more assaulty), meaning defenses will likely gradually be rebalanced to compensate. When this occurs JJ will find itself very lacking, as it doesn't have proper artillery to fight them, and its assaults are weak. To this end, if we are doing major rebalances, I recommend adding a "travel" mode to Jacks, during which their weapon is disabled - similar to Halberd armor. During "attack" mode, they would have half the speed, allowing them to better define themselves as units good against immobile targets. Minor range decreases, and other enhancements would occur as well, making them more like artillery than other assaults, able to hurl themselves at stationary defenses, engage with the highest melee brawling ability in the game (outdoing even turrets by significant margin), and then, perhaps, retreating.

Puppy is also an interesting assault variant, and that appears the way its headed now. A small boost to health and an increase in reload time would complete this transition. Right now a puppy does not miss enemies too easily, requiring retargeting, but still demands superior micro to attack ground in order to close in on defenses. Its only a minor set of adjustments to make it generally usable, something I think that the game is currently aiming towards. Such a change would also remove the need for Jack to be improved as an assault (though stardusts would still be nearly unbeatable. Perhaps a small weight increase to Jack could help there instead.)

The overall direction of these changes seems promising. Might try to make some test versions to see how viable my propositions are.
+0 / -0


I really really really dislike this change. Why?
Because the early game feels so predictable (like many other rts games I know).
Attacking with single units is being heavily punished as they are straight unable to fight more units.
Now you have to build up a blob of raiders and if your enemy has less units you win, hooray.
I thought this was one of the core mechanics of early game Zero-k and required strategic positioning or clever breakthroughs to utilize properly.
I feel really sad that a game with a lot of physics interactions did remove this.

l;dr Raider change screws Assault and defence interaction. This will result in more changes which break more interactions. I thought Zero-k was pretty balanced before this change, some units are in meta but could be changed to allow other units to shine again. With this change I have absolutely no idea what is happening anymore and I guess it will take at least 2 years + to reach a reasonable balance again.

i came to play zk. this is not zk anymore.
+3 / -0
I like the idea of an anti-static roninpuppy.
+0 / -0
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