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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.8.5.2
Engine version: 104.0.1-1510-g89bb8e3
Battle ID: 902566
Started: 4 years ago
Duration: 7 minutes
Players: 8
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1
Chance of victory: 54.6%

Team 2
Chance of victory: 45.4%


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4 years ago
This match CZrankGrandorCZ decided it would be a great idea to go eco and full welder in 4v4 match. With no push whatsoever. Just fucking great.
+0 / -4

4 years ago
+0 / -0
4 years ago
RUrankOntheheavens if you want community's advice on how you can play better you should just ask. Every time somebody asks for advice on replay threads they get a pretty good breakdown.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
i mean... thanks USranknop but i don't really see point in playing good when team decides to go full potato... at this point its just obnoxious

if team really tries hard, pushes hard and plays like skill - i go all in too... but that day is not this day

to conclude: i believe this game it was CZrankGrandorCZ undoing, not mine
+0 / -4

4 years ago
Please do not blame your teammates on the forum. If you feel a game has been wronged to the point of having to make a bawww post, at least have the decency to provide constructive feedback and leave the negative crap out of it.

if team really tries hard, pushes hard and plays like skill - i go all in too

Your team having or lacking skill is not a valid reason to play poorly or attempt to sabotage your team on purpose.
+2 / -1
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
bawww post

You know who bawwws? Your mom when I meet her.

Shut it about decency. You are one of the most despicable Zero-K players I know.

least have the decency to provide constructive feedback

What, after 10K games you are still stupid enough that you don't know what people should be doing in 4v4? I am sure CZrankGrandorCZ knows that too, he just chose to fuck it up.

Your team having or lacking skill is not a valid reason to play poorly or attempt to sabotage your team on purpose.

Well this game was clearly sabotaged as far as I am concerned. And not by me. And many others. Y'know, I will be calling every game where people do what I don't want them to do SABOTAGED. By this measure that vile bore Firepluk sabotages every game he plays. And fucking believe me, from now on I will sabotage your putrid ass whenever I can... Idiot.
+1 / -7
RUrankOntheheavens is now taking an enforced break from the forums.
+8 / -0

4 years ago
It's worth noting that GrandorCZ and CatMaster seemed to be on the same page about him ecoing. Catmaster told him to grid up. These were the two highest-rated players on the team in agreement as to how to approach the match.

Overall the game seemed pretty equal for a long while. Ontheheavens knew that one of his allies was playing passive but still decided to push into enemy territory (this is usually a mistake when outnumbered). There was a bad fac match-up as the NE team had no air.

Also, GrandorCZ did did end up building reaper. The game was quit after 7 minutes, so he didn't really get a chance to exercise his transition. It is pretty common for tanks to build up some infrastructure before starting up the tank ball, although I agree this was somewhat excessive.

While I don't think his decisions were optimal, I think it was within a range of acceptable effort. The game was probably winnable if any one player made better decisions and his actions were congruent with at least one ally's intentions. We cannot expect every player to make perfect decisions all the time. People tend to do what works for them.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
CZrankGrandorCZ always spam large welder balls using aggressive reclaim strategy. He is slow player who like to build muscle slowly. And that is reason why he is largely mediocre at smaller team games. RUrankOntheheavens is not first lobster who raged because that. :D

RUrankOntheheavens is now taking an enforced break from the forums.

In some way little sad because he was pretty entertaining at some ways. But yes this aggressive rudeness sometimes is too much. Also in games. But seems he have break also from gaming.

+0 / -0
LVrankSenaven is right. Grandor plays like that all the time and it is really easy to interpret that playstyle as team-sabotage.

EDIT: what? only 7 minutes? i had games where he never made attack-units and had like 4 singus and an uncountable number of fusions. So 7 minutes is actually really fast for him. I have to stress that asking him for artillery in another game was ansered with following that request, so i have no grudge.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
GBC is a hell of a drug
+0 / -0