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Unit Idea: The Enigma

13 posts, 1143 views
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12 years ago
So I was thinking, since the devs seem to be working on this new colourful laser addition for the com

it would be cool if we could get a unit that makes use of it too

my idea is of a light raider unit, perhaps to replace the amphib lab's lack of good light raider unit (making it not so great for 1v1, at least compared to hovers imo)

I drew up a rough sketch of what it might look like:

i didnt do the texture, will leave that for the professionals but i think it would be best if it contained lots of colour and weird spiral-y stripe patterns,
also - it will have 2 colourful LLT-like lasers

the reason for the name is that it would be an odd unit, hard to figure out, ambiguous, weird, un-ordinary

purposely confusing and very random, occasion it would self-d for no reason or it would randomly do a jump or teleport somewhere

everything about it should be unpredictable, ie the lasers would change colour randomly and so would the damage output, which would be based on the colour (red being most powerful etc), when it dies it might have small % of detonating like a roach

of course, all this would be within reasonable constraints, the randomosity would only stretch as far as to make it either slightly UP or OP, but nothing too drastic

because this is what ZK is all about:- gimmicky, fun units that look all colourful and shit
+0 / -0
12 years ago
random = crappy balance
+0 / -0
Nothing to see here guys. Dance is another smurf of Drone. The more I read about this unit, the more it actually sounds like a unit version of Drone:

-hard to figure out
-purposely confusing and very random
-occasion it would self-d for no reason
-everything about it should be unpredictable
+0 / -0
If this is what you think Zero-K is about it's no wonder we keep having to ban you.
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12 years ago
I like the idea, but make the unit aviable only on trololo xDD
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12 years ago
ye but Rick, it's more about fun than balance

and it actually is good for balance because amphib needs a new light raider

antelope and saktoth stop being angry, you high elo's are always far too serious

and saktoth stop trying to justify your pointless bans , honestly its like ban first- come up with reasons later "erm you annoyed dynasty players!, you also were kind of trolly in dat game!, you said zk is gimmicky!, you beat det 7 times in a row and he was upset!, you self d your units!" then im like "are any of those even against the rules?" and is just the self d part, obviously not worth 1 month ban
+0 / -0
12 years ago
It looks too much like Dirtbag and windgen. Units need to look very unique so they are easy to tell apart. The model could randomly change shape and textures.

We need more information on the concept. Should the unit be able to fire under water? Should it work like Bouy/Grizzly?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Drone, SHUT THE FUCK UP. Shut the fuck up and never come back.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I like the sketch.

Maybe Captain Benz can do up a proper model for it. And then Dance can be forced to use it as his commander.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
>>And then Dance can be forced to use it as his commander
+0 / -0
12 years ago
/*lots of colour and weird spiral-y stripe patterns*/
been there, done that.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
unfunny and awful, 0/10.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
"Unfortunately, this SME-music-content is not available in Germany because GEMA has not granted the respective music publishing rights."

ha ha ha
Unfortunately, this Dance-unit-proposal will not be available in Zero-K because DEFs are not interested into publishing immature units.
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