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Best / worst units

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4 years ago
okay guys we haven't done this post in a lil'

what is in your opinion the best and the worst units currently.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Best: Thug, Outlaw, Archer, Knight, Kodachi, Snitch, Puppy, Constable, Angler
Worst: Skuttle, Scallop, Claymore, Cyclops
+0 / -0
4 years ago
worst unit hands down is Mistral.
+0 / -0
Don't know.

I almost used all of them...
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I don't know what the best unit is, but the worst unit is Reef. It is very expensive and isn't a threat to anything.

Dishonorable Mentions:

Skuttle : Can't get close to its targets
Claymore : Can't do enough damage to its targets
Detriment : Can't get close enough to its targets or do enough damage to its targets
+1 / -0
Detriment is the best. It's got basically everything you'd want and extremely hard to kill. Harpy is the worst, as it is very easy to kill and just gets shot down the minute you turn away from it for a second. In my humble opinion.
+1 / -1
Meanwhile it costs 20k and dies to any army comp thats 10k or more, dies to specialist army comps that cost a fifth of its cost, is so slow it takes 5 minutes to cross a medium map, and costs almost as much as an actual game ender (during which if enemy game ender exists it will be completed in time to kill the detriment before it has any chance to do residual damage). Any attempts to properly screen it put the cost well into game ending costs and dies to berthas and other strategic arty.

The only thing it has going for it is that it works in sea and can be teleported into the rear as a win con.

In the current form it is beyond useless. It may work in the lower end of the elo pond but against competent opponents it dies pretty quickly and does almost nothing.
+3 / -0

4 years ago
Am a bit out of practice, but as I recall:

Worst: Impaler, Skuttle, Blastwing, Tremor, Crane, Revenant these days, Duck? Archer? Scallop outside water.

Best: Minotaur, Kodachi?, Moderator*(depending on enemy), Recluse*, Scalpel, Halberd, Glaive, Fencer, Thug, Grizzley

Roughly my perspective.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I found quake is a good tool in team game to trap heavy tanks if teamwork is good.
+0 / -0
Worst: skuttle, mistral, blastwing, cutter, ravager, phoenix, locust.
Best: kodachi, glaive, flea, place holder, grizzly, tremor, welder, knight, iris.

locust is controversial.
+0 / -0
Worst - detriment, flail, crane, reef, sparrow, cutter, Firepluk, siren, clymore.

Best - skuttle, snitch, imp, iris, widow, placeholder, lobster, lance, archer, ultimatum, FIrankKapy.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
best in category (opinion):
Raider - Glaive: cost effective, versatile, fast, a prime staple of what a raider should be.
Skirmisher - buoy: A skirmisher that slows on hit and is tanky? oh man.
Riot - Reaver: it's a walking stardust!
Artillery - Badger: being able to stockpile your payload into a spot and have it spring at a moments notice with cloaked tech is ridiculous
Assault - Minotaur: EXTREMLY tanky in armor and packing a huge punch, it has the grit necessary to break a line in two.
Specialty - Dominatrix: nothing is more rude than seeing that unit you spent so long in making only for it to be converted
Super-unit - Paladin: having several ways to crowd control and can fight most units easily, it makes for quite the threatening presence
Aerial - Lhiko: nothing says "go away" like a tact nuke straight for your foes.
Sea - Duck: Quack quack you got an anti-sub and a raider all in one package.

Worst in category (opinion):
Raider - Pyro: expensive and unless heavily micro managed, this raider's quite a difficult thing
Skirmisher - Rouge: while powerful in payload, it is VERY slow in velocity and has to arc its shots.
Riot - Outlaw: delivering quite the slowing field and repeatedly doing so, it's not too hard to overwhelm this riot.
Artillery - Firewalker: what it lacks in direct hits it makes up in burn damage, which, can be spread way too thin at times.
Assault - Ravager: while speed the name, dying fast is also this thing's game.
Specialty - Limpet: the most things can be slowed by is 50% and how easily detected this is, it's quite difficult to use this efficiently.
Super-unit - Detriment: by the time you sunk in the metal to make this thing the enemy is mass producing raiders to bite at your ankles and distract you greatly.
Aerial - Phoenix: only good at telling raiders or workers to go away, but that's about it.
Sea - Seawolf: very effective up until the enemy starts making ducks or scallops, then that's where this thing plummet into the depths, also it has navigational problems if the water's too shallow.
+1 / -3

4 years ago
LVrankSenaven Best - skuttle
beat me to it.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Skuttle has a hard time getting close to stuff without iris.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Best- Ultimatum, thuglaw, archer, puppy, Microed pyro, killager
Worst- Skuttle, scallop, ravager, Heavy striders
+0 / -0
I'm bad at picking favorites, here are some units I really like:

-Knight: generalist assault, one of those units you can build when you don't know what else to do and be certain they will be useful.
-Sling: another "can't have too many" unit, you can build a few and have some fire support, or a lot and rain hell upon thy foes. Works really well on auto-fight.
-Hermit: I love their potential for zerg rush, cheap and durable.
-Nimbus: The one gunship to rule them all, all other gunships are the things you build when you aren't spamming nimbus.
-Minotaur: I like big stronk things.
-Tremor: Best artillery, basically has no counter other than being killed, so you just need to protect them.

Some units I feel are underwhelming. I'm only listing units I actually try to use sometimes:

-Rovers in general: feeling rather toothless atm.
-Jumpbots in general: feels like the fac can't work solo, needs another fac to provide some generalists to be your backbone.
-Hovers in general: feels like the entire fac needs too much micro to work.
-Ronin: sling is better in most situations atm.
-emp/disarm things in general: emp/disarm is actually pretty strong, but having an extra unit type in the formation just for emp/disarm feels like too much hassle.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Skuttle has a hard time getting close to stuff without iris.

I don't use iris with skuttle. Its more problematic then skuttle + scouting unit. If skuttle had widow vision range then it would be OP. But of course if u jump in moderator, felon, picket, hlt, zeus and other insta weapon area then u wil loose it.
+0 / -0

beat me to it.

+0 / -0

4 years ago
For me, the best units are Reaver, Kodachi, Pyro, Tremor, and Dante.
And @Godde.
+1 / -0
Best unit: Any unit controlled by myself.
Worst unit: Any unit not controlled by myself.

Ok a bit more serious.

Best "Unit": Recon Commander. Because mobile, can build, can kill light units etc.
Others are Siren, Envoy, Glaives, Scorchers, Darts, Felon, Owl, Swift, Likho, Catapult, Funnelweb, Ogre, Phantom, Firewalker, Jack, Grizzly, Reaver

Worst units: Cutter!, Dante, Scallop, Hercules, Claymore, Vandal
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