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Players not reacting to pings

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I have experienced that many players do not react to pings / labels at all. In a game like Zero-K, where teamplay is crucial, this is really frustrating; you can imagine what situations require such pings: suiciding units, unused units, reclaiming of stuff that is getting resurrected or other stuff that needs immediate reaction. I am not talking about AFK players here, I am talking about players who do not notice 10 minutes of constant ping spams.

I heard that it is possible to disable these pings / labels. If this is true, I would like to suggest that this disabling feature gets removed completely. If this is not possible or hard to do (e.g. manually disabling widgets, idk), what is the appropriate / recommended action here? Vote kicking the player?
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Non-communicative players is an old problem, which will probably never be solved because humans beings.

I think the general agreement is that the threshold for kicking such players for bad teamplay is substantially lower than a player who is actually communicating and responding to communication in a cooperative manner.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
IIRC at some point mentions used to highlight you, i don't think they do now
+1 / -0
It is entirely unrealistic to expect any specific person to be looking at whatever part of the map you choose to ping at a moment's notice.

And if you feel the need for 10 minutes of constant ping spams you can expect nobody to pay attention to your pings.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
What AUrankAdminAquanim said.

Also... If you have the time to ping so much, do the next best thing instead and use chat to actually talk to the player whose attention you want.

There is an option to remove smoke signals that appear after a ping. I don't know if there is one to remove actual pings. I'm sure people would still be able to see them if they were looking at that part of the map.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I have experienced that many players do not react to pings / labels at all. In a game like Zero-K, where teamplay is crucial, this is really frustrating; you can imagine what situations require such pings: suiciding units, unused units, reclaiming of stuff that is getting resurrected or other stuff that needs immediate reaction. I am not talking about AFK players here, I am talking about players who do not notice 10 minutes of constant ping spams.

Other players don't have a responsibility to respond to your pings, especially, to the type of ping that is more about micromanaging the other player than it is about coordination. You can ping people for useful tips or things they may have missed, but if they're unresponsive then just leave them play their own game at their skill level. There is a lot going on in the game and I suspect people often just can't spare the attention.

There is bit of room to improve the communication options and make it harder to accidentally miss relevant messages.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
when seen player in the game keep on Spam should they get banned from doing that I know there are No rules in this game but can you let player know keep spam is bad into game business and drawing something on map is other things well because haven't Join rank match server yet because i know my level to low

also clan leader told player not kick player just wanted played the game there some call me troll when never play that kind way in the game let they get know me more first be for come up with that idea as for Pings like have bad internet access that base on player if is AFk or not but that not many problem other problem that player some time tell other other player what to do

in this game of zero-K every one have there own right how they played there game in Garden

I hope it not problem
+0 / -0
In the match got Friendly fire lost point in rank be for it was 23% then 21% and 20% get point back when doing the game with other player how get point 20% rank

also If you wanted Join clan Lron Blood know rules also don't broken him one day be top1 clan some day with honor of soldier clan in Lron blood only if you wanted Password 16589 also have Respond in Lron blood clan also leaders in that clan as well
and honor falling Soldier

also don't changed logo without my permission

there some player who are AFK as well in the game match right now still low rank level and other player are playing high rank Small game played as well
+0 / -0
Relatively new to zero-k.
I only figured out yesterday that you can click the flag icon to jump to a ping location.

The ping itself on the minimap is hard to see when it's happening and hard to see while it's active.
It may be beneficial to make these signals more visible.
+5 / -0
4 years ago
F3 scrolls thru... hmm labels at least, maybe pings too, not sure actually, but I just use it and its great.

Again something that BA did great, if I remember right pings leave a small icon on edge of screen toward the location where it happened, and clicking on it jumps you to that location. Small things that make life happier.

I have many times noticed labels or important pings minutes after they happened. Even if someone writes my name on chat I will not notice. Again something that was somehow much better in BA; noticing chat messages.

Would be cool if you make ping directly on someones unit, it gives the owner a special notification. Dozens of times it would have helped a lot if the other person would just notice the situation even with no text(your com is going to die if you dont move it right now, move that idle ultimatum now, use these idle cons to reclaim, stop firing that tremor on my advancing units...).

Or have labels text show as transparent text on side of the screen for 20 or so seconds, right click to delete, left click to go to the label.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
The above posts from USrankdohieu1850 are difficult to parse.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
It would be nice to have a list of "active" pings, or at least named pings. Would also encourage people to erase such pings when they stopped being relevant.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Define `active pings` in this context:

- A "DRP" label was made 15 minutes ago. Is it still active?
- A "57%" ping was made 5 seconds ago on a unit that's now 58% complete.
- A "screamer" ping was made just now as a tacnuke hit.
+0 / -0
All (named) pings would be active until they were erased.

Technically that is already how it works, since pings stick to the battlefield cluttering up the view until someone deletes them. I think having a list would both make it easier to find/remember still-relevant information, while encouraging people to delete pings that don't matter anymore.

Non-named pings could be presumed to be one-time-only attention grabs and disappear on their own after a minute.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
All (named) pings would be active until they were erased.
Erased for everybody or only for one player? What about pings that are targeted: you add @SomePlayer and then that player must delete it (or mark it as viewed or something) himself otherwise it will not disappear. This would ensure he saw it.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Erased for everybody. I'm assuming that pings and map drawings are global here. They are, right?
+0 / -0
also Ping if player have red ping it was they have Bad internet access and white then they not in the game yet and player have to wait on other player started then go green Green means like player all player online good to go

and Note white pings when player waiting but should behind out there commander order to join the game and wait is over
+0 / -0