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Broken Nuke rush

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If two people rush a nuke, it can be fired within the first 10 minutes. Its a guaranteed win if there is some base clustering due small start boxes. Success rate is very high even if it gets scouted since most people don't care to make an anti that early. Even if they make an anti, one of the Nuke rushers can easily chose Spiders factory and stun anti with 1-2 widows. Rush can be done even faster if eating factories.
+0 / -1

4 years ago
In games of a size where it is practical to spend two players' entire income on a Nuke it is a good idea to scout early and often.

Widow is itself reasonably counterable.
+1 / -0
Can't say I have seen a lot of nuke rush lately. Nuke can easily end up as dead metal in the current meta, if the enemy makes anti properly and protects it adequately. Its often better used defensively, if the enemy starts wining somewhere you just nuke your own frontline. Scorched earth strats.

Spreading out your econ is a general good practice. If people cluster all their econ in a tiny region, the're taking the risk of one massive event wiping it all out.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
[...] Success rate is very high even if it gets scouted[...]

"Pics or it didn't happen." Can you point to a few replays where that tactic worked so well? I'd be very interested in studying them.
+0 / -0
As a player with the most experience doing this shit I decisevely say
this strategy works only vs dumb and clueless lobster team and heck even they adapt after a while and by the time you finish the nux they will have 3-4 antis covering all points of importance

Guess why I rarely do nux rush nowdays? Lobs do spam antis :P
Widow can be countered by a windwall around anti, cheap and super efficient. Even total lobs learned it nowdays :P

After a certain anti nuke density is reached it becomes impractical to use nukes... - too expensive to scout and kill/disable anti nukes

As a surprise strategy it can be quite good tho, like a billion other strategies :)
+6 / -0

4 years ago
Replays would be good, but I suspect success either down to lack of scouting (in dense games) or lack of game sense to notice a lot of the opponent's income not being used on the front (in smaller games).
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I tend to just build anti when the energy grid is linked and at about yellow color. Building it when you're done escalating the econ means it won't hurt your econ curve, and still comes online early enough to probably catch a rush. Off course scouting your enemy's entire situation occasionally with air is a good idea.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
As I always been saying - good air player in average/big team game always adds epic advantage to his team... and enemy scouting to check for super weapons is just one of them, imagine not to have build anti nuke at all because you know with 99.99% certainty enemy has not even started doing anything big
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Owl is the most OP unit, needs nerf.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
This cheese depend on map size and metal incoming, air player competence and how much is dumb entire team if nuke is scouted/fired.
Antis can be easy protected from enemy widow. It also depend of team competence.
On medium sizes team it could mostly work if two low rank players doing rush and in bigger team size. I don't think its broken or OP.
+0 / -0