I watched a couple of your replays for a bit more context, and here's what I have to say.
1) Early game pyro aggression is really good for holding the player back and forcing them to build defenses, which uses their metal. Don't throw your raiders away on a risky factory dive though, because you need to be able to pressure the enemy around the entire map because...
2) *Defenses can't move*. They're very strong but only in their one spot. You had a game where you had
5x the opponent's army value, but spent ten minutes trying to take out their shield spam. Use that jumpbot mobility to go somewhere else on the map and wreck their economy or main base.
3) If you want to hit the shields *head-on, get a Tremor* or some Emissaries. Maybe even Shockleys.
4) Don't forget to build *radar*, this helps you pick out weak points of the enemy's defenses and army distribution.
RECLAIM! Your opponent is able to afford these defenses because they're picking up the pieces after the battle. Deny this to your opponent (remember, their standing army is smaller than yours) and you'll gain another advantage.
If you're at 4 factories (35 buildpower or 35 m/s) it's safe to facswitch to something with artillery like

Astran says:
Cloakbot: Slings are cheap (plus get Iris for radar jamming against counter batteries).
Tanks: Emissary, or Tremor if they're
really dug in.
Rover: Badger is okay, Impaler has fantastic range but low dps.
Lance: 1 shots almost everything, but sluggish, flimsy, expensive, and overkills like crazy.