I'd like to make a case to remove the landing pad from the reef.
It can be a hub for drones, but I suggest for planes to stop considering it a reload pad entirely.
It's a few games now that I order my bombers to reload, and one of them (sometimes a likho) flies to a reef on the front and gets shot down by AA.
Not only that, but even if bombers don't get shot down, they repair slower than landing pad assisted by caretaker, and can even force a plane to be stuck in repair hell on the reef getting nibbled at by aa while the reef repairs.
I think it's a really cool idea to have a ship that planes can land on, but it's too low capacity and functionally too ineffective to properly behave as such. What's going to happen the vast majority of the time is the air fleet will fly to pads except one plane who will fly to reef and either repair slower or get shot down.
Heck if you want planes to reload on water, landing pads float. I see very litmited use for reef to be a carrier, only potential liability. It's already a good enough unit as a drone equipped mobile stun silo. It doesn't need to be more than that.