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What's the dumbest thing you did in zk?

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2 years ago
Mine has got to be trying to counter lance with paladin, and what's yours?
+3 / -0
2 years ago
Play in the teams room.
+5 / -0

2 years ago
I was losing a 1v1 super hard, and my opponent decided to just porc up his 75% of the map. I lost, but didn't resign, and an inevitable deathpush was not comming. So I built a newton ramp and launched ultimatums until I hit my enemy's singu, then resigned.

+5 / -0

2 years ago

I wanted to kill an athena in our rear with planes, but forgot that my trinity was selected, so I nuked the athena with all our stuff around it.

Good thing my team didn't kick me, and we won, and the athena-builder lobster got salty (as usual).
+7 / -0

2 years ago
Yeah that was a strange battle, not only because of the self-nuke. I think the losing team had, at time of loss, 3 non-dead detris and a non-dead meteor controller.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Use the forum.
+3 / -0
My unfortunate habit of jumping my com into the jaws of death, as seen most ignominiously by https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1424010.

Really, not my greatest moment.
+2 / -0

2 years ago
Making a smurf to rush nuke
+2 / -0

2 years ago
Starting gunships when @Godde was starting gunships, and losing a 2v1 against @ATOSTIC x)
+2 / -0

2 years ago
I am trying to remember something dumb I've done in ZK, and I know I've done something super dumb, but I can't remember it at the moment.
Something I do remember, however, is something that USrankTomBodett did one time (don't worry I asked him if I could share this story, and he said yes).

If I am remembering correctly, it was this game: https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1093026
He had a Zenith, and was winning the game by a lot, and decided to stop continuously bombing our bases with meteors because he wanted to give us a chance. After some time, he realized (he didn't know this before, we were very new to ZK) that once his Zenith had enough meteors, they started dropping on his base, and he thought "Oh no, what do I do?", and then thought "Maybe if I turn it off it'll stop collecting meteors!"

+4 / -0

+2 / -0
thinking you can win a game with (mostly) skuttles. (you can't but blowing stuff up is fun). i realized this after i dropped 500+ elons back in the day by using this extensively...
+1 / -0

2 years ago
Once upon a time i entered an 1v1 match with only touchpad for pointer input, also while drunk.
+4 / -0
2 years ago
played zk for the first time
+2 / -0
2 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
Gave a sloppy toppy to Aquanim.. didn't get me unmuted :(
+3 / -13

2 years ago
This Scallop drop where my units collided with each other (timestamp 39:00)
+6 / -0
POV you disliked my above message

+1 / -1
2 years ago
Trying out Zero-k tutorials...

bbbut you can!
+6 / -0
Playing normally in the ZK teams room.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
-> Installed zk through Steam, played using my Steam profile
-> After a month or so I decided that I don't want to play through Steam, installed zk through itch.io
-> Didn't know that I could write to a mod to "transfer" my profile, so I created a new one, and used only it
-> In this conversation https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1027123 I suggested that Sigero can create a new profile - since I was quite new to online multiplayer games, I didn't realize that it is a bad sport to do so and that those profiles are called "smurf" (I did not mean it in any harmful way)
-> Got banned for a century by Aquanim, because he saw that my IP had also that Steam account (which I no longer used and did not intend to)
-> Got salty and created another account, wrote into that discussion again, got banned again, wrote an angry message to Aquanim through yet another profile to delete all my profiles and data

+4 / -0
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