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do wrecks lag the game?

.. but more importantly is there a way to disable them? i couldn't seem to find it with google or forum searches. i played a few game setups with infinite metal but the map was covered in hundreds of unit wrecks
+0 / -0
ok found it.. if i use (underscore)dead or (underscore)heap suffix after unit names in disable strings i can maybe disable the wrecks.. will test it

this does not work and so i cant find any way to disable unit wrecks.


+0 / -0
Featuredefs are not unitdefs. In order to implement this feature you would need to modify unitdefs_post to remove the `corpse` field for each unit:

if (Spring.GetModOptions().nowrecks or 0) == 1 then
for _, def in pairs(UnitDefs) do
def.corpse = nil
+2 / -0
shaman i think your understanding on this far outpaced my own.. but maybe ill look into it soon if i have the energy and attempt to fill my mind with more of this worldly tangled logic. thanks for your time

to be honest i already did try my hand at this.. i looked at trying to add units to a construction build menu for a factory and failed in utter confusion at the first hurdle.. so.. maybe ill just stick to what im good at
+0 / -0

24 months ago
to be honest i already did try my hand at this.. i looked at trying to add units to a construction build menu for a factory and failed in utter confusion at the first hurdle.. so.. maybe ill just stick to what im good at

Probably failed because you didn't add it to the build menu ui side. You probably just added it to the gameside config (via buildoptions.lua).
+2 / -0
24 months ago
since your quite good at this would you ever consider a commission? felt like making a mod but well.. yeah.. im not very good at this stuff
+0 / -0

24 months ago
Sure I'd take a commission. What do you have in mind?
+0 / -0
23 months ago
awesome! ok we can come to a $ arrangement after you asses whats involved =)

but let me brainstorm the details for a few days. i need to focus on a few things that have just come up in my life at the moment too so we wont commit to anything just yet.
+0 / -0
how possible is it to resize units? to scale them +10%.. also is it possible to scale unit stats such as range, health.. ect based on the size.. i wanted to make a mod.. sorry.. i mean i wanted you to =P .. where each con type eg. conch, funnelweb.. ect can build there prospective factory / strider hub.. that is +10% in size and all units built by the bigger factory have + 10% size and +10% stats.. up to the end limit of +100%

keep in mind that if this required tedious work i can do all of theses such things for you if thats mundane once i have a template.

i may not know enough to understand the scope of what i ask. forgive me.

eg 1.

strider hub -> funelweb -> +10% bigger strider hub (+10% better stats , health, build power, range.. ect of the strider hub and of the striders)

eg 2.

factory.. welder.. +10% factory.. +10%welder.. +20%factory.. +20% welder.. ect

with the main exception being that each factory upgrade cost an extra 1x as much as the previous one.. a kind of tech mod
so the last factory would cost 10x the cost of a normal factory and be able to construct units 100% bigger, faster, more expencive, ect.

what worries me is if zk gets updated are there any dynamic methods that would prevent the mod from breaking, presuming its even possible to make such a mod.

i am prepared to finance this mod even if it requires a team.

please let me know your thoughts.
+0 / -0

23 months ago
how possible is it to resize units? to scale them +10%.. also is it possible to scale unit stats such as range, health.. ect based on the size.. i wanted to make a mod.. sorry.. i mean i wanted you to =P .. where each con type eg. conch, funnelweb.. ect can build there prospective factory / strider hub.. that is +10% in size and all units built by the bigger factory have + 10% size and +10% stats.. up to the end limit of +100%

There's a few ways to do that. IIRC Unit Level Ups does it already (the unit resizing), so one could steal code there. From there it's a matter of doing some stat manipulation (which is fairly easy).

Game design wise, I'd personally do something along the lines of a factory upgrade button but keep the "cons of lvX build factories of lvX" part.

what worries me is if zk gets updated are there any dynamic methods that would prevent the mod from breaking, presuming its even possible to make such a mod.

That's pretty easy part. Mutators take precedent over their dependency. So if ZK changes factoryveh.lua, but you have a factoryveh.lua, your factroyveh.lua overrides their factoryveh.lua.

Would you happen to have a more reliable set of communications?
+1 / -0
23 months ago
yeah ill get discord up and running.. but i just got the parts for my new pc so ill reinstall windows and discord and pm you

i agree with the things you said =)
i hope there are ways i can also help out
+1 / -0

23 months ago
My discord handle is Stentorian#4549.
+1 / -0
23 months ago
i forgot to mention the apparent ease at which you dispelled this tasks difficulty is quite impressive.. there is more then a few beers in this for you =)
+0 / -0

23 months ago
I've done a lot of lua stuff, just look at fw. I've done audio stuff, made literal cruise missiles, etc. Granted there's problems and it is very unfinished, I put a lot of work into it. We should discuss details on discord at some point.
+1 / -0

23 months ago
Sounds good to me, just get in touch with me. I only read the forum a few times a day.
+0 / -0
23 months ago
np ill be busy for maybe a day or two with a few things and ill pm you on discord asap
+0 / -0