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Can we make palladium permanent?

10 posts, 836 views
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2 years ago
Is there any downside?
+8 / -0

2 years ago
Yes, non-pros see a game they can't play and leave. It could probably be semi-permanent at times where the game is pretty much always alive (euro weekend evenings etc) so that lobs can still play in the pot instead though.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
+3 / -0
2 years ago
at times where the game is pretty much always alive

Feels like there is (always) some coop or ffa or chicken whatever going on, except less certainly at UTC time 05-13. New players can join those, why need for pot-time?
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Not sure if my job is to subsidize the enjoyment of other players at a cost to myself. Pot games are filled with players that have a different concept of how they like to enjoy zero-k. Great for them, but I too would like to have enjoyable multiplayer games.
+5 / -0

2 years ago
.... I was just writing about how the lob pot is more fun with skilled players!
+1 / -0
Skilled players can't use their full potential in a lob pot. I saw strong 1 vs 1 players that have problems in team games since they don't coordinate the team or don't bother in doing so for specific reasons.

For example, knowing all the tactics and all the possible counters/tricks is the thing that keeps me ahead in lob pot. Even if the enemy team is more skilled, I coordinate with labels and constant advice which counterbalances the situation strongly.
We can say that I am actually a reverse 1 vs 1 player who performs well in lob pot in comparison to the majority of strongest 1 vs 1 players in the same games.

I am quite bad at 1 vs 1 since micromanaging units is not my forte, but thinking of all possible combinations and permutations of a battle is what drives me in playing the game. That's the reason why I ask for more complexity in Zero-K.

In conclusion, having only high ELO matches in team games can actually show exactly the value of your skill. One weak link and the entire team loses fast. I saw 3 scorchers destroying 2 factories and the entire expansion of the enemy team in seconds just by a simple mistake. One other example is jumping with the commander while he was in the range of our scouts, which made him an instant target that resulted in his destruction.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Main downside to making it permanent that I can think of is that the lack of FOMO might result in lower uptake. :D
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Maybe we should just test leaving palladium up, and see if the number of big team games declines, and see if anyone uses it?
+4 / -0

2 years ago
I recall the experiment being run, and data being collected (just replays and game sizes, so the raw data exists somewhere in replay search). I think the main outcome was that which host ended up being played on any given day was random, but the active host seemed to persist over the day due to the effect of seeding. The desire for palladium didn't seem to translate into people using it when the "all welcome" host happened to be the one seeded that day. The downside was then pretty clear, that half the time half the playerbase didn't have a game to play.

Anyone can run a elo limited host up to 4v4, in case you'd like to run a similar experiment yourself.
+0 / -0