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[4 March] 3v3 Future Wars Tournament

13 posts, 784 views
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It's that time of year again folks. The recent lack of tournaments has made the twitch gods sad. As such there will be a FW 3v3 tournament coming up to appease them. Join us for some crazy adventures of the new drone module support commander and spike!

Date: 4th of March
Time: 1730 UTC
Format: RR Bo3 (Not expecting a huge number of sign ups, but if there's a lot of teams, this will be reduced to Bo1)

Map Pool:
Akilon Wastelands ZK v1
Iceland v1
Firebreak v1.2
Dune Patrol Redux v1.1
Daybreak Canyon v1.1
Into Battle v4
Lowland Crossing Revised v2
Icy Shell v01
Icy Run v2
Tundra V2
Terra 2
LimeQuat Republic v1.23
Aquatic Divide
Iced Coffee

Sign ups
team namemember 1member 2member 3
Die demokratischen EichelspalterDErankAinzOalGownDErankthejmDErankGwydyon

Free agents

Note that I will be streaming the tournament with a set of co-commentators on the day of the event! You may find my stream here. Challonge bracket goes here when I'm done setting that up. Good luck, have fun!
+7 / -0

2 years ago
I'd like to sign up, no team yet.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
im in. i like to team with non potatos this time.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
We're also in.
Team "Die demokratischen Eichelspalter"
M1: AinzOalGown
M2: thejm
M3: Gwydyon

+1 / -0
2 years ago
Future Wars PVP? You son of a bitch, I'm in!
+0 / -0
2 years ago
no team either, gonna try too
+0 / -0
2 years ago
I might jump in and see if you need another player, if I have the time.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Im in as a free agent
+0 / -0
can i has iced coffee map pls?

also alphabet siege too big for 3v3, same for others: aiikon, terra 2, turndra 2, iicy shell
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Y'know what, I'll just say any supported map (outside of metal maps) can be played as long as both parties agree to it.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
all else seem to be good besides those few, only those few too big, its cool to have some pool. thinking bad. mrh.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
I don't think Icy Shell is big it's a knife fight already. The map is 8x8. Alphabet siege, granted, it's a 20x10 map. Terra2 isn't that bad at 16x10.
+0 / -0
I'll take a shot in a torney, but I'll need some hand holding. Discord required.

Else, no hard feelings if I'm shuffled out.

Commanded on the discord.
+0 / -0