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Eco-focused role in large team games

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15 months ago
Is it wrong for some players to be focused on building eco in large team games when most of the team is focused on combat? I don't see why every player in a large team needs to build combat units when it could be more efficient to divide up the roles.
+2 / -0
15 months ago
Which game in particular are you refering to?
+0 / -0
15 months ago
Any game with more than 10 players or so should be ok to have eco-focused players I think.
+0 / -0
15 months ago
A 5v5? I don't think a eco role would fit for that small of a game in my opinion.
+1 / -0

15 months ago
Eco focused player is fine in larger team games. A guy spamming singus can actually really impact the team's success. Sustained extra metal over a long time wins games. If you are proposing to do this instead of frontline then I for one am all for it. Just remember that you will be the target of enemy air and sneaky strats like scythes so prepare for that. Thresher and a few lotus near a singu can be all you need.
+1 / -0
15 months ago
"Eco focused" isnt realy a thing,

while its obv ok to spend more metal on eco than combat elements some seem to think that "eco focused" means you do nothing but building eco (energy) the entire game, this whole progress can be achieved in a minute using shift commands, so you can just "automate" your eco and have your apm be free.

If you play eco resource heavy you should always atleast have a "2. role" be it scouting with air/widows, scythe raiding or maybe a small group of precise artilllery, whatever it may be a good fraction of apm should always be used in a more interactive way with the battlefield because apm wise "eco" takes close to nothing.

Also fighting for mexes is technically ecoplay as well.

+3 / -0

15 months ago
Skel, I'd rather have a guy just building singus in the back than a guy feeding metal to the enemy in the front.
+0 / -0
15 months ago
You imply not building singus in back = feeding metal, this is not a certain truth, building only(!) eco (singu) is objectively bad feeding metal to the frontlines is an ok price to improvement
+2 / -0

15 months ago
The whole discussion may be academic in light of the accusation that USrank2023 is a troll, or at the very least not a team player. I've certainly seen people who manage the harm their team by building eco.
+0 / -0

15 months ago
Skel, maybe you need to play with 2023 before making that assessment ;)
+0 / -0
15 months ago
I believe the eco player gets a higher portion of the overdrive.

There needs to be an end to the eco since it gets progressively less efficient so probably after two singularitys it's time to fight
+0 / -0

15 months ago
The simplest solution to this would be if you could convince your team to most/all have a single con (possibly even on low priority) assist one of yours, all assisting the same, and that one con queues energy buildings...

That way the team pitches in, stuff gets built quickly and only one of them is built at a time, ramping energy income ealier and steadily.

But that would require everyone's cooperation. A common point for lost games is a large number of players in a team caps mexes near them and then have their con assist their fac for the rest of the game without making more E. The early game goes great, but the enemy eventually holds the low cost spam and using E, reclaims and pushes back.
+0 / -0
15 months ago
I just want to be an eco player without people nagging like as if im a waste of space.
+0 / -0
After playing eco, and watching eco I think there is a major difference between good eco and bad eco... (eco vs sim city as others say).
In small teams <6v6, an eco player is often bad, as the front collapses. Then we have eco players who eco badly... like building 3 fusions while building a singu....

as for 2023, playing 2 games where he went afk at the start, only to hover around and unafk every so often... yea that was annoying
+0 / -0
15 months ago
A quick graph on diminishing returns on energy.

+3 / -0

15 months ago
"Eco" player is not a thing that requires 100% of your apm. Eco + reclaiming stuff @ front + dealing with scythes + patching OD grid + getting antinukes in time + getting BB's/zenith going + managing stationary AA that could keep a person occupied. Arguably, you'd want to go cloaky or spiders for spammable anti-infiltration units. In a proper lobpot an air player is typically the only one ever looking at the entire map, but air player typically has to dedicate all the income towards air control. So ye, having a ground based ally to handle "zoomed out" aspects of the game could be nice.
+3 / -0
15 months ago
Gunships are probably the best anti infiltration.

Spam gnatts with repeating attack order will hard counter jack ramps
+0 / -0
I think the important takeaway is that Ecoing in ZK doesnt need all your attention, you could probably queue up the entire eco of a team in the first few minutes of the game, since nothing can change really about optimal positioning of singus and pylons.

Its best to use your apm in low resource high apm things, like widows, a few cloaked bombs, (low unitcount) impaler micro, scythes, screening and probably other things ive forgotten
+1 / -0

15 months ago
I played games with the silly strat: COMBAT BUILDERS! I zoomed jumpbot constructors around, helping patch units up and/or repair units, feeding metal to big strats, tending to the units. And while I still built some units, say... riots and special, most of my attention was spent on keeping track of every front at once!

I call this the "Combat Medic" strat. I don't care if it is good or not, but it was fun! I would avoid it on smaller matches, word of caution.
+1 / -0
15 months ago
smaller matches in general should be played "textbook" rts style (only exception being a team rush of something cheap like scorp/dante/revs). Only in larger matches should players go for more funny trolls :D
+3 / -0
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