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Best Silo Kill?

8 posts, 600 views
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10 months ago
+1 / -0
10 months ago
I prob lost a ball ~40k? maybe more to silo spam once
+1 / -0
+3 / -0
10 months ago
one time i killed starligth (45k for that moment) by one rocket silo (400 (quake rocket)) by break terraform and throwing in into the acid water. it seems most effective using metal in the game.
+3 / -0
10 months ago
As a frequent shieldball player, i feel the pain.
+2 / -0

Those were FRrankSlaab's, mad respect for keeping them alive for so long, but he kept being annoying and whenever I tried stunning he would lob them away, at some point after a couple lobbed stuns I just stockpiled a few EOS to straight up kill them.

This was the game I learned that the best stun is killing, no point in beating around the bush with silo.
+7 / -0
nice shots, that is the way.
+0 / -0

10 months ago
Honestly, I'm surprised you managed to silo that many merlins. Usually they kill each other before you can touch them.
+0 / -0