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Cold Take #23 - Against Space

3 posts, 143 views
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20 hours ago

Zero-K gives people open-ended tools for creative tactics. Sometimes these are used to make space stations, raining cheap unblockable death from above, so have to be patched out.

Read it here: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/334920/view/524210941165831358
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9 hours ago
Cool read. I remember crab elevators being nasty. In response to: "That is also about it for creative tactics that have been patched out, since by and large we try to keep them in," - Would combat terraforming not come under this territory? I remember a time where rapidly sinking your commander, or perhaps those advancing cyclops would have been considered creative tactics.
+2 / -0

7 hours ago
Sinking your com is still a thing (it's the cooolcat special), it's just sinking enemy units that was owled.
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