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crush when picking missile silo

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12 years ago
during the game I can build everything but missile silo, once i click a missile silo i get booted out of the game with an error message. using windows 7. What dumps can i get to show this error?

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12 years ago
Godde has the same problem. Another player used to crash whenever they were building a metal extractor. Witchery I say!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
would reinstall help? I didn't have this issue in the past, it recently showed up
+0 / -0
I suggest you try the following:

1) Start the game
2) Press F11
3) Scroll to the (yellow) category "- Ungrouped -"
4) Click the green "Missile Silo Range (mod)" to disable it
5) Try again

This widget is used to display the different missiles' ranges before placing the building. That's the only thing I can think of messing with missile silo. I told Godde to do the same and just now remember that he built a silo without crashing, so I guess it worked.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
No. First "do" the crash again. Search for infolog.txt (have no idea where it is hiding in windows) then post in pastebin.com and link it here. Then try skasi idea.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Default path for infolog.txt is in:

User/My Games/Spring/infolog.txt
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12 years ago
Modify the missile silo widget's drawing code until it doesn't crash. It doesn't do anything special as far as I know so I probably just wrote it in a way which some graphics cards don't like. There are many other places where circles are drawn on the ground so just copy one of those to start with.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
well the weird thing about it is that it doesnt always happen, in fact it just started to happen for me a few days ago - the range widget was always enabled.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I've posted the infolog.txt file: http://pastebin.com/SfentF24
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12 years ago
disabling "Missile Silo Range (mod)" worked
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12 years ago
Well, that tells us your ATI card is hating the missile silo.
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