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How to Zero-k on Linux

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11 years ago
Hello there,

I'm a Linux user trying to play Zero-k on Linux, using Springlobby. I'm trying to move from Evolution RTS to Zero-k with Spring 94.0, but looking at the majority of games of Zero-K in the server, in the description they all say "incompatible (spring 91.0)", and automatically it says I will get out of sync if I join. So I decided to install the Spring 91.0 to be able to play on Linux, but when joining the official server it says now to me "No compatible Spring version has been found,this server requires version 94.0. Your currently installed versions are: 91.0. Online play is currently disabled".

Can anyone shed some light about how to play Zero-k on linux? I can play with no problems with windows but I'd rather play on Linux if possible.

+1 / -0
11 years ago
You need to disable engine version checking in .springlobby conf or somewhere like that.

You need 91 engine version compiled and pointed to(seems to already done)

Also if you get sick somehow of springlobby I suggest you to use notalobby.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Try http://weblobby.springrts.com

In the help tab there's a link to a static build of spring 91 for Linux 64.
+1 / -0
To solve your problem with the error, set DisableVersionCheck to 1 in the file springlobby.conf which is in the folder ~.springlobby. It may still give warnings about desyncs but you can just ignore that because it will just play normally.
It might just be me, but i have found that weblobby is awful to use; its slow, hard to use, unintuitive and the interface is ugly, but as i say it might just be me.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Also if you get sick somehow of springlobby I suggest you to use notalobby.

+0 / -0
11 years ago
Well I didint tried weblobby, because it requires java in browser thats really huge minus in my opinion, if it would be standalone-java it would be 10 times better.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
On ubuntu there is a java plugin that is not actually proper Oracle java, so you dont have to worry about the massive security holes in java.
+0 / -0
Weblobby is not working for me, i got java 6 and 7 installed but in all browsers it automatically redirects to downloading java.

NOTA Lobby is great, seems better than ZK Lobby to me. Sadly some moderators were insulted that it (as closed source) is linking unitsync library (which is against spring licence, ut who cares??). The guy who is making the lobby typerd that he will write his own unitsync library.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
I am having the same issues as Rydra. I am on Kubuntu and my system updated to engine 94 and can't get back now.

Weblobby does not work for me either and it asks for Java. Is the any other place where is it possible to download get a static build of 91 for linux64?
+0 / -0
- snip apologies to notalobby devs, i still wish you released sources someday :p -

If you can you should use either: zklobby, weblobby or in worst case springlobby (yes i dislike you springlobby, you memory-leak hard).

Edit: it appears I'm wrong regarding notalobby.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
We want to strip the wpf stuff out of ZKL to make it compatible with Linux again. If anyone wants to assist in that effort it's appreciated because none of the core devs are linux users (which is how it got this way in the first place).
+0 / -0
Ivica, you might wanna check the pipe, cause there isn't just tobacco in there ;)

The notalobby deves never agreed to releases sources, and said from the beginning that it was closed source. No amount of butthurt is going to change the facts.

There is nothing shady about the notalobby devs. They prefer to keep their source closed and that is perfectly within their right.

I would be willing to bet that you probably don't even know how notalobby infringes upon the spring license... Well allow me to enlighten you. Spring has this thing called unitsync. Think of unitsync as a gateway into spring. It allows you to see datadirectories and all kinds of cool stuff.

Now, because notalobby relied on unitsync for spring to pass along information, this means that because unitsync/spring is under a GPL license, anything that links to it must also be GPL. So, by circumventing unitsync, notalobby is no longer in violation of spring's license.

ZKLobby actually bypasses unitsync altogether (It's own implementation). Does that make Licho shady?

Don't smear other developers when you don't actually understand what is going on (especially when you yourself are a notalobby user...).

Edit: Also, you are crazy. SL doesn't have a memory leak.
+0 / -0
If there are no linux static builds <92.0 then couldnt someone compile 91.0 and upload the compiled version somewhere?
+0 / -0
and that is perfectly within their right.

That's called doublethink, and it's doubleplusgood.
+0 / -0
- snip apologies to notalobby devs, i still wish you released sources someday :p -

Also springlobby still eats like 1gb+ ram when I open it... Why does it need so much? I have 5gb+ of maps, but does it really need to cache half of them or something just to play singleplayer?

Thanks for enlightening me.

[quote]If there are no linux static builds <92.0 then couldnt someone compile 91.0 and upload the compiled version somewhere?[/quote]
You know we also can actually help devs to track and solve bugs with 94.1 instead of clinging to 91.0 forever.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
UArankIvica How could those of us who do not understand the development side of it very well help? It looks like the things on the ToDo list are to be fixed and not to be found, would testing in the "TEST: latest game version" room still be useful?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
You can build a body of knowledge about when they occur.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
The most effective: come play with someone and maybe or not bots. If some glitch occur remember what you and others did and try to repeat it. If it occurs again - excellent.
That's the most basic stuff.

In short: play test versions occasionally.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Could posts about spring 94.1 please be posted here.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Only reason why I dont like notalobby is when they will lose interest or any other reason to develop notalobby and something new will be in unitsync it will be good as dead.

Besides that it is very good lobby.
+0 / -0
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