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11 years ago
How about a robotic mole that pops up in enemy base?
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11 years ago
That sound gimmicky and unbalanced. How would you ever protect your singularity reactors? It would be even worse than Athena fleas.
+0 / -0
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11 years ago
We have teleportation, that's prettymuch how this would work.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
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11 years ago
It's called "Bouy"! :)
+0 / -0
Mby as future superweapon and porc-game (2 hour game, WTF?) breaker. Costs 50 000 and is hard to destroy.
+0 / -0
sounds like a good idea, needs more theorycrafting though
sweeping statements aren't very good at attracted anyones attention but trolls

thinking about this it would be cool as a slow moving two way Djinn style teleportation unit with a certain range for the extent it can deploy to, and when it does it becomes a building so only one use.
Requiring LOS to the point you want to "deploy" too.

say it had 3000 range.
you move the unit to within range of where you want to establish a link to.
send air or athena or something else over or near that area to establish LOS.
"deploy" the unit to that area(Djinn style would be best again for ease of use I guess "D" key).
then have that unit morph or "dig" to that area(different costs being on different distances to tunnel through?) and when its finished morphing it would turn into two static buildings which units can teleport between, the teleport charging time would signify traveling underground point A-B.

Also lol, dadabadb
+0 / -0
11 years ago
There used to be units that actually burrowed and moved underground: the chicken Diggers (note that currently they don't, when they appear in your base they're just spawned there). For some reason this was removed, though.
+0 / -0
+0 / -0
i want entire underground gameplay level. With diggers, underground bases, special underground units. But thats would be the hell for devs, looking at their current helplessness even with shitty dirtbag.

I strongly suggest you keep such insults (especially ones made in ignorance) to yourself. -KR
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Underground units have very low interaction with other units. Generally interaction is good.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Say that to Clam spam.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I said this in another thread very recently. We used to have digging units that move underground - the Chicken Digger. It just doesn't behave well in the spring engine. We can move the unit down, have it behave any way we want, but then units moving ON the ground will still be blocked by it, and it is blocked by other units (like a wall of buildings). So it makes no sense.

It won't work in Spring unless there's an engine change. Believe me I'd be all over it.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Well it'd still make more sense than supply depots only letting burrowed units pass when not buried in the ground...
+0 / -0
Well, if you want the underground unit to ignore obstacles and be non-blocking, couldn't it be an aircraft when underground? Be a lot of morph-swaps of course, but I know some Spring games have used that kind of aggressive constant-morph-swapping.

Of course, underground units probably aren't really worth doing in the first place...
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Tried it.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Hey, Clam can be hit by several units when underwater. It also has the advantage of being visible (you can't see through ground).
+0 / -0
11 years ago
preblem with underground is the engine simply was not built to suport an underground layer(or air for that mater)...

zk is basicaly a 2d game, underground is a 3d mechanic.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Underground can be 2D if you have a very restricted version. You'd have to assume that units make their own tunnels and cannot interact with each other while down there. It would basically be submarine gameplay.

We can dynamically change the heights at which gunships and planes fly as well as submarine height. But Spring input is basically 2D so it would be a poor 3D game.
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