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get rid of the splits

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11 years ago
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lol I mean seriously.

splitting the room in half is basically just kicking out the entire half of the room:(within nicer words that is), since the lower-elo-part is always broken, either 60% of the players just leave instantly when they realise there was a split going, or the game is votexited and they leave afterwards.

It doesn't really make much sense at all.

I mean, its perfectly fine and well working if you intended to discourage and annoy players with such.

tl;dr splits are retarded.
+3 / -9
11 years ago
The main problem is that it split a big game in 2 medium/small games, and most people in big game room want to play a big game, not a medium/small game.
+2 / -0
There are issues with removing split though. The main one is, like forta said, that people seem to like 10v10. If you split 10v10 you get 5v5. If you want to keep big games going you have to split at 20v20 (sure, why not! I dont predict any lag issues at all!). I would not be surprised if that crashed the server entirely.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
yeah no.

Splitting a game with 40 players, fine, engine issues, stability issues, fine.
Splitting a game of 20, or less players, well right now i'm sitting here trying to find words describing how full of crap this is.

Heres the deal though, since the big big games are always full of admins, make it an admin-only tool, give it a higher vote amount required to pass.
there's a bunch of ways to stop unwanted splits.
+0 / -0
I fully agree with this.

Story: There was a massive 10 vs 10 game. At the end of that game, the server splited the games into two 5 vs 5 games. One of the games started imediatly. The other one stalled and decided to move to the other game (I was in the stalled server). When in the other game, we decided to rejoin as specs. The problem was, it won't let us rejoin for "2700 seconds"

It seems like the main reason that this exists is to reduce "lagfests". I'm faily sure the best way to do it is to establish player limits instead.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
i love when a game splits, and all the noobs go in the other room! its one of the few times you get to play a trully epic high elo game
+6 / -0

11 years ago
Perhaps a split at 20 is a player limit? I know all about player limits, you just end up with a lot of specs all piled into a single game.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
GBrankKyubey AUrankAdminGoogleFrog

im seeing quite an interesting feature within two last posts.

nontheless, you guys should finally grow a set and quit crying about low community traffic when every newcommers idea that would actually make it better meet with disdain and insults.

>tears about low skilled players in teams
>tears about low player base
>doing everything to play only with the very few skilled ones
>splitting the rooms in half so the worse players wont compete and wont get better

i can't even handle all of my whats right now, the absurd of your actions is truly prepossessing

+1 / -9
PLrankunsword, your idea is neither new nor untested. Sorry to shatter your dreams.

disdain and insults.

I'm sorry? Do you mean
full of crap
grow a set
stuff like this? Yeah, what a shame people have to post like this...
+13 / -0
11 years ago
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@MauranKilom such a lovely cluster of mutual adoration aren't we?

oh and also, since the simple mind of yours doesn't allow it for you to be understand, either read what i have said earelier 5 more times, or ask an adult to translate it for you.
+0 / -10

11 years ago
+9001 MauranKilom.

Also, what do you think of BA's way of limiting spectators? It's one solution to the problem of everyone speccing the 10v10 instead of starting a new room.

Since we have all replays stored on the site, we could even disable speccing altogether. Of course, that might be a rather harsh thing to do.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
FIranksprang that would actually be better, the way it is now is a complete waste of time, when the game splits, the secondary room never plays the match, and when the match is played, its either imbalanced, or most of the players quit.

>move to second room
>force start
>vote exit
>room full of people asking wtf just happened.
>the other room being locked and can't even spec there.

thats exactly what it looks like everytime the game gets a split
but ofcourse since there's nobody on the forums from the low-elo players, this will never get fixed, since you still get exactly what you want

the tragic part; you don't even realise the harm it does to you.

also really, do we all speak different languages here, or am i in delusional coma, or are you all so full of yourselves you don't even see the obvious?

+1 / -4
11 years ago
the tragic part, you don't even seem to realize the harm your tone does to your point.

+5 / -0
11 years ago
Noone's going to listen to you on these forums if you're that rude. You insulted the developers with your very first post, and you expect them to implement your idea?

Okay, you noticed splits are annoying. But removing them is in no way a solution. Because then you DO get 20v20 games and they ARE unplayable lagfests. Does that sound fun to you? It's even worse than splits. A lot worse.

Next time you post, actually think of a solution that might work rather than raging at the problem and at everyone who disagrees with you.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Inb4 him calling everybody unable to read: No, an admin-only tool won't work, obviously. A higher vote limit doesn't solve anything, either. Rest was already said by GBrankzoidburger.
+0 / -0
Split games when player count reaches 40.
That will solve a great deal of the "new player related" problem. Splits are only good for the "pro-high-elo-elites"

and honestly, the "pro-high-elo-elites" won't leave and play starcraft instead.

+0 / -4

11 years ago
PLrankunsword we're aware of the issue as well as many other issues with other solutions. Time permitting we'll work towards some experiments to find better ones. You think we don't know anything because nobody has told you anything, you haven't been in those conversations and you're so bad at posting that I'd like you to not join them.
+4 / -0

11 years ago
every newcommers idea

First login: 34 months ago
+1 / -0
11 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
kingraptor why did you downvote me? undown voteme and i will undown vote you
+0 / -9
undown voteme and i will undown vote you

lol. You do realize vendetta voting is a bannable offense, right?

But to answer your question: "split at 40" implies that 19v19 games are possible. I cannot think of a single situation (outside of maybe fringe cases like duck games) where allowing this would be a good idea.

Also, I'd say 'Splits are only good for the "pro-high-elo-elites"' is a false statement.
+1 / -1
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