I was hoping to write up something nice on a wiki page for everyone to work from, but I'm too tied up with my job to get anything written up before this weekend. But maybe I can still offer a few useful ideas in a quick-and-dirty post here.
I'd like to help out this weekend as well. I'll probably only be available for a few hours Saturday morning and afternoon US time, but while I'm online I'd be happy to help Anarchid and everyone else turn in the best QA work we can.
In addition to joining the #zktest chat channel, I suggest we use a collaborative whiteboard to keep track of important stuff during the session. The site board.net provides free real-time web-based whiteboards using EtherPad. It seems to work pretty well. We should use a board name that includes the date of the start of the group session, so for example this weekend we would use
http://board.net/p/zktest-2013-11-15 - go check it out now and see what you think.
It would be very helpful for someone to post some instructions somewhere (here in this thread, or on a wiki page, or on the whiteboard above) on how to do some basic things, so that anyone can help test even if they have no prior experience with the technical side of Spring or Zero-K:
*Play a multi-player game with the latest engine
*Play a single-player mission with the latest engine
*Start a private room and play with the latest engine
*Switch from the latest engine to an older one
*Disable luaui and luarules
*Change your configuration
*Change your configuration to "safemode"
*Find a replay/demo file
*Find a infolog file
... and anything else that anyone thinks will be an essential step in helping with testing.
I've put a few other ideas in the whiteboard as starting points for anyone who wants to help test. Anyone can and should add to or modify what's there as you see fit.
Thanks, good luck, see you Saturday, and happy hunting everyone!