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Slasher OP?

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I have a question. I played 1v1 (Cloaky vs. light veh) the other player spamed slasher. I had no idea how to stop it. Am I noob or is there really no good couter vs. slasher spam?
My trys where:
glaive spam: They just died.
ticks: they nerver passed the way or a other unit got in the way or I stunned some but the others still killed my glaives
Zeus: much to expansiv and to slow to be a good counter

Than I thought about other facs vs. slasher spam:
Spider: the only good couter would be crabe. But that is the same like Zeus to expansiv and to slow
flea spam maybe but than there only need to be 1 leveler and it's over too.
H tank: good counters but who start h tank in 1v1??
Shieldbots: Thugs but they are also a bit to slow and if there are 3 slashers vs. 1 thug the shield will die quick
Gunship: good counters. But no option for 1v1
Jumpers: Jack, Skuttle, moderator + add, sumo but they are all lot more expansiv than slashers
Planes: no option for 1v1 start fac exept of wired maps maybe

oh and I think that was it. So now again the question. Slasher OP for 1v1?
Or am I only noob and you have nice tricks for me for the next battle?
+0 / -0
It probably is, at least with a supporting Dominatrix.

Pure Slasher is beatable with high health units because Slashers have awful damage. Scythe is also a decent counter because they have high damage and can attack side-on to the Slasher line and thus avoid most hits.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Probably OP? Or Probably Noob?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Tinyskirmish is a silly rush map, so it doesn't apply.

Zeus do work very well at making slashers run, then you do whatever you want. Of course, if enemy has domi, you better don't even think about zeus: she'll capture the thought and turn it against you right inside your head.

The real answer, as cloaky, is Scythe. We ran a test game with myself vs [GBC]HeadHunter, and it featured things like a single scythe charging into directly into the broadside of a 6-strong slasher line -- literally the worst-case engagement -- and making cost.

Bonus point is that Scythes also can snipe Domis.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Ok thx. That sound like a good way for cloaky to beat slashers.
+0 / -0
this is treating the symtom, not the disease.

the disease is the situationally grossly OP domi, which massively hardcounters the counters to the slasher. No other unit can kill a 350m unit and give your opponent a 350m unit within a few seconds, and then be able to do it again 10s later. the slasher itself is easily over run by most facs.

cloakies: scythes followed by glaives
sheilds: dirtbags, thugs and rogues
jumpies: pyro + jack situationally/ but as part of a compush you're screwed
LV: ravagers
spiders: cudgels situationally/low density, mostly you're screwed
HV: reaper
amph: you're screwed
+2 / -0

11 years ago
Domi thread time? I head rumors that sak wants to change it into a LLT range disruptor beam skirmisher (probably because he hates the rest of the units in the factory and never wants to see them built).
+6 / -0

11 years ago
Capcar damage-capacity is measured by buildtime instead of health. Could that be a source of the problem?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Domi thread time 100%

and for the record, I think slasher balance is about right. Its slightly too effective in some situations (like comrush on an 8x8) but it has counters
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Your commander is one of the best answers to early slashers in 1v1.

A counter attack with 5 slashers worth of glaives can straight out win you the game too.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
^ only if you have a recon commander imo
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Isn't it possible to counter slashers and dommi by hammers and glaves?
+1 / -0

11 years ago
hammers.. never tried
glaives.. only if you flank or distract them while you close
+0 / -0

11 years ago
problem is the situation where one player makes raiders during the first minutes and the other slashers. If you don't recognize the situation quickly enough you en up in a situation where you only have glaives vs those slashers. It might be too later to get the hammers rolling.
Hammers are pretty useless besides shooting static stuff. You need more hammers than your opponent has slashers to stop them effectively i think.

I'm not a big fan of them when not shooting turrets. They die too easily.
The other guy can add raiders to his army, then your hammers are useless again.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Hammers are pretty useless besides shooting static stuff.

Here we go. Slasher cannot attack while they are moving, so they should move or get killed by hammers.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
How about making domi immobile (or very slow) after a capture or during a capture? They already synergize with slashers :)

About Slashers: Maybe they will get nerfed after planes.
+0 / -1
It says something unfortunate that engaging the LV skirm with the Cloakybot skirm isn't an option. Poor poor Rockos, nobody loves you... for some pretty darned good reasons.
+0 / -0
Haha I just want to see the dominatrix destroyed, which means replacing it with absolutely anything that is not the Domi. The problem is that it's sort of a niche, high-skill Ravager counter in a mirror match, so presumably people would still want there to be something to disrupt Ravager spam....

The Dominatrix attacks in cost not in HP AFAIR, so it's great vs assaults.

Slasher is still possibly OP, even if it is countered by assaults, the way it allows vehicles to totally skip static defense and still push into your defense line later on (since Slasher is semi-arty) is a bit good...
+3 / -0
I think the problem with rockos vs. slasher is the slasher outrange rockos. And rockos die faster than slasher.
And they are slower than slashers.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
In a test of unmicroed rockos vs slashers to the last man, rockos can actually win. But of course, that never happens in reality.
+0 / -0
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