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Lobby Feature Request: Shared Player ID's

3 posts, 750 views
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Older lobbies had the ability to allow multiple players to share the same player ID's. This allows several players to control the same army, spawn with the same commander, and share control of all assets.

This feature was especially useful for teaching games, where a skilled player and a newbie would share control of an army. The skilled player would spend most of the game not giving orders, but rather giving suggestions using ally chat, points, and map-drawing. The skilled player would also have the option to step in and do something important when the newbie was neglecting it.

The ability to share player ID's would be extremely useful for teaching new players. If necessary, this option could be locked by default and only enabled using a special lobby option.
+8 / -0

11 years ago
Springie used to allow it, but apparently it was removed because the autobalancer had a hard time handling 2elos1team. I asked about it some time ago, the suggested solution was to leave lobby as is and implement it ingame in a hacky gadget solution (springie does /cheat -> player does /team -> springie undoes /cheat).
+0 / -0

11 years ago
ledarsi is correct.

Best way to use this training method with /cheat and /team #
+0 / -0