--- +1 / positive ---
CA award.
50% of the resources of the CA award player excessed.
Most damage dealt per metal spent.
Most resources produced ( excess only counted if it can be used by your team mates )
--- -1 / negative ---
friendly fire award.
lowest metal energy usage ( excess counted as usage ) if under 30% of the average.
start the same vote three times without 2 other votes between the starts.
--- Abuse possible / Fair ? ---
I think this respect ECO player in Chicken games too.
No one can deny positive awards for any player and no one can vote for a negative award for a player.
--- Positive Effects ---
You get a little bit more metal than your team mates ( alter the award calculation to compensate that ).
You get a storage for free ( placed next to your com at the start of the game ).
Your markers get a special look for your very good rating.
Positive awards raise your rating slower.
Terraform costs less metal.
--- Negative Effects ---
You can get kicked with less votes.
You get less metal than your team mates ( alter the award calculation to compensate that ).
Your markers get a special look for your very bad rating.
You can't build MissleSilos, Ultimatuum, Silencer ( teamkill units ).
You can build Fusions / Singularities only if you have low energy excess over time and it's not a chicken game.
Terraform, Storages costs more metal.
Negative awards lower your rating slower.