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Some models really need replacements

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13 years ago
I'm still hoping you to replace some of those ugly models. You could start with juggernauth to be replaced with beheriths sumo:

Next on the list could be some of the turrets like defender. You could try for example this:

Visually zero-k has a problem of inconsistency. By using beheriths, cremuss' and mr.bob models you could be a huge step ahead as they together work pretty well.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I don't think the Juggernaut is ugly, at least in comparison to the Bantha, or the Detriment, both of which look incredibly odd and move almost arthritically (I guess the problem is that they're bipedal, so their wierdness is more noticable). But I agree that Z-K has horrible inconsistency when it comes to unit appearances.

For example, the Cloaky Bots are all recognisable by their very similar, very humanoid structure, and their dark colouration. Until, of course, you get to the Hammer, which uses a completely different chassis to the rest of the Cloaky Bots, and is a light grey, just to make it look even more out of place. It would look much better, IMO, if it was a Rocko model with an arm swap. And there's also the Sharpshooter, which is the right colour and vaguely humanoid, but also a completely different shape. It looks like the person making the models just never got around to the last two. Which is a shame, because a full set would've looked awesome, and Hammers seem to be one of the most commonly-spammed units from that factory.

Shield bots all look different from one another, although they keep a fairly consistent colour scheme, and they at least make an effort to not look humanoid. The Vandal seems to be a shade of grey too light, though, if I remember correctly.

And the Jumpjets/Specialists... just... ouch.

Too tired to go into the rest of the factories, but you get the idea. It would be nice to see each factory's units have a definitive "theme". It'd make the game look a bit more polished.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I intended to make the spherebot version of the sniper and hammer, but there is a general chorus of 'They all look the same, i cant tell them apart!' and 'not ANOTHER spherebot' so didnt (or havent yet).

I'm not sure we should be using mr.bobs models, they are intended for the BA remake. I also honestly feel that by recycling the same texture like this, they have the same problem as the spherebots in using an identical pallette (Even if texture allocation is different), and are mostly monochrome (Teamcolour + black). Other units can have slight variations in the palette to ensure you can tell them apart. Still, i guess if they are better looking and open source...

Anyway, if you want to help with this, getting models ingame is one of the easier tasks of moddev.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
One of the things on my never-gonna-get-to-it-todo list would be to make a second spherebot base model for cloakables. Then you could convert the pike-bot, the sniper, the cloak-generator and the rector to a new model... and make a quadruped for the two cloakable spiders.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I think our MT model is better.

Behesumo problem is that it doesn't have enough guns to go with our current unit design for Jugglenaut, although we could always do something novel with the design (what, I'm not sure exactly - anyone have any zany ideas?)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
It would be good to have different themes for each lab, so that we can see if any unit comes out of the light veh or the tank lab.

But we don't really need different themes for different layers ( Air | Gun ... )

I think the ships are very consistent, the subs don't really have a chance to get inconsistency and the hovers only fail with Penetrator.

Is it hard to only change the color of this unit?


The sniper model is a personal cloak unit shouldn't be so high.
What's a sniper witch can even shot and hold cloak let's decloak itself by Avengers and gunships?

If it isn't moving it should get a higher accuracy.
( Like Crabe's armour buffs. )
+0 / -0

13 years ago
> Visually zero-k has a problem of inconsistency.
I don't think so. I value interesting model design and differentiability when playing over consistency. Some consistency is good but the way it is sometimes used makes consistency a euphemism for "can't tell the units apart and I'm not fixing it".

To me nothing stands out as inconsistent in a bad way. If you think the shieldbots are inconsistent and need changing we're never going to agree.

I agree the ugly models should be replaced. My definition of ugly is probably different. Here is a list off the top of my head with a lose ordering of most important first.

Bantha: The one just drops below my threshold of prettiness. Design is ok but not great. It's the only model really think needs replacing.

Doomsday Machine: The quality is debatable and to me the unit design is very very poor. The structure isn't even a Cylinder when closed, it makes no sense. Due to these 2 factors I even prefer the OTA DDM.

Det: Ok design, model and texture are a bit ugly.

Penetrator: Doesn't fit that well with hovers and could have a more interesting design.

Spiders (Weaver, Venom, Recluse): I think the unit design is spot on though they could have better implementation. The texture change made them look far better. I will (and have) revert replacement models with inferior design.

On the general models from those artists you suggest.

Beheriths model's a generally good; they're not too serious and can be interesting. I think we're using morty, dom, spy and 'crasher' (as a spider assault).

I have considered creating a role so that we can use Beherith's Sumo from that model screenshot. The Sumo model does not look heavy enough for the Jugglenaut so I prefer our current one which does look a lot better with the texture, I thought it needed replacing before textures were redone. Anyway Sumo could be a Mech level pouncing fast attack unit from the look of the design.

The heavy AA model is nice as well but idk what kind of role it would have. Spiders don't really need another unit but I'm open to suggestions.

Cremuss makes really nice buildings but they are a bit generic and don't quite match our style. Idk if he's made any units and we already have a set of buildings.

Mr Bob's stuff is imo bland and samey. He makes some nice stuff but I wouldn't take it over most of what we've got currently. It looks as if he is restricted by OTA unit designs, the textures (only 2ish colours) and realism (the models are gritty and don't exaggerate unit roles).

Take Mr Bob's defender, it's not the model for a paper thin turret. The lack of differentiation makes it look generic.

We've yet to see what Mr Bob does with Arm, maybe he will use a less gritty style and that will fit more with ZK. He may make a nice set of Spiders or a Bantha. He'll probably make some T3 and they should be decent so we could flesh out the mechs or get more commander chassis.

+0 / -0
13 years ago
Current 'experimental/mech' models (Bantha, Detriment, Juggle) are largely old, from times of TA, and really needs new replacements. People familiar with the TA find it very uneasy to see inconsistency like that. Furthermore, experimental units, as they are, should be interesting to 'experiment'. Now they feel boring.

So I disagree you with that bit DanteLorel, but agree with the rest.

Zero-K could try to be consistent at least in "Lab" level so that each factory or branch of tech would be visually 'a whole' thus forming a particular theme.
Currently theres always some oddballs crammed into the theme otherwise consistent - like the mentioned hammer and penetrator. Hover lab is imo good textbook example of how one unit can break consistent design/theme.

I dont know who made the hammer and penetrator and rest of the white textured ones, but they seem to be the biggest problem here. They might work very well together as a one theme, but currently them scattered around everywhere breaks the big picture.

I like the spherebots. They might have problem of differentiation, but thats in my opinion mostly because the units are so small. You could overcome this by using a slightly different forms of bodies and scale up them a bit. I encourage you to develop speherebot theme further Licho.

Bob's models have a problem with textures, not with the models themselves. You might be right with the Bob models being not good for ZK but let's see how he succeeds with the experimentals - you might find something usable there.

But apparently you guys are very aware of the issue here. I was afraid that you are fine with the current situation.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
And one more thing: Gunships are IMO most inconsistenct combination. The overall feeling is confused, disconnected and just sad.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think you are making problem where it isint. Whats wrong with hammers or sniper? Well I never been fan of "pretty graphics" Penetrator fits perfectly too, it is most powerful unit, so why it should blend with all others. Where is problem models which are still from TA or whatever wrong license.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I understand the can't-tell-them-apart issue, but I don't think it's really a problem for the Cloaky Bots, since their weapons all look noticably different, and are all in different poses (not to mention their size differences).

Also, I agree about the Penetrator, and the Gunships. The gunships just look like they need a consistent colour scheme, at the moment it seems that half of them are black and half of them are white. And the Black Dawn doesn't look like it actually has anywhere to launch missiles from...
Love the Krow, though.

+0 / -0

13 years ago
To clarify, I agree that the Penetrator is ugly and doesn't fit. And it looks far too tough compared to the other hovercraft, considering how easily it dies.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
The thing is, the people you mentioned, crem, mr bob, behe: they dont have models for the problem areas you mentioned, such as gunships. We could add behes bots in to fill the gaps in our lineup (As we have) but they dont match the lineup of any specific fac, again just making a hodge-podge of inconsistency. The Can isnt melee, the pyro looks armoured rather than jumpjetty- and maackey worked hard to make that model set (And the defender), even if it as incomplete and sometimes spotty, and we try to encourage the work of in-house designers who work specifically for us.

Crems models are the same. You can see the geo and the planetwars structures. They are just so... different. Very dark black everywhere with yellow panels. It looks nothing like the rest of the game. And again: What would we use them for? This set wasnt made for us.

On the other hand, you know, when i make gunships- I KNOW what gunship i have. Even whizzing about at a distance. I wish i had that kind of visual coherency with my spherebots (BTW, licho doesnt model!). They look like a fruit basket but they're better than identical models with weapon swaps.

On another spherebot model: I've thought a lot about increasing the texture size of the spherebot texture, and making a darker copy of the spherebot texture with a different, less glowing teamcolour arrangement. This way, i can make the shoulder pads on the rocko dark, while the legs on the glaive are dark. Mix and matching this way will probably help with distance recognition (scythe cloaker and sniper would of course be wholly dark). Another thing that will really help is different scripts, so they each have a different feel. The warrior is instantly recognisable just because of the way it walks.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
When I get a well-mixed army of SphereBots I find I often get lost trying to pick them out. The big ones like the antiswarm and the assault do fine, but the rest get a little harder to spot.

It's fine when you've got one alone - it's not that theyr'e impossible to distinguish. The problem is just that, once massed, it's hard to pick out the greebles that identify the unit-types.

A part of me would love to take the brute-force approach: colour-code the weapons. It would be stylistically hideous, but it would make unit-differentiation much easier. Dark red guns mark raiders, salmon pink marks anti-swarm, bright yellow marks cons, medium-orange marks anti-air, dark green marks skirmshers, purple marks artillery, blue marks assault. Then you could easily pick out your team's mix at a glance, and since only the weapon is coloured not the whole chassis, you still get faction differentiation.

Notice that Starcraft 1 did this - 3 of the 4 terran infantry units had nealy-identical silhouettes (Medic, Marine, Firebat) so they coloured them differently (White, Dark grey, Red).
+0 / -0
13 years ago
"I think you are making problem where it isint. Whats wrong with hammers or sniper? Well I never been fan of "pretty graphics" Penetrator fits perfectly too, it is most powerful unit, so why it should blend with all others. Where is problem models which are still from TA or whatever wrong license."

Now this statement is pretty akward. Are you basically saying that you agree that theres a big inconsistency around, but it's not a problem, cos only that matters is the gameplay and the fact that one can identify units easily? That might be true in your case, but not mine. I do care graphics.

And on the other hand consistency doesn't mean blending and non-identity unless you want so. You really can create consistent, a whole set of units without suffering any loss in identifiability.

I tell you what is the problem with current situation, with all the wrong license or TA derived units whatever: The feeling of incompleteness and the feeling of 'higgledy-piggledy' (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/higgledy-piggledy / Found a nice word to desrcribe it :)

And whatsoever, I personally, while we lack of good consistent units with high identifiability, prefer blendness over identifiability because it makes me feel that the game is complete.

Sorry Saktoth, I credited wrong guy :>

Actually, now hearing almost all of you developers, I'm afraid that you guys lack of mutual vision of how the game should look like in artistic way.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
You think inconsistency in Mech should be fixed? I don't think so, Mechs are crazy large things and they don't come from a normal factory. They're often built one at a time for a specific purpose so can afford to be individuals.

Unless of course you mean the inconsistency of many Mechs looking crap while the other units don't. That should be fixed, just by default I read 'design' inconsistency when there are no qualifiers.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I'm curious - are there any plans to rename or even replace the TA-units that have been replaced with TA-remake models?

I mean, the Tank lab is 90% TA-remakes (Mr. D, wasn't it?) and still sports the TA names to the units.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Anyone can come up with good names.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I can't come up with a single good name.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I can come up with a lot of bad names.
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