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ZeroWars v1.52

By petturtle

made for zero-k
Size: 16 x 6


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5 years ago
  • Feeding is very bad, increasing the amount you can get annoyed at teammates.
  • Why are the base structures still unblocking? The game ends with friendly fire a lot of the time.
  • Level up restoring health ends up creating lot of BS. For example if two ducks fight then one levels up and the other dies.
  • Base building is frustrating because often I will place a structure then come back to find that the order was cancelled.
  • Assist lacks nanospray, making it hard to keep track of where my resources are going.
  • My Duck commander defaults to Maneuver and Selection Rank 2, both things that I do not want.
  • My units default to Hold Position because I want it this way for normal ZK, but that setting seems bad here.
+4 / -0

5 years ago

The Duck is fairly good.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
The upgrade logic is not checked serverside. With high ping you can duplicate things. Here is a screenshot where I screwed myself by getting a few copies of mini-laser through clicking too fast.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
nice feedback googlefrog. good to see both game modes and devs do not conflict with each-others interests and people can work together to offer help and advice

i may also add that ai can be really stupid with some of the units =P
but it would be an eternity of work to fix it.. just little things like lance saving its shot to shoot targets with more health then a glave
+1 / -0
5 years ago
Those order cancellations are caused by the structures being too close to each other or a platform edge, aka, the game tells you there is space but there isn't. I assume this is some kind of mapping issue.

I am sure this happens to fusions, but I am unsure if it affects any other structures. Leave a tiny gap between them and anything else, including the platform edges, to be sure.
+0 / -0

5 years ago

There is a maximum level.
+0 / -0
  • Many of the small units are just food for Duck and should not be built. It is sometimes the time to press an advantage with small units so they are not invariably bad.
  • It is just about impossible to level up a Duck after a poor start. Nothing is available to be last hit.
  • There is no variance in where I spawn.
+1 / -0
As of now, the middle mex is a trap most of the time. I suggest you remove the metal income and make that middle area give experience for commanders so they will struggle at least to get experience there and not something else.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
Played this for many hours today at 1v1, 3v3, 6v6, and LobvLob. I think it's really well put together and balanced for a new original game mode. Having to micro a Duck while building your wave is a fun challenge.

In a team game all of the factories are worth using. In 1v1 Heavy Factory seems like the strongest pick right now. Cyclops is a solid heavy and the factory's weaknesses are covered by no-factory units and midgame air flex. The units in Heavy Factory suffer the least from lack of D-gun, the heavies of other factories (Krow, Paladin, Dante, Scorpion) suffer a lot of value and should maybe be rebalanced a bit to compensate.

Badger might be a little bit too good in this format. I wouldn't miss it if it went away or were exclusive to a factory.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
Maybe I can articulate why Badger is good here.

It fills multiple roles and does so at little risk.

First off, it's artillery and does chip damage at long range. That's fine, there's a place for artillery here.

The second role is one normally filled by your chaff units like Glaive, Dirtbag, Puppy, etc. That's drawing fire away from your frontline and baiting the shots of long reload units like Cyclops, Crab, Lance, Ducklazer, and so on. Best case is you cause some friendly fire. When you do this with a Glaive that's fine, it's disposable and can be farmed for XP. But Badgers are artillery so they have opportunity to snowball into a huge cluster of never-ending free chaff that sticks around if you don't shoot it.

In a 3v3 you can do quite well filling one of your platforms with nothing but Badgers. This might be true of other units, but Badger doesn't even require a premium factory.
+1 / -0
Tech-Tree with the OPTIONAL Chicken Factory

Morphing an adv. factory costs 400 metal (and energy)
Advanced Factories do not lose the ability to build the basic units.

Unit statistics in game: hold SPACE and left click on
either the unit itself or it's icon in the factory build panel

Chicken units:
Chicken; Leaper; Spiker; Dodo; Pigeon;
Cocatrice; Basilisk; Blimpy; White Dragon;

Firefly (1st in Air) Viper (1st in Adv Air)
Unused units in Zero-K:
Grebe (3rd in Adv Light) has no page on the Zero-K wiki
Dampener (4th in Adv Medium) has no page on the Zero-K wiki (it is similar to the Badger)
Eclipse (5th in Adv Air)
Nebula (6th in Adv Air)

Individual unit changes from the base game:
Nebula has no shields and drones, however it has increased damage and range

Some units (unused, drones, chicken) may not work properly, or have missing unit AI features.

Duck commander upgrades:
Missile (base weapon), Laser (additional weapon), Armor (+HP), S.L.A.M. (additional missile weapon)
+5 / -0
Agreed with all of the feedback.

It would be interesting if the duck couldn't be controlled by ai and only could be controlled in FPS mode :D

My suggestion for chickens tech tree. Provided that many chicken units come in thematic pairs, I decided that having them ability to morph to their stronger coutnerparts would be cool and unique among factories.

+0 / -0

5 years ago
issue with morph is not all units are the same size, so if you morph chicken to cockatrice it will cause collision issues
+0 / -0
I planned to make all morphable units take the same footsize.

Here's workable snippet with base units I proposed without morphing, as I've hit the tweakunits limit length:

Here's wip version of the snippet with all chickens, still without morphing as I'm not sure whats the correct way to add it (some morphs are in unitdefs, some are somewhere else ???).

+0 / -0

5 years ago
Turns out I played 21 games yesterday. Here is my impression of balance.

The red units are just food for Ducks that are managing to level as the game progresses. Making them actively harms your team. There may be some very niche cases where an efficient red unit can be used to push an advantage and win, or some sort of timing push. For example Ronin may be able to kill the turret early (however Fencer is likely better for this).

I saw a lot of Gull rush and think it is overrated. Gulls can look impressive but they rarely achieve any objectives - namely gaining XP or killing enemy structures. A Gull wave could be useful for displacing an early mex capture. The Gull wave is often countered by a small amount of AA and the enemy Ducks learn to move back slightly in preparation for your wave spawn. Battle Drones (the disruptor drone) is a midgame version of Gull.

I have marked Nimbus, Nebula and Cyclops as amazing because these units are some of the only (relatively cost effective) ways to consistently hinder enemy Ducks. The Cyclops slow damage is useful even if its main gun does not hit. Iris is amazing because it allows Ducks to sneak up and assassinate these units, even Nebula.

Phantom and Lance are decent but mostly force Ducks to take a few levels of health. Randomly killing a Duck is not as good as forcing Ducks to stay back, as is achieved by the amazing units.

Detriment seems very situational since most chaff is food. Ultimatum counters it. High level Ducks can also deal quite a bit of damage to it since it prioritises firing at Nebula over ground units.

With the leveling commanders this is the first version that I personally feel is worth playing. I would say the biggest design flaw currently is that a low level Duck is impossible to level later in the game.

  • Ducks do not change in hitvolume size as they level. Perhaps this is good from a balance perspective, but you should think about whether this makes sense or is a bug. It looks like you are using the code from my Dante video.
  • The worst thing about this version is making a queue only to find that your structures were cancelled. I have said to my team that I appear to be unable to make a particular factory, even though I have the room, and must request them to make the factory on a different platform. This also occurs for units. The factories are just generally too large.
  • If the Prevent Lab Hax customparams are causing the issue then you should just delete all of them.
  • If you have included some sort of AllowUnitCreation code then you should replace most of it with Spring.SetSquareBuildingMask from https://springrts.com/wiki/Lua_SyncedCtrl#TerrainTypes and the metal spots gadget.
+4 / -0
5 years ago
Some units make more sense in combination. If you want a Crab to do work, put a couple of Jacks or Halberds in front to block for it while it bunkers. If you want any riot or raider to survive long enough to shoot, combine with Iris.

It seems important for every wave to have some high HP units to soak and push back enemy skirmishers and artillery. Halberd is par excellence for this. I haven't tried Specialist Factory in 1v1 but suspect it might be on par with Heavy Factory.
+1 / -0
AUrankAdminGoogleFrog jacks are "Good" if you know where to place them and if you know what unit state to use. The same goes for Halberds and I will personally put snipers one tier down because they deal tons of friendly fire and they cluster from the fight AI.
+0 / -0
Detriment seems very situational since most chaff is food. Ultimatum counters it. High level Ducks can also deal quite a bit of damage to it since it prioritises firing at Nebula over ground units.

This reads like you have been using Detriment as a combat unit that shoots enemy with guns.

This is misuse. Or at least, this is not how it was practically used before Ducks came.

The correct targeting priority for Detriment is not to target ground units over Nebula; it is to target nothing and just walk as deep as possible into the enemy ranks before blowing up.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
I think duck upgrades need a penalty, i think even just 200 AVAILABLE metal to hit upgrade button, will help stop ducks running away with the game.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Jacks are just food for mid to high level Ducks. They have less HP/Cost than Halberds.

EErankAdminAnarchid I saw both approaches to Detriment. Placeholder and Ultimatum counter it. Alternately, a few Ducks deal significant damage when they work together. Exploding and killing a lot of an army is not as good as it was before.
+1 / -0
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