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Current state of hosting games

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8/5/2020 11:32:33 AMGBrankPRO_rANDY before revert after revert
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1 I find the lack of ability control over a lobby I host to be quite an annoyance, and that the majority of players that want to use it for its functionality are punished because of the minority that abuse it instead of them being individually punished. 1 I find the lack of ability control over a lobby I host to be quite an annoyance, and that the majority of players that want to use it for its functionality are punished because of the minority that abuse it instead of them being individually punished.
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3 Examples I've had of missing this functionality is trying to play 2v2s with my brother, I host a game and have to state in the room title I want 2400+ WHR players and then explain to low ranked players that enter why I don't want them to play (it just wouldn't be a balanced or fun game for anyone involved). I've played high ELO 2v2s in my own hosted games and had specs after the game commandeer the room with their commands, changing the max players and I've been powerless to stop them and had to give up the room and remake (and then they followed... https://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/29969?postID=218502#218502) 3 Examples I've had of missing this functionality is trying to play 2v2s with my brother, I host a game and have to state in the room title I want 2400+ WHR players and then explain to low ranked players that enter why I don't want them to play (it just wouldn't be a balanced or fun game for anyone involved). I've played high ELO 2v2s in my own hosted games and had specs after the game commandeer the room with their commands, changing the max players and I've been powerless to stop them and had to give up the room and remake (and then they followed... https://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/29969?postID=218502#218502)
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5 "But rANDY, just make a passworded room!" - This means I have to message every prospective player the password (annoying for people who don't want to play), and may miss players coming online that would like to play, and people with password filter on would miss seeing the battle in battle list. It also stops spectators coming in to watch. 5 "But rANDY, just make a passworded room!" - This means I have to message every prospective player the password (annoying for people who don't want to play), and may miss players coming online that would like to play, and people with password filter on would miss seeing the battle in battle list. It also stops spectators coming in to watch.
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7 "Just use !proposebattle, rANDY!" this is a tool that is not as good as hosting a game, it relies on all your potential players watching the chat and a slow moving chat, it needs the players to be online when the link is first sent out, it stops specs that don't meet the requirements from watching. 7 "Just use !proposebattle, rANDY!" this is a tool that is not as good as hosting a game, it relies on all your potential players watching the chat and a slow moving chat, it needs the players to be online when the link is first sent out, it stops specs that don't meet the requirements from watching.
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9 esainane hosted a game with proposebattle last week with a minelo setting, I loaded up ZK a few mins after he had done so, so couldn't see the link in the zk main chat. I had to ask him to type it again, but clicking his new !proposebattle link didn't help me join his battle room. When we finally got a game going and esainane disconnected/crashed part way through, he could not rejoin his own battle room for the next game. 9 esainane hosted a game with proposebattle last week with a minelo setting, I loaded up ZK a few mins after he had done so, so couldn't see the link in the zk main chat. I had to ask him to type it again, but clicking his new !proposebattle link didn't help me join his battle room. When we finally got a game going and esainane disconnected/crashed part way through, he could not rejoin his own battle room for the next game.
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11 Lobster pot may be the default game as a result of there being too many artificial and unnecessary barriers to players hosting the types of games they want and having the power to enforce. If individuals abuse these functionalities, please punish them instead of the player that wish to use them in them normally. 11 Lobster pot may be the default game as a result of there being too many artificial and unnecessary barriers to players hosting the types of games they want and having the power to enforce. If individuals abuse these functionalities, please punish them instead of the players that wish to use them normally.