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B1232285 2 on Red Comet Remake 1.7 (Multiplayer)

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11/11/2021 12:50:44 PMAUrankAdminGoogleFrog before revert after revert
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1 Shield does seem to have trouble here. I'd say it is most due to Bandit not quite having enough range to engage and gang up on Kodachi easily. It even lost some of its range advantage with the introduction of the fire-towards-enemies state for Kodachi. I'm not so sure that Bandit can afford to be generally better, or Kodachi generally worse, in other matchups, so I'd like to see some more exploration and experimentation. Perhaps send Bandits in groups from the start rather than let them get picked off. Maybe an early Thug + Outlaw to apply raiding pressure is effective. 1 Shield does seem to have trouble here. I'd say it is most due to Bandit not quite having enough range to engage and gang up on Kodachi easily. It even lost some of its range advantage with the introduction of the fire-towards-enemies state for Kodachi. I'm not so sure that Bandit can afford to be generally better, or Kodachi generally worse, in other matchups, so I'd like to see some more exploration and experimentation. Perhaps send Bandits in groups from the start rather than let them get picked off. Maybe an early Thug + Outlaw to apply raiding pressure is effective. It shouldn't take too long for some focused testing to get a feel for other options, and it would help hone in on what might need changing.
2 \n 2 \n
3 https://clip2net.com/clip/m330814/96111-clip-369kb.jpg 3 https://clip2net.com/clip/m330814/96111-clip-369kb.jpg
4 Technically, range is based on the distance to the centre of the target, not the edge. It is expected that Bandit doesn't shoot here. 4 Technically, range is based on the distance to the centre of the target, not the edge. It is expected that Bandit doesn't shoot here.