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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
6/20/2024 7:46:02 PMCArankGalamesh before revert after revert
6/20/2024 7:28:20 PMCArankGalamesh before revert after revert
6/20/2024 7:20:32 PMCArankGalamesh before revert after revert
6/20/2024 7:19:13 PMCArankGalamesh before revert after revert
Before After
1 I'm actually going to go the other way. 1 I'm actually going to go the other way.
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3 I think your suggestions are, dare I say it, nice. They're nice in a "this is an interesting thought exercise" kind of way. 3 I think your suggestions are, dare I say it, nice. They're nice in a "this is an interesting thought exercise" kind of way.
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5 That being said, there are usually one of, or both two things people want out of forum posts: start a discussion, gain recognition. 5 That being said, there are usually one of, or both two things people want out of forum posts: start a discussion, gain recognition.
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8 If you just want to be admired then nobody has any control over what others will think of what you post. All you can do is put it out there and see how people reply. That being said, you can be recognized for in game skills or just overall knowledge, but generally, respect will come out of what you manage to acheive. If you're still new and you already want to be admired, well, from whom? People who have been doing this longer than you and are better than you? Tough call. 8 If you just want to be admired then nobody has any control over what others will think of what you post. All you can do is put it out there and see how people reply. That being said, you can be recognized for in game skills or just overall knowledge, but generally, respect will come out of what you manage to acheive. If you're still new and you already want to be admired, well, from whom? People who have been doing this longer than you and are better than you? Tough call.
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11 I'm going to be good faith and assume that you genuinely think your ideas are good and you want others to discuss them, regardless of if they admire you or not. 11 I'm going to be good faith and assume that you genuinely think your ideas are good and you want others to discuss them, regardless of if they admire you or not.
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13 Let's use your spectator cheating post as an example. We're not in your head. How were we supposed to know you meant to use it the way you indended? Reading your original post, how many possible interpretations do you think varying levels of experienced players could interpret this? 13 Let's use your spectator cheating post as an example. We're not in your head. How were we supposed to know you meant to use it the way you indended? Reading your original post, how many possible interpretations do you think varying levels of experienced players could have?
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15 Before you ask a question like that, it helps to stop and ask yourself what other information can I add so the people who respond have the proper context? Well, it turns out there already is a game mechanic that does what you suggested, and it's called handicap. If two players of uneven skills are matched, handicap will either bring the better player down or lift the lower player up in an attempt to narrow the skill difference. 15 Before you ask a question like that, it helps to stop and ask yourself what other information can I add so the people who respond have the proper context? Well, it turns out there already is a game mechanic that does what you suggested, and it's called handicap. If two players of uneven skills are matched, handicap will either bring the better player down or lift the lower player up in an attempt to narrow the skill difference.
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17 We have such a mechanic in this game, and it provides an eco boost to the lower skilled player. 17 We have such a mechanic in this game, and it provides an eco boost to the lower skilled player.
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19 With that context in hand, a better way of phrasing your question would be: What if instead of eco, the handicap mechanic provided more vision to the lower skilled player? How? Here are different suggestions: 19 With that context in hand, a better way of phrasing your question would be: What if instead of eco, the handicap mechanic provided more vision to the lower skilled player? How? Here are different suggestions:
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21 1 - A button with a 5 minute cooldown that reveals the entire map 21 1 - A button with a 5 minute cooldown that reveals the entire map
22 2 - All units and buildings have double the vision 22 2 - All units and buildings have double the vision
23 3 - The lower ranked player has access to a specific radar that, once built, reveals a very large portion of the map 23 3 - The lower ranked player has access to a specific radar that, once built, reveals a very large portion of the map
24 4 - Spectators can freely reveal information to the lower ranked player 24 4 - Spectators can freely reveal information to the lower ranked player
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26 See? This is much easier to engage with. There is now a well defined, specific topic with specific suggestions. People can compliment or object to some, most or all of it while providing specific counter arguments. 26 See? This is much easier to engage with. There is now a well defined, specific topic with specific suggestions. People can compliment or object to some, most or all of it while providing specific counter arguments.
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28 Which brings me to another thing that helps. What I am about to suggest, has it been tried before? In this game? In another game? Can I used that as comparison? 28 Which brings me to another thing that helps. What I am about to suggest, has it been tried before? In this game? In another game? Can I used that as comparison?
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30 I think you're creative, but you're communicating it very badly. If you can fix your posts in such a way that someone who isn't in your head has a chance to see your idea the same way you do, you might not get the approval you seek but you won't gear nearly as much downvotes and meme replies. 30 I think you're creative, but you're communicating it very badly. If you can fix your posts in such a way that someone who isn't in your head has a chance to see your idea the same way you do, you might not get the approval you seek but you won't gear nearly as much downvotes and meme replies.