



Last battles
2596 played, 1115 watched, 29 missions

Posted threads
5 posts in 0 threads

Poll votes
- What would your preferred maximum match size be on the team vs. team autohosts? : 8v8-10v10
- Should PlanetWars stop until weekend? : Yes, PlanetWars should only run during weekends
- If Zero-K lobby only starts through steam with steam account : I would play less
- Morphing was removed from the game recently, what is your stance on morphing? : Bring it back, but only after fixes GoogleFrog asked for
- The Nuke Bomber is going to be renamed, Eagle is to be dropped and we would like something dragony. Pick your favourite: : Wyvern
First Login: 14 years ago, Last Login: 2 hours agoForum karma: +2 / -0
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