to be a lobster!
to be a crustacean!
Lob! Lob Lob!
Teenage Mutant Ninja
Last battles
445 played, 131 watched, 0 missionsB757371 1 on DesertCliffsV1
B722738 1 on Fifteen Platforms v1
B722722 1 on FrozenPlanetV3
B718734 1 on Avalanche v3.1
B718723 1 on Iced Coffee v4.3
B716609 4 on Wanderlust v03
B716572 4 on DarkSide Remake
B716567 2 on TitanDuel 2.2
B716302 3 on Intersection v4.1
B716297 4 on Valles_Marineris_v2
Posted threads
39 posts in 6 threadsNot sure what changed but ZK is broken as !@#$
Map Shifting Sands v1.5
Clan Teenage Mutant Ninja Lobsters!
Zero-K v1.7.3.4 - Funnelweb and Fixes
Goddes replay analysis
Ladder Madness
Flea Balance Thread
Map Quicksilver 1.1
Global mute in all games on me, cont, possible leaving
1v1 Map idea
Poll votes
- In order to be accurate, the rating system averages the results of many games. Would you like it to put more emphasis on recent games, sacrificing accuracy but allowing for faster rank changes? : I want more volatile ratings that represent my recent performance
- What would your preferred maximum match size be on the team vs. team autohosts? : 14v14-16v16
- Should PlanetWars stop until weekend? : No, keep PlanetWars running
- Should PlanetWars start again soon? : Neutral
- Do you watch replays? : yes, from other players too.
First Login: 6 years ago, Last Login: 5 years agoForum karma: +27 / -0
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