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zerok forum language switch question

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10 years ago
it is only a checkout who would / could contribute to port current zerok forums to another weblanguage like PHP (I know php has it cons and enough haters but it is more known as .NET)
I assume there would be more developers or code writers to help than there would be bug reports. To take the facts: nearly noone here knows .NET, PHP is well known and simple bug fixes like battle search or mark forums read could be fixed by more people. Current devs are busy with zerok itself (which is good and thats why we all are here)
Where could be problems when porting it to PHP. All data which is needed is in the database and the HTML / CSS could be taken over after some facelifting. :)
Much more important is what the core devs and how they would like it. They would have more time for zerok :-)
+0 / -0

10 years ago
First of all:

Do you know how many lines of code is zkinfo?

Aside from that, some elements which allow the site to communicate with nightwatch, the lobbies, etc, might be a bit harder to reimplement in PHP.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
The ability to communicate with the site must be preserved.

Failure to comply will result in termination.

Obedience is the correct behaviour.
+15 / -0
10 years ago
+0 / -0
10 years ago
+0 / -0

10 years ago
+2 / -0

10 years ago
This is so HOT!
+4 / -0

10 years ago
+0 / -0
10 years ago
The ability to communicate with the site must be preserved.

Failure to comply will result in termination.

Obedience is the correct behaviour.

Funny that CZrankAdminNightwatch is a member of Rising rather than Hegemony...
+3 / -0

10 years ago
You sure?
+0 / -0

Just checking, but would anyone be interested in rewriting thousands of lines of delicate, tightly coupled, functional legacy code into literally the worst web language in the last two decades for no specific reason in order to save time after consuming unpredictable man-hours of time in the process?

Why not just learn .NET and contribute? If writing anything in PHP seems like a good idea to you, you have much to learn.
+3 / -0
10 years ago
CZrankAdminNightwatch is NOT Rising
+1 / -0
Why not just learn .NET and contribute? If writing anything in PHP seems like a good idea to you, you have much to learn.

Because .NET is from Microsoft and in my opinion it doesn't fit to open source game.
PHP was just a starting hint. Personally I would use some python framework.
btw. there are very good websites written in php and they are still secure.

And how does Nightwatch communicates with website, isn't it using any protocol and why is an bot hardcoded in a website?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
PHP was just a starting hint. Personally I would use some python framework.
btw. there are very good websites written in php and they are still secure

You can always start your superior implementation!

why is an bot hardcoded in a website?

You can do some research and not say silly things!
+0 / -0

10 years ago
As an outside observator with no knowledge of coding stuff, I think you are quite harsh with @smaggy whose original post was not aggresive at all...
+1 / -0
I think you are quite harsh

Here's the gist:
1) @Smaggy's claim that "a bot is hardcoded into site" is erroneous.
2) anyone proposing reimplementing a project over 100 kloc in size should ideally take their time to research what they're asking for. (For reference: an older checkout of only zero-k.info, without the other components, scores at 269881 lines)
3) Making such erroneous claim is evidence to contrary.

Anyway: i'm merely suggesting that starting a project of reimplementing zkinfo does not require any permission, but someone would still have to do the work for it to happen.

Disclaimer: were such a project to gain any traction, i'd help.
+2 / -0
10 years ago

i should take terror lessons from sheep
+1 / -0