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Title: Zero-K: All Welcome
Host: CZrankSpringiee
Game version: Zero-K v1.2.12.2
Engine version: 91.0
Battle ID: 312776
Started: 10 years ago
Duration: 13 minutes
Players: 18
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 2
Chance of victory: 45.9%


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Hey there,
Why was I banned?

Failer tried to troll his own team by this game and I did nothing that could deserve a ban. I ask for independent review of this replay.

1. Failer went afk/lag from the beginning and I got his com
2. I ploped the factory from his com and reclaimed it to gain additional metal

3. Yes I buried Failer's com while it BELONGED to me(Failer wasn't in game and had never been before that moment and some time after it), nothing harmful there - it costed me 100m or so, depth was -60 or so. Easily to come back if needed and it's normal practice in some cases as I did not intend to use com and enemy had air superiority - it was just a metal cell.

4. >>low-level insults

I made nothing-meaning "!votekick Failer lag nub", I had no !votekick rights anyway

Game was SO slow(0.5) because Failer tried to rejoin and everything were lagging.
So it's actually was just one time expression of my feelings, and I do not find anything here that could deserve ban.

Also I said to him "you was afk nub".

Sure there were EXTREME insults and SEVERE violations, because I used a sacred word that no one allowed to spell - NUB [sarcasm].

5. I made singu with this metal and then started to help team
6. Failer came into game, rejected to play normally and help team started to make singu in the middle of our bases - I reclaimed it.
7. Failer TKed me.
8. He also spammed !votekick against me from the beginning of this game.

So...? For what exactly have I been banned for?
+0 / -1
If I really made something super horrible deserving 3 days ban than I think PLrankFailer made something horrible too by spamming pointless !votekick against me, making singu in the mid of the base(with the purpose of future TK), and teamkilling me with stardust.

By the way this is not the first time abuse from PLrankFailer by using !votekick, !start, spec/unspec

Recently he involved me in unwanted 1v1 game in team host by doing unspec, !start, !vote y, spec. I lost 1v1 elo because of this, he got nothing so I suppose it's acceptable behavior. How do you think?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I see nothing ban worthy in this game with respect to Firepluk. I've have done the same, reclaiming a factory of a player that left and/or doesn't join at the beginning of the game when it's sufficiently clear that he won't come at all. In this case Failer seems to just have a late start (with Firepluk probably knowing this). So the factory reclaim is not nice but in my opinion not ban worthy.

Rushing singu after you fetched up in the close vicinity of allied factories and structures looks like griefing to me though.

As I have elaborated on #zk chat I see this as a kind of unnecessary reporting when you could deescalate/solve the problem as "gaming collegues/friends" without reporting. Most of us at some point do or did something that strictly speaking could be interpreted as a violation of CoC. I've given the example of yourself being too loud in the evening in your flat, your neighbor immediately calling the police (it's his right). Instead of that, he could come over and and deescalate the situation thoughfullier. Only if things repeat within a sensible amount of time you should use the report (call the police).
+2 / -2
Ban will serve a good purpose for both, now I will have more time 2 prepare for my trip :P

See you in a month, hopefully xD
wub wub! All the best!
+1 / -0
I've given the example of yourself being too loud in the evening in your flat, your neighbor immediately calling the police (it's his right). Instead of that, he could come over and and deescalate the situation thoughfullier. Only if things repeat within a sensible amount of time you should use the report (call the police).

You're claiming that this kind of situation with sfire and/or Failer isn't a common occurence? And that you think trying to nicely de-escalate a situation with either of them carries any significant probability of success?
+2 / -0