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please list your balance problems/solutions.. even if they are 'do nothing'.

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Just a list.. Nothing more.. Probably not the best solutions.. Probably not going to be changed.. Probably not even a problem/answer to everyone.. Might be a few gems here and there.. I may have missed/misunderstood some mentioned ideas please inform me if you feel so.. You decide if you like any of the answers.. And oc post whatever you want to =)

List Key:

If a solution is contended or uncertain it is presented in '?(question-mark)?' brackets

If a problem is mentioned on multiple occasions it is proceeded by an '!(exclamation-mark) or " !! " if it is a major concern.

Balance suggestion is indicated by a " + " ~(buff) or a " - " ~(de-buff)


<|Possibly unbalanced|>

!. + Tridents
.. + Scrubber
!. + Panther
.. + Black dawn
.. + Gnat
.. + Blastwing
.. + Racketeer------(smart targeting)
.. + Faraday
!. + Swifts--------?(faster~(d-gun)/speed)?
.. + Spider fac----?(speed/raider)?
.. + Hermits--------(cost)
.. + Flea-----------(dps/Turret turn rate)
.. + Infiltrator----(sight range/speed)
.. + Archer
!. + Vulture--------(hp/regen)
.. + Placeholder----(targeting)
.. + Crane----------(speed)
.. + Dirtbag--------(cost)
!. + Hacksaw--------(reload)
!. + Gause---------?(range/regen)?
.. + Djin----------?(cloak/cost)?
.. + Detriment------(cc area walk damage)
.. + Bertha--------?(accuracy .. alternate slow accurate fire)?
.. + Shields--------(unlink)
!. + Sumo----------?(guns/jump)?
!. + Newton--------?(multi-target/Range/hp/cost)?
.. - Defender------?(range/cost/reload/hp)?
.. + Gremlin


!! + pheonix------?(stack/napalm~bombs/alternate-fire)?


Raven (slow dive speed vs units/shielded targets _@ equivalent bandit speed_)


!! - raven-------?(cost/reload-time/split-roles/targeting/dive-speed/hp/weapon)?

simplified ideas from posts that made a few specific requests.

Light transport -> athena
Radar tower -> morphs to adv radar tower
*{changed/possibly fixed}*
*Raven,, split roles: 1#.divebomber/aa/amphib-murderer and 2#.flying~ravager
*Raven,, re-purposed to be specialized
*Raven,, unable to hit moving targets
*Planes,, role related bomber classes: anti-unit/anti-building
*Planes,, role related bomber classes: 1#.heavy~bomber and 2#.light~bomber
Pheonix,, alternate fire~napalm bombs~(fire walker)
Pheonix,, small number of well spaced napalm bombs
*Pheonix,, straight line bombing (already possible)
Pheonix,, direction controllable bombing
Gremlin,, changed from AA class to scout
Hawks,, ranged A10 Thunderbird attack
Thunderbird,, stun bombs
Hawk,, re-purposed as moving target bomber
Flying battleship
Vulture,, long ranged radar
Wyvern,, shield~(d-gun)
Planes,, flares~(d-gun)~anti missile
Gunships,, anti-submersible
+1 / -0
Rebalance air... already... goddammit...

Srsly, this air spam is gettign borring.
I would even have a non-silly idea for doing this, but my lack of coding skills and GF's AUrankAdminGoogleFrog 's resistance to make Raven not an anti-everything unit prevents me from doing it.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I think raven is fine, except it looks bad because of being a melee plane.

+2 / -0
your GF or our GF? meaning if your GF could block raven redesign, she got shit hell of a reach.
+0 / -0

Problem: Spammable super-allrounder, was recently buffed even though it was already op and dominating tournaments.
Solution: Undecided. Either cost increase or range down (to stop it from dominating LLT/defender wars) or reload time up (to nerf a weakness) or reducing HP (to nerf a weakness) or anything else.

Problem: Spammable super-allrounder, ruins raidergame.
Solution: Current reload time of 5s up to 10-15 seconds (to nerf a weakness). Alternatively cost up or complete overhaul to reduce allroundishness (new word!).

(and napalm in general, but Phoenix is the biggest issue here)
Problem: 1) Napalm doesn't stack properly. There's almost no difference between using one or ten napalm bombers. 2) Whether a unit is set on fire is determined at random.
Solution: 1) Make fire's damage-over-time effect stack. Use diminishing returns if it would lead to problems without. 2) Remove randomness, replace it with a weaker fire effect that grows stronger when units are hit multiple time (eg by Pyro) or a similar solution.

Note: I didn't play ZK a lot recently, nor did I test how exactly it currently works so some of this fire-stuff might be out of date. Please let me know if that's the case.
+6 / -0
PLrankFailer, air spam was a wanted solution for zero-k, because late game planes are usles because of screamer and standard porc. You can only use them well for scouting, and for bombing but in bombing, well you lose to many ravens to make cost.

I suggest we bring the shield battleship into the game and the Eclipse, plane player needs more options. Or we can introduce micro technology for the planes :). You want your plane to survive ? Press D gun to throw flares against the screamer missile. You want your wyvern to survive a screamer shot ? Press D to burst a shield around it for 0.5 seconds.
These kind of things can help plane player micro air more and will remove the idea of air being op.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
air spam was a wanted

Do you have any evidence to back this up?
+3 / -0
I remember the threads about planes being usles late game, and the fact that they lack krow type units. Thats why they made Eclipse and that shield air battleship. And ravens are fine in my opinion...defender spam is the solution to counter them or make a DAMN Battle commander or strike commander so you wont die to 3 ravens.
+0 / -0
Also besides these units, things that need buff are :
Hacksaw--------( never saw it behaving well)

Gause turret---( kind of useless, needs more range in my opinion )

Djin-----------( cost reduction pls and cloack when not moving)

Detriment------( give it damn aoe dmg to its feet, its kind of weird to see detriment killed and attacked by fleas)

Bertha-------( i suggest 2 types of fire for it- standard not so precise shot and the accurate shot where you have 3X time reload speed for it[this will make berthas more useful])

Shields------the unlink ability
+2 / -2
The problem of Air and AA coutnering it hard, is that u need a huge amount of AA to counter it, because Ravens never-fucking-miss. You can dodge rocket, you can dodge plassma shell, you can dodge anything, but u cant dodge bomb... Wat? If light units coudl dodge bomebrs, like they can dodge skirmishers, you wouldnt need so much AA to cover every unit of yours.

Anyway, if Ravens werent so stackable (weren't immaterial) you wouldnt be able to send 100 ravens clsutered withing 10 elmo range, thus Ravens woudlnt be as powerful, thus there would be a need for many planes, with different sizes, Hp rates, bomb sizes (damages) etc etc etc, thus you would see more planes in the skies than only Ravens.

Plus making Ravens able to be dodged by raiders and fast units would make it less all-arounder than it is now.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
PLrankFailer its not my problem when @Googlefrog split the ravens into to. Before that 1 raven cost 450 metal and did 1.5X dmg. With 2 of them you could snipe a bombard, support and recon commander. Its his problem that instead of 2 planes ( that counter raids hard) he made 3 of them with same health.

So blame who made the balance not the planes itself.
+0 / -0
ok now that some problems and solutions have been named..

?who has the power to fix issues and who has the power to stop them being fixed?

Please find this being.. the one they call 'the balancer' and ask if they can be made available for reasoning.. if they cannot be found or reasoned with then perhaps they have already given reasons.. I would like to know those reasons.. so I and all of my kind.. can finally rest.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
i think i better apologise in advance.. coding this game cant be easy ..especially since its free.. i guess we could come across as demanding and ungrateful.. i think ill just say i love this game and if nothing changes ill play it np.. but if balance is on the agenda the community has some good ideas.

also i would really like it if placing pylons in a build-que showed coverage area while shift is held.. so that i can better place them.. since otherwise i have to wait for the con to start construction to know.. maybe like a light shaded area that shows potential (cued) power coverage..

+1 / -0
Ravens never-fucking-miss

wrong. try to attack anything in deeper water.
+1 / -0

9 years ago

The power is yours.
+0 / -0
The power is theirs.

Well, unless you fork.
+0 / -0
This definitely won't devolve into a neon-shitstorm of half-baked ideas.
+5 / -0
9 years ago
If there is need to balance Ravens, good start can be disallow bombing of gunships...
+2 / -2
9 years ago
That would go against CA's design principles.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
Raven already breaks that principle by being forced not to target planes despite being able to. That happens because as a de-facto melee unit it had reliability problems when attempting to bomb other planes. It has to be a melee unit though because if it isn't, people still make it melee (eg. before dive, people simply gave a stop order to lower altitidue) and it is a design principle for units to be able to perform beneficial manoeuvres by themselves. Being melee is also what makes it good against raiders (prevents dodge).
+0 / -0
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