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Muted and kicked from server for good luck widget

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Automated conversation probably destroys conversation due to psychology.

Destroys conversation due to psychology? What?

It actually PROMOTES better behavior through peer pressure (in the form of Reciprocity). Even if it is automated, it will start a trend which is easy to follow (say glhf at game start) which if left to it's own devices will start circulating as a "ritual" of sorts. Even if it's "insincere", it will still pressure others to start doing it, if others join in. Let's look at other cultural phenomena that go on in ZK:

- Lobster "spam"
* Easy to follow
* Critical mass doing it (Pressure to join in the "in-crowd" is present.)

- !resign on game start
* Easy to follow
* Sub-culture group does it (Self-identified "trolls")

- glhf
* Easy to follow
* Nobody does it (citing reasons such as "not enough time", etc.)

- Shit talk
* Easy to follow
* Everyone does it to some degree.
* Note: It's been established what is "acceptable"

Notice a pattern here? All these trends are EASY TO FOLLOW.

How behavior works in a group (Zero-K users) environment: As newbies join into community, they look into who's the doing what. If a huge group of people are doing a specific (calling others lobsters) behavior, they're more likely to perform that behavior. This is called conforming. Admins are expected to act as reinforcement of the "positive" values of the in-group (the largest sub-group, in this case "those who follow the rules"). You've set out a set of social norms on the site, but you lack actual enforcement of positive social norms. Guess where this leads? Hint: League of leggings. Now you're gonna open the flood gates here soon,

Don't believe this? Let me ask you this: why do you pay for your groceries (assuming you're an upstanding citizen)? Why do you pronounce words a certain way? Why don't you go around murdering everyone in a fit of anger?

Unfortunately, if you want a change, you have to either lead and get a first follower in a small group, or be a position of authority and get people on the same page.

Really... if something has been decided is harmful in your secret club house, why haven't you told the rest of us outsiders about it until now?

is only meaningful as an interaction if there was a decision behind it.

If something appearing to be human tells you good morning, you're extremely likely to say good morning back to it. (Un)Fortunately for us, the internet disallows us to confirm the receiving party is human.

You cannot once and for all want to say "hello" to your neighbour every time you see him, till the end of times.

Reciprocity says you will so long as the neighbor says hi to you too. It becomes sort of an "automated" decision.

It is information which can be directly seen in the game world.

It is hard for 90% of people to see everything at once. They tend to be focused on the immediate task at hand. Communicating important low level information and bringing it up is quite critical. Attention is rarely spent observing the whole picture in team games. It's generally focused on the area with the task at hand.

+7 / -0
8 years ago
@_Shaman, just do it instead of "cooking lobsters".
+1 / -0

8 years ago
It actually PROMOTES better behavior through peer pressure (in the form of Reciprocity)

making your own spammer widget and reducing a genuine glhf culture to widgets is not better behavior
+4 / -1

8 years ago
making your own spammer widget and reducing a genuine glhf culture to widgets is not better behavior

but it's not a spammer widget... -__-
and why it's not a better behavior if most of us doing basically the same thing every day irl: you unconsciously set you iternal autopilot to say "good day" to your boss/teacher/coleque/etc even if you don't like them -- just ethics. our moral principles urge us to do it. alarm clocks wake us up. greeting widgets wish luck and fun...
+0 / -0

8 years ago
and why it's not a better behavior if most of us doing basically the same thing every day irl: you unconsciously set you iternal autopilot to say "good day" to your boss/teacher/coleque/etc even if you don't like them -- just ethics. our moral principles urge us to do it. alarm clocks wake us up. greeting widgets wish luck and fun...

A better RL corollary will be having a piece of paper with "good day" above your desk, and whenever someone tells you good day, you just point your finger at it.
+12 / -0
8 years ago
A better RL corollary will be having a piece of paper with "good day" above your desk, and whenever someone tells you good day, you just point your finger at it.

this make me laught +100
+2 / -0
8 years ago
Just out of curiosity, why is

"The factory marker widget not ok." ?
Because https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/issues/1200
tl;dr: such functionality alraedy exists as option in the mod, players could turn on or off. However on top of that, some people used their own local widget version which caused annoying marker-spam for others.

The people using such markerspam widgets refused to turn if off:
"I asked some people with the spamwidget to disable it but they refused to obey."
In the end the mod had to be changed because of a few people who refused to disable their markerspam widget.

There is sometimes SO much spam (from players and game itself) pregame/at gamestart that I sometimes ignore it all.
Spam that happens at gamestart or pre-game is imo harmless, if it all happens within short time then it is easy to ignore. One line more or less makes no difference. Widget or manually typed, who cares.
Spam during the game (chat or marker or useless drawings or votes or pausing) is more disattracting.

The whole automatic-glhf-discussion has happend before, for example here:
http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/9732?postID=106569#106569 Result seems to be that automatic glhf is not truely from heart and if you do not put your heart into the chat then it how can you be a true human bean?
Which the widget writers never care about because they are more interessting in learning via their hello-world script.

Did someone yet test if muting a player kicks him
+1 / -0
On the one hand, the "point at the sign saying 'good morning'" analogy is very fitting. It removes the illusion that you actually care/meant what you said, even if it would be practical.

On the other hand, it's not hard to make a widget that is virtually indistinguishable from human-typed greetings: Aside from the timing randomization Skasi presented, you can also draw from a pool of messages (include slight spelling errors/variances for extra flavor) and maybe add a bit of weighting, a bit of date-dependency... You get the idea.

I guess with the hinted policies, our coders might be the ones finally reliably beating the Turing test?
+1 / -0

8 years ago
It's fairly easy to make a widget that would do glhf in a believable manner. The point of infliction is when you choose to disclose that it's in fact a widget.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
you can individual this widget...

if playername="xxx" then
say "Good Morning Mate...."

if playername="Firepluk" then
say "Hi Lobster xxx"

if playername="xxx" then
say "Die Nab xxx"
+2 / -0
8 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
I see why Chesti is such a tard. He is still human...
+0 / -6
You have been warned.

Next achievement will net you 3 months.
+7 / -0

8 years ago
+18 / -0
While I don't like RUrankpaShadoWn and his ''arguments'' are really irrelevant and I do agree that such widgets can be spammy, he is a bit right. DErankChesti is being a dick for quite too long time already.
+1 / -3
PLrankFailer you don't have to play in the same room or otherwise interact with every person.
+0 / -0
Lal, Saski, how am I supposed not to play with Chesti being in the same room as he is sitting there literally 24h a day? ;o
Like, seriosuely, whenever I turn ZK on he is there.

Also, even when I ignore him completely he's still spamming his annoying and completely irrelevant taunts while being a spectator. Cannot ignore ingame, sadly.
+4 / -0
Skasi: Failer you don't have to play in the same room or otherwise interact with every person admin.

we come closer

Failer: when I ignore him completely he's still spamming his annoying and completely irrelevant taunts

Matsuda: I was kicked from the server and muted, by Chesti because I (have a widget that) wishes everyone good luck at the start of the game.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Like, seriosuely, whenever I turn ZK on he is there.
With 11943 spectated* matches DErankChesti is the #1 speclooker, twice more than #2 human.
Also double of the original CHrankSpringie autohost account autohost (6305) which was used 2010-2013.

*joining & leaving counts as 1 spec. spec responsible.
+2 / -0
PLrankFailer there is more than one room. If you are being stalked by any player then create your own room and ask people-you-want-to-play-with to join you. Use passwords or !kick as you see fit. Seriously, just end the one-room-meta.

As for spectators: you can disable spec chat. Someone should probably create an ingame mute widget, but that shouldn't really be needed because see above.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Coming back from the dead to say that I quit playing because Chesti's a dick.

That is all.
+2 / -2
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