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It would be great to have save and load for multiplayer

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6 years ago
It would be great to have save and load for multiplayer. I would really love this feature and would make good use of it.

Nothing fancy is required. Have a load button, pick the save, then you are taken to the lobby with all settings in read only. The lobby teams would be set up according to the save and slots would be added for all human players (maybe even AI?) in the save. Then as people join, they can choose which human player (or maybe AI too?) they want to take over. Then you hit start and you resume your multiplayer match.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
not a Dev but I assume there are reasons that such system is not implemented even in less stringent engines.

I would also assume that this would also require the change to the server code, the lobby code and need to design new UI to accommodate your idea.

given all that, how useful would this be? would 50% of the population use it? or 5%?
+2 / -0
6 years ago
You obviously have zero experience in coding.

I cringed so hard at this "Nothing fancy is required. Have a load button, pick the save, then..." so hard I just had to write this.

This is not needed feature to begin with even something like dota 2 still didint ported theyr save load stuff and they are running big tournaments and there were crashes happening some time ago and game is like 100 times simpler. There is like 10000000 times better features to implement than this.

+4 / -0
6 years ago
You assume a lot of things. There is no need to be rude and insulting.

The complexity of implementation depends on the current design. It can be easy or hard.

The save and load is there and working 99%. All that is needed is some interface tweaks (again, easy or hard depends on current implementation). Again, the interface is already there and can be reused almost entirely.

The multiplayer and connectivity is also there and working.

Again ease and complexity depends on current design.

When I said that nothing fancy is required, I meant that. It doesn't have to have bells and whistles. I explained one possible way to do it from the UI perspective. You just assumed that I meant something else and felt compelled to comment as you basically said yourself. I never once said this is easy or hard.

This is a great feature that would be very welcome by many, especially with more users possibly coming from the steam release.
+2 / -0
6 years ago
If you think that I tried to insult you, you are wrong. It was just very funny to read. In like 8 years I never used load save in this game, never heard of anyone using it. The only thing I heard how big and impractical savefiles for multiplayer "rejoins" wouldbe and thats why in multipleyr we download replay and "rewatch/catch up" but not "savestate" like "dota". Would this be useful to new players? I doubt it.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
People all play differently. From my understanding one of the reasons for the steam release is to get more players. I am told we have a very small community here, so it's a good thing to get more players. Lots of players save and load the game, and many don't have time to play long, so having to restart a game is very frustrating.

Please don't be negative on a feature. People all value different things and play differently. Save and load is a common feature and a great feature in almost all games. Having save and load in multiplayer would be a great addition to the game that would make it better.

+0 / -0

6 years ago
LTrank[pikts]wolas maybe you don't use save/load because if you were the type of player that wanted the feature you would not have hung around. Yes, from my perspective we've generated a community of people who don't want the features that we don't have.

CArankni I don't know how easy or hard this would be. The engine deals with the low-level aspects of save/load so it would be up to it whether the save data is sent from the host to the clients correctly (or indeed, at all).
+4 / -0
6 years ago
GoogleFrog, thanks for the insight. What you say makes sense, thought I would still really love this feature, even if it's a partial implementation where I have to manually send the other person the save file before starting the game. I love playing direct IP and LAN as well with people I know. So I could live with sending them the save file in advance in the interim.

Another idea: Couldn't the save file transfer be handled the same way as the map transfer? Isn't the map transfer code in the Zero-K code? Couldn't the save be transferred to all players that join the same way?
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Another great benefit for support saving and loading in multiplayer is to allow catching up with already running games to be much quicker. Instead of transferring the replay and waiting 10 minutes to catch up with a slightly longer game with many players, this could be almost instantaneous by sending the save and then an incremental replay from the save to the current time (as is done now while you are catching up, the game is still going).

I would really love this feature in multiplayer.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Instant catch up is much more difficult than multiplayer save, for that to work the game needs to save its state in every frame of stimulation.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Fair enough. I would love multiplayer save though. Please implement it. It's a key feature for me.

Great game though. Good job everyone.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Any progress on this? This would be a great feature, and single player save is already in a good state.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
If you're really passionate about this feature, perhaps you can create a bounty offer on Spring forum?
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Not sure about this bounty system. But this would be great to have for multiplayer and might also help with single player campaign saves.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
FYI I would not expect a feature this challenging to be implemented in a timescale of days or weeks, months at minimum.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Most team MP games are under 1 hour, maybe even under 30 minutes (precise numbers can be extracted by develobsters, if needed, I guess).
If you can't spend 30 minutes to play the game, I would see problem on your side...
+3 / -0
don't assume everybody plays the same as you please. Saving is already there in single player, multiplayer save should not require much more work as compared to whats already done. I would love it if someone started working on this.

For eg. I just recently played an about 16 player game that lasted well over 1.5 hours.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
So, once more, even if it has been said already:

1.) It is unknown how much time and pain it would take to develop how that should work and then implement it, let it be tested and fix potential problems
2.) Do not assume it would be easy, just because there is singleplayer save feature already.
3.) What would happen, if you don't have the same amount of players, or exactly the same players?
4.) People play differently and as I mentioned before, most games do not take long to finish, so people MOSTLY would not save anyway. Games over 1 hour are more like anecdotal evidence, than common thing. Making feature for minority of players is IMO quite unlikely.
5.) Develobers are not paid to do so, they all do this in their free time, so unless you gonna motivate them (pay) to work on this specific task instead of any other features from list, that is already kilometer long, I can't see why they should do that instead of improving something else.
6.) Also "I would love it if someone started working on this." - if you know a skilled programmer, let him do it, game is open source and even if I can't speak for the dev-team, I assume every helping hand is welcome.

+0 / -0
1,2) It should definitely be easier given that single player save is done as opposed to no save at all. Code can be reused, at the very least ideas and issues that were encountered and fixed for single player save can carry over. So no matter how you look at it, it should save some time. Either in code reuse or things learned by doing single player save. I bet most of the code can be reused.

3) it's not a concern. It's up to the person hosting and the players joining if they care which slot they occupy. You would likely play this more more often with people you know. That they play differently or join a different slot is a choice to the people playing and has no impact on implementation aside from letting people choose their slots. If you don't have all the players, the units of that player will be given to one of the existing players same as in multiplayer now, or just given to the host. Again this is already implemented.

4) You assume a lot of things. I gave you evidence of long games and yet you still argue the point. This would be a great feature, and as AUrankAdminGoogleFrog said recently (see above), just because the existing user base of this game got used to all the missing features because they have been here for years, doesn't mean it's not a good and needed feature by new players. Expecting limitation is not a good thing.

5) I'm making suggestions for what features I, and many other players would love. I'm not saying every single player would use it, but many would. Besides, it might be easy to do. You never know. It seems like most of the pieces are there.

6) That's fair, but there is also a big learning curve, there are also no easy instructions on how to build and run the game from source. The instructions I saw somewhere said that even the assets are not available in the source repository and they have to be found somewhere else, yet it didn't say where. So there is a big cost to invest to try and do this for someone new who hasn't done it already.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
What are you arguing about? You cannot simply convince a task to be easy.
+8 / -0
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